Postal rates, see also postmarks ' Piemaksat' | Tarieven |
6 augustus of 1 juli 1919? : over het begin van een Letse portoperiode / Ruud W. van Wijnen In: HBG 2001 ; 38. - p. 27-29 |
[About: new postal rates 1 july 1919] {P, H, B} |
Anmerkungen zu Eilbotensendungen / Heinz Lukaschewitz In: PB 2013 ; 135. - S. 6-8 |
[About: Latvian express postal rate] {P}{H} |
Eine Auslandskarte mit Piemaksat-Stempel! Wie geht denn das? / Karl-Heinz Baars In: PB 2014 ; 137. - S. 9-10 |
[About: 1922: card abroad from Riga with Piemaksat-postmark (postage due postmark)] {P}{H} |
De 'filatelistische' tweeling / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2018 ; 73. - p. 17 |
[About: philatelic twins (different postmarks, ..., on a cover / card: however together. 1915: tsarist large and small postmark. 1939: franking machine postmark for franking and again for airmail] {P} |
Frankierte Postlager-Gebühren / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2006 ; 122. - S. 8-10 |
[About: poste restante rates: use of PIEMAKSAT-postmark for this, or paid by sender (money transfer)] {P}{H} |
Gelöschter Taxvermerk In: PB 2013 ; 135. - S. 8 |
[About: cover Riga to Schweden: postmark postage due is striket, before is was inland rate in 1938] {P}{H} |
Latvia : postage due markings used by traveling post offices / by Vesma Grinfelds In: Rossica 2010 ; no. 154. - p. 1-5 |
[About: postmark piemaksat'] {P,H} |
Letse exprespost / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2021 ; 79. - p. 18-27 |
[About: Latvian express mail] {P} |
Eine lettländische Auslands-Ortspostkarte / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2003 ; 115. - S. 7 |
[About: card from Latvia to Estonia within the city: Walka-Valk] {P}{H} |
Met 1 santims / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2006 ; 48. - p. 56-57 |
[About: use of stamp of 1 santims] {P, H, B} |
Letland : geschreven "Piemaksat" / Igor Irokov, Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2009 ; 55. - p. 48-60 |
[About: overview of written markings 'Piemaksat'] {P, H, B} |
Lettische Eilgebühren-? / Heinz Lukaschewitz In: PB 2008 ; 126. - S. 9-10 ddition: PB 2009 ; 127. - S. 14 |
[About: Mi. 51-54: Latvian express postal rates] {P}{H} |
Een mooie uit Riteri / Ruud W. van Wijnen In: HBG 2004 ; 45. - p. 51 |
[About: cover from Riteri, sent from Koknese to Plavinas, postage due and so refused, sent back and sent again] {P, H, B} |
Muster ohne Wert - Paraugi bez vērtibas / Sven Kraul, Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2013 ; 136. - S. 5-7 |
[About: sample without value] {P}{H} |
Nachgebühr auf Auslands-Ganzsachen-Postkarte 1934 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2014 ; 137. - S. 10-12 |
[About: 1922: card - postal stationary- abroad, 1934, correct rate but with postage due: written something on the address-side] {P}{H} |
Die Post nahm es manchmal sehr genau / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2003 ; 115. - S. 8 |
[About: damaged stamp: not accepted] {P}{H} |
Posttarieven : hun belang en plaats in de filatelie / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 1988 ; 12. - 2 bl. |
[About: importance of postal rates] {P} |
De posttarieven van Letland / J. van Heeswijk In: HBG 1987 ; 9/10. - 5 bl. |
[About: postal rates of Latvia] {P} |
De posttarieven van Letland / door Nikolajs Jakimovs In: HBG 1988 ; 12. - 13 bl. |
