Elsewhere on this site the famous Georgian Military Road has been discussed. This road runs through the Caucasus mountains: from Vladikavkaz in the north to Tiflis, in the south. On this part of the site more about Vladikavkaz.
The card below is also sent from Vladikavkaz, ВЛАДИКАВКАЗЪ. On the address side, it is indicated in Russian and French that the card gives a picture of the Georgian Military Road at the 'Women's Tower' at Mtscheta.
The ancient city of Mtscheta is the historic capital of Georgia and is slightly above Tbilisi / Tiflis. Between the 3rd and the 5th century, the city was the capital of Caucasian Iberia, the ancient name for the Georgian kingdom of Kartli. In Mtscheta the Georgians went on to Christianity. In the battle between the Romans and Persians, the area became just a Persian province, but divided into 582. Tbilisi came under Persian authority and Mtschata came under Byzantine authority.
The address side of the card with the postmark of ВЛАДИКАВКАЗЪ [VLADIKAVKAS] and the indication in Russian and French that the card gives a picture of the Georgian Military Road at the 'Women's Tower' at Mtscheta.
This picture and all pictures below on this page, if not mentioned otherwise: scanned about 300 dpi. Then set right and cut out, resized 25 % of this image and saved as jpg.
Card, sent 1930: still the postmark of ОРДЖОНИКИДЗЕ [ORDZHONIKIDZE]. The card goes to Yelets or Elets. On the address-side the description of the image: ВОЕННО-ГРУЗИНСКАЯ ДОРОГА [VOENNO-GRUZINSKAYA DOROGA], Military-Greorgian road. And '7 brothers seen from the Devil's Valley'.
Letter from ДЗАУДЖИКАУ [DZAUDZHIKAU], sent April 1949 (resized 35 % of this image and saved as jpg.:
Card with machine-postmark of ОРДЖОНИКИДЗЕ [ORDZHONIKIDZE]:
The postmark, resized 50 %:
Text: Mention the number of the post office when addressing.
Cover, sent to Sofia, 3-2-1965 with machine-postmark of ОРДЖОНИКИДЗЕ [ORDZHONIKIDZE]
Postal stationery, issued August 30, 1983.
Г [G., Gorod, city] ОРДЖОНИКИДЗЕ [ORDZHONIKIDZE]: Huis van de Sovjets.
Postal stationery, issued 16.04.86.
Text: "Soviet statesman and party leader G.K. Ordzhonikidze 1886-1937"
Russian Federation: cover with postmark of ВЛАДИКАВКАЗЪ [VLADIKAVKAS]