[About: postal rates of Latvia] {P} |
Ungewöhnliche Postkarte mit ungewöhnlicher Nachgebühr / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2001 ; 112. - S. 9-10 |
[About: card 1940 from Kegums with postage due postmark] {P}{H} |
Voor 35 santimi .... en soms iets meer / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2004 ; 45. - p. 36-43 |
[About: possibilities of franking with a stamp of 35 santimi] {P, H, B} |
Voorkomen is beter dan ... strafporto / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2011 ; 58. - p. 20 |
[About: regulation for writing on cards: not postage due, because franking more
subsequently] {P, H, B} |
Postal stationeries, postcards, formular postal cards, illustrated tourism postcards, parcel cards | |
Briefkaartformulieren van het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek van Letland / Yehoshua Eliashiv In: HBG 2022 ; 80. - p. 5-9 |
[About: Postcard forms from the Central Statistical Office of Latvia] {P} |
Documents from the Latvian Soviet Republic in 1919 / by Vittorio Mallegni In: The Post-Rider 1990 ; no. 27. - p. 70-72 |
[About: five parcel cards with explanation] {} |
Doppelkarten met vorausbezahlter Antwort / Thomas Löbbering In: Baltikum 2022 ; Nr. 14. - p. 25-31 |
[About: double cards with prepaid reply. Formular posten card Riga Iz-stade, 1922, Card from Czechoslovakia. Estonian card P4 (von Baggo) and reply from Danzig to Tallinn (Baggo). ] {P} |
Die Ganzsachen und Postalischen Formulare 1918-1940. - (Lettland Handbuch und Postgeschichte) Hamburg : Harry von Hofmann Verlag, 1997. - 442 p. Additions on the book: Nachträge und Ergänzungen zum LETTLAND-Handbuch, in: PB 1998 ; 105. -appendix inside: S.1-4 Additions on the book: Nachträge und Ergänzungen zum LETTLAND-Handbuch, in: PB 1998 ; 106. -appendix inside: S.1-4 Additions on the book: Nachträge und Ergänzungen zum LETTLAND-Handbuch, in: PB 1999 ; 107. -appendix inside: S.1-4 Addition on the handbook: PB 2009 ; 128. - S. 8. - [About: receipts for telegrams] Additions: Ergänzungen zum Lettland Handbuch “Philatelie und Postgeschichte, Die Ganzsachen und postamtlichen Formulare 1918-1940 / Karl Rainer Lehr In: Baltikum 2016 ; 2. – p. 57-60 Correction in: Baltikum 2017 ; 3. - p. 66 |
[Review: Lituania 1998 ; nr. 9. - p. 579] {P} |
Hier irrt der Verfasser – Verflixtes Internet! / Karl-Heinz Baars
In: Baltikum 2016 ; 2. - p. 52-56 Correction in: Baltikum 2017 ; 3. - p. 66 |
[About: cards (postal stationery and formular) with postage due] {P} |
Illustrated tourism postcards of Latvia / by A. Petrevics In: LC 1975 ; 7. - p. 25-28 |
[About: introduction. Card number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, article in English] {P} |
Illustrated tourism postcards of Latvia / by A. Petrevics In: LC 1975 ; 10. - p. 53-54 |
[About: card number 7, 8, 9 and 10, article in English] {P} |
Illustrated tourism postcards of Latvia / by A. Petrevics In: LC 1976 ; 13. - p. 79-80 |
[About: card number 11, 12, 13 and 14, article in English] {P} |
Illustrated tourism postcards of Latvia / by A. Petrevics In: LC 1976 ; 15. - p. 98-100 |
[About: card number 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20, article in English] {P} |
Illustrated tourism postcards of Latvia / by A. Petrevics In: LC 1976 ; 16. - p. 111-112 |
[About: card number 21, 22, 23 and 24, article in English] {P} |
Illustrated tourism postcards of Latvia / by A. Petrevics In: LC 1976 ; 17. - p. 124-125 |
[About: card number 25 and 26, article in English] {P} |
Illustrated tourism postcards of Latvia / by A. Petrevics In: LC 1976 ; 18. - p. 133-134 |
[About: card number 27, 28, 29 and 30, article in English] {P} |
Illustrated tourism postcards of Latvia / by A. Petrevics In: LC 1977 ; 20. - p. 155-156 |
[About: card number 31, 32, 33 and 34, article in English] {P} |
Illustrated tourism postcards of Latvia / by A. Petrevics In: LC 1978 ; 24. - p. 27-29 |
[About: number 35, 36, 37 and 38, article in English] {P} |
Illustrated tourism postcards of Latvia / by A. Petrevics In: LC 1979 ; 26. - p. 23-25 |
[About: number 39, 40, 41 and 42, article in English] {P} |
International reply-coupons in Latvia / by A. Petrevics In: LC 1976 ; 16. - p. 101-105 |
[About: survey, article in English] {P} |
The 'Kerenski' postcards / Alexander Epstein In: BJRP 1992 ; 73. - p. 22-37 Addition: Notes from collectors. - In: BJRP 1993 ; 74. - p. 46 |
[About: survey. Almost certainly issued under Soviet rigime, i.e. when Kerenski had already lost power. Surcharges and overprints. In Ukraine overprinted with trident. Overprint Polish corps within Russian Army. In Latvia: handstamped. In Estonia (German occupation) surcharged in Tartu/Dorpat. In Estonia in Rakvere overprin EESTI/10 and Eesti/(rakvere)/10] {P} |
Lettlands Ganzsachen – ein längst abgeschlossenes Kapitel? / Karl-Heinz Baars
In: Baltikum 2016 ; 2. - p. 47-51 |
[About: Latvian postal stationery: reply from abroad] {P} |
De Letse briefkaarten, een afgesloten hoofdstuk?? / Harry von Hofmann In: HBG 1990 ; 17. - p. 32-35 |
[About: Latvian postcards with imprinted stamp] {P} |
De Letse briefkaarten, een afgesloten hoofdstuk? - II / Harry von Hofmann In: HBG 1991 ; 18. - p. 45 |
[About: Latvian postcard with imprinted stamp] {P} |
De Letse briefkaartformulieren, 1918-1922 / Nikolajs Jakimovs In: HBG 1991 ; 18. - p. 46-52 |
[About: Latvian postal formular cards without imprinted stamp] {P} |
Lettlands Ganzsachen - ein längst abgeschlossenes Kapitel? / Karl-Heinz Baars In: PB 2008 ; 125. - S. 6-12 |
[About: postal stationeries of Latvia: P1 I and P1 II, difference in the imprinted postmark the same as postmark 91 I and 91 II, and more ] {P}{H} |
Lettlands Ganzsachen - kein abgeschlossenesKapitel / Karl-Heinz Baars In: PB 2013 ; 136. - S. 7-8 |
[About: P5A -by the post uprated with postage stamps- and P6] {P}{H} |
The life and art of Evgeny Klimov (1901-1990) / by Yuri Sandulov In: Rossica 2019 ; no. 173. - p. 34-39 |
[About: Klimov, born in Mitava (present Jelgava in Latvia), childhood in many Russian cities, emigration to newly independent Latvia. Postcards issued 1942-1945 "AUS DEM OSTERN". End of WWII: in Czechoslovakia, and in 1949 emigration to Canada. Postcards issued 1974-1980. Pskov State Museum 2014: postcard-like reproductions. 1990s issued by Margarita Saltupe in Riga postcards] {P} |
Onbekende briefkaartformulieren voor de Letse spoorwegen / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2012 ; 60. - p. 42-44 |
[About: postal forms of the Latvian Railways] {P, H, B} |
Verrekeningsbriefkaartformulieren van de Letse spoorwegen / Yehoshua Eliashiv In: HBG 2013 ; 62. - p. 34-36 |
[About: formular cards of the Latvian railways] {P, H, B} |
Via Polen verzonden pakketten uit Letland / Hans Vogels In: HBG 1990 ; 15. - [2 bl.] and OEF 1990 ; nr. 1. - p. 22-24 |
[About: via parcels from Latvia sent via Poland {P} |
Wieder neue Postformulare entdeckt / Sven Kraul In: PB 2008 ; 125. - S. 12-15 |
[About: new postal forms: international parcel cards and moneytransfer forms] {P}{H} |
Postmarks-Cancellations False postmarks: see Falsifications |
XV. Lettland-Brief / V. Meyer In: Der Sammlerfreund 1939 ; Nr. 7. - p. 25-27 |
[About: mi. 271-278. Block 2 (Block 1 with overprint '1934-1939/15/V') and special postmark Riga. Trade in forged stamps by Ch. Nisselowitsch & Son, article in German] {P} |
XVI. Brief aus Lettland / V. Meyer In: Der Sammlerfreund 1939 ; Nr. 12. - p. 41-42 |
[About: Mi. 279-280. Baltic Germans 'heim ins Reich'. New slogan cancels (also Ķemeri), see also older articles in Der Sammlerfreund, article in German] {P} |
1919 : Wenden - Durben - Doblen? / Juris Mors, Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2006 ; 121. - S. 3-4 |
[About: use in 1919 -Soviet period- in Wenden/Cesis a dumb-made Russian cancel: re-using of old postmark of postoffice Doblen (Dobele), that is removed in 1915 to Wenden/Cesis] {P} |
Aanwinsten en vondsten / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2024 ; 85. - p. 9 |
[About: postmark DSELKSAWA with black block in date] {P} |
Aanwinsten en vondsten In: HBG 2018 ; 73. - p. 43-45 |
[About: acquisitions and finds: church letter 1900 from Vilnius, letter Central Lithuania 1921, card northern Latvia with Mi. 24A (use of this stamp in 1918-1919, cover with franking postmark 'Latvijas Lloids'] {P} |
Aanwinsten en vondsten : poststuk uit Bauska / Joop van Heeswijk In: HBG 2019 ; 75. - p. 37 |
[About: letter from Bauska, to Germany, 12-5-1919, with Mi. 7 and 10, local semi-official perforation, registering label Ob.Ost. 'Wegen Marken Einfuhr zurück!' ] {P} |
Aanwinsten en vondsten / Jan Kaptein In: HBG 2020 ; 77. - p. 41 |
[About: picture cards from AISPUTE and AIZPUTE] {P} |
Abrene, Letland / Nico Bader In: HBG 2017 ; 70. - p. 50-55 |
[About: Abrene in Latvia (1918-1940), in the Latvian Sovjetrepublic (1940-1941), World War II, Russian Sovjetrepublic (1944-1991)] {P} |
Abrene : het district, de stad en het "het gebied" / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2021 ; 78. - p. 12-26 |
[About: Abrene : the district, the city and 'the area': in 1944 'the Abrene area' was transferred from the Latvian to the Russian Soviet Republic. Postmarks of Imperial Russia, Latvia, German occupation, USSR. Maps] {P} |
Abrene -der Kreis, die Stadt und das Gebiet (Teil 1) / Ruud van Wijnen In: Baltikum 2021 ; Nr. 11. - p. 39-47 |
[About: Abrene : the district, the city and 'the area': in 1944 'the Abrene area' was transferred from the Latvian to the Russian Soviet Republic. Postmarks of Imperial Russia, Latvia, German occupation, USSR. Maps. Part 1] {P} |
Abrene -der Kreis, die Stadt und das Gebiet (Teil 2) / Ruud van Wijnen In: Baltikum 2021 ; Nr. 12. - p. 39-45 |
[About: Abrene : the district, the city and 'the area': in 1944 'the Abrene area' was transferred from the Latvian to the Russian Soviet Republic. Postmarks of Imperial Russia, Latvia, German occupation, USSR. Maps. Part 2] {P} |
Als het fout gaat; Letland, postale aanwijzingen / Ruud W. van Wijnen In: HBG 2001 ; 39. - p. 66-71 |
[About: indications of the post: written and as postmark] {P} |
Arabische und/oder römische Monatsziffern in Poststempeln Lettlands? / Karl-Heinz Baars und Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2001 ; 111. - S. 17 |
[About: arabic and/or roman numerical data in postmarks] {P} |
Auch bei den lettlandischen Maschinenstempel bestehen noch offene Fragen / Rainer Lehr In: PB 2004 ; 118. - S. 9 |
[About: machine-postmark 1939-1940: Olympic games] {P} |
Eine Auslandskarte mit Piemaksat-Stempel! Wie geht denn das? / Karl-Heinz Baars In: PB 2014 ; 137. - S. 9-10 |
[About: 1922: card abroad from Riga with Piemaksat-postmark (postage due postmark)] {P} |
Corner slogan machine cancels 1937-1940 / by A.Petrevics In: LC 1978 ; 25. - p. 23-29 |
[About: survey, article in English] {P} |
"Displaced" postal cancellers / by A. Petrevicius In: LC 1983 ; 35. - p. 26-27 |
[About: GAZENPOT (cyrillic) postmark used in Cesis 1919. WINDAWA cancel used in Sebezh (Russia) in 1918, article in English] {P} |
Doppelte Werbestempel auf eingeschriebener Ortspost / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2011 ; 132. - S. 9-10 |
[About: two different slogan cancels on a cover] {P}{H} |
Drei auf einen Streich - Neues über alte Stempel / Thomas Löbbering In: Baltikum 2017 ; 3. - p. 20-25 |
[About: cover Dorpat (Tartu) to Kandau (Kandava), cover Dundaga (Dondangen) 1919 via Feldpost 168 in Libau to Germany, two covers from Lithuanian Soviet Republic (1941)] {P} |
De 'filatelistische' tweeling / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2018 ; 73. - p. 17 |
[About: philatelic twins (different postmarks, ..., on a cover / card: however together. 1915: tsarist large and small postmark. 1939: franking machine postmark for franking and again for airmail] {P} |
De filatelistische tweeling, aflevering 8 / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2024 ; 85. - p. 29 |
[About: two cards, sent ti Riga and Göteborg from the ferry Riga-Stockholm] {P} |
De filatelistische tweeling, aflevering 6 / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2023 ; 83. - p. 33 |
[About: postmarks from Riga for damaged mail, not properly sealed, ...] {P} |
De filatelistische tweeling, aflevering 2 / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2019 ; 74. - p. 43 |
[About: two slogan-postmarks on one cover (according the rules not possible)] {P} |
De filatelistische tweeling, aflevering 4 / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2020 ; 77. - p. 40 |
[About: two postmarks on 1 card: LIEPĀJA and LIEPAJA. Also two different postmarks of SAKA on this card] {P} |
Geänderte Daten im Poststempel SECE / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2011 ; 132. - S. 7-8 |
[About: with rubber stamp is changed the date in the postmark SECE] {P}{H} |
Gehörte RIGAS PAS.ST.TELEGR. zur Post oder Bahn? / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2010 ; 130. - S. 17 |
[About: postmark RIGAS PAS.ST.TELEGR.: post or railway post?] {P}{H} |
Gelöschte Rigaer Nachgebühr 1929 und nachträgliche Entwertung / [Harry v. Hofmann], Sven Krommer In: PB 2012 ; 134. - S. 7-8 |
[About: letter from Czecoslovakia with postmark 'PIEMAKSAT RIGA', but no amount] {P}{H} |
Gevangeniscensuur in Letland / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2014 ; 65. - p. 16-23 |
[About: censorship of prisons in Latvia, the postmarks] {P} |
Handstamped postal slogans of Latvia - part I / by M. Tirums In: LC 1975 ; 11. - p. 57-60 |
[About: survey, article in English] {P} |
Wo liegt Pokrowo? / Hand-Dieter Lutz In: Baltikum 2019 ; Nr. 8. - p. 42-44 |
[About: postmark Pokrowo 9.III-42 on German postage stamp. Answer of the Redaction: Kačanov(va)' / Pokrova changed in 1927: Kacēni (abrene). Postcard with postmark of Kacēni, 1933] {P} |
Handstamped Latvian postal slogans - part II / by A. Petrevics In: LC 1975 ; 12. - p. 65-69 Errata in: LC 1976 ; 14. - p. 88 |
[About: survey, article in English] {P} |
Hoe kun je dromen als je buren nachtmerries hebben... Wat een Lets gelegenheidstempel uit 1920 werkelijk weergeeft / Raimundas Marius Lapas In: HBG 2021 ; 78. - p. 4-7 |
[About: Latvian postmark BULDURI LATWIJA / BALT. W. KONFER. P.T.KANT, 23 8.1920 : Conference of Bulduri (or Conference of Riga) in Hotel Bilderingshof, 1920 about cooperation Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine, Finland] {P} |
Internet : Letse stempels en het handboek Estland / Jan Kaptein In: HBG 2013 ; 63. - p. 21 |
[About: on Internet: list of the postmarks of the Latvian republic (1918-1940) and digital Handbook EESTI+supplement] {P} |
Latvia : postage due markings used by traveling post offices / by Vesma Grinfelds In: Rossica 2010 ; no. 154. - p. 1-5 |
[About: postmark piemaksat'] {P,H} |
Letland, postale aanwijzingen - 2 / Ruud W. van Wijnen In: HBG 2003 ; 42. - p. 44-52 |
[About: indications of the post: written and as postmark] {P, H, B} |
Letland, postale aanwijzingen - 3 / Ruud W. van Wijnen In: HBG 2003 ; 43. - p. 16-22 |
[About: indications of the post: written and as postmark] {P, H, B} |
Letland, postale aanwijzingen - 4 / Ruud W. van Wijnen In: HBG 2004 ; 44. - p. 24-30 |
[About: indications of the post: written and as postmark] {P, H, B} |
Dorpat (Tartu) - Riga - fünf Monate für eine kurze Strecke / Vambola Hurt, Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2000 ; 109. - S. 9-11 |
[About: letter from Dorpat to Riga: it takes five months in 1919 because of the confused political situation: Riga was foreign now, so also therefore surcharge fee-postmark!] {P}{H} |
"Draudziga aicinajuma davanas sutijums." / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2003 ; 116. - S. 13-16 |
[About: this, concerning a cultural action, 2-line postmark, used on parcel mail, sent by M. Kulturas Fonda] {P}{H} |
Endlich gefunden: der 1920er Notstempel von Sohnep (Zonepe) / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 1997 ; 103. - S. 15 |
[About: provisional cancellation Zonepe 1920 on postcard] {P}{H} |
Ergänzung und Korrektur bei den "Provisorischen Entwertungsformen 1918-1922" / Arvis Kenins, Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2000 ; 110. - S. 9-10 |
[About: provisional cancellations] {P}{H} |
Ergänzungen zum Handbuch Band 5, Die Stempel / Sven Kraul In: PB 1995 ; 100. - S. 18 |
[About: addition on the book 'Die Stempel'] {P}{H} |
Falscher Olympis-Maschinenstempel von 1939/1940 / Yehosshua Eliashiv, Karl-Rainer Lehr, Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2009 ; 128. - S. 9-10 |
[About: machine-postmark forgery: Olympis 1939-1940] {P}{H} |
Francotyp administratiekaarten / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2006 ; 48. - p. 40-43 |
[About: francotyp administration cards: administration and types of franking machines, Latvia and Lithuania] {P, H, B} |
Frankierte Postlager-Gebühren / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2006 ; 122. - S. 8-10 |
[About: poste restante rates: use of PIEMAKSAT-postmark for this, or paid by sender (money transfer)] {P}{H} |
Gelocht - und trotzdem doppelt verwendet / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2000 ; 109. - S. 18-19 |
[About: high value -as usual-perforated, but yet used again] {P}{H} |
Gezondheid en rust in Mezciems of: De juiste tekst van het reclamestempel / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 1993 ; 23. - p. 63-64 |
[About: postmark 'Mexciems gada par ....' {P} |
In Letland gebruikte censuurstempels / Ruud W. van Wijnen In: HBG 1998 ; 33. - p. 58-68 |
[About: censorship in Latvia, 1920-1921, 1926-1938, 1944-1946] {P} |
In Letland gebruikte censuurstempels - 2 / Ruud W. van Wijnen In: HBG 1999 ; 34. - p. 6-7 |
{P} |
Juist geen firmabrief........ / Ruud W. van Wijnen In: HBG 2001 ; 39. - p. 51 |
[About: senders of the post: commercial letters: letter sent back by M.p.k. because it was a private letter, postmark 'Privatbriefe unzulassig' so not allowed?] {P, H, B} |
Letse tijdelijke hulpstempels in de jaren 1922 tot 1945 / Rainer Lehr In: HBG 2022 ; 80. - p. 42-45 |
[About: Latvian temporary postmarks in the years 1922 to 1945: when the stamp was modified (central in Riga)] {P} |
Lettland : Die Stempel und Postanstalten 1918-1940 / Harry von Hofmann (red.). -(Handbuch Philatelie und Postgeschichte) Hamburg : Harry von Hofmann Verlag, [1999]. - In German and English |
[About: handbook. Review: HBG 2000 ; 36. - p. 72-73] {book and review:P} |
Ergänzung zum Handbuch "Die Stempel und Postanstalten 1918-1940" / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2000 ; 109. - S. 14 |
[About: additions for the book "Die Stempel und Postanstalten 1918-1940"] {P}{H} |
Eine lettländische Auslands-Ortspostkarte / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2003 ; 115. - S. 7 |
[About: card from Latvia to Estonia within the city: Walka-Valk] {P}{H} |
Lettlandtagung vom 27.02.09-01.03.09 in Hennef / Marius Mrotzek In: PB 2009 ; 127. - S. 29-31 |
[About: Lettland-day of the society: lecture of Karl-Rainer Lehr about machinestamps] {P}{H} |
De machinestempels van Letland / Nikolajs Jakimovs In: HBG 1987 ; 9/10. - 23 p. |
[About: machine-cancellations of Latvia] {P} |
Ein merkwürdiger "Kennbuchstabe" beim Stempel LUDSE / Karl Rainer Lehr [and reaction: Harry v. Hofmann] In: PB 1999 ; 107. - S. 14 |
[About: postmark Ludse: identifying character (addition in PB 1999 ; 108. - s.16-17)] {P}{H} |
Mit "Graf Zeppelin" nach Lettland / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2007 ; 123. - S. 5-7 |
[About: postmarks of Riga] {P}{H} |
Eine neue Barfrankatur von 1919 aufgetaucht / Igor Irikov, Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2009 ; 128. - S. 4 |
[About: Kerensky-Postcard on 11.VIII.1919 with handwritten note 'cancelled' in Adsel (Gaujiena): text 'For the sending / 10 latvian kopecks paid/ ...' {P}{H} |
Neue Erstversion eines Absenderfreistempels / Wolfgang Watzke In: PB 2014 ; 137. - S. 12-13 |
[About: new machine cancel of Valts Elektrotechniska Fabrika] {P}{H} |
Ein neuer provisorischer Poststempel entdeckt / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 1996 ; 101. - S. 14 |
[About: discovery of new provisional postmark, 1920, "BIHRINU PAGASTA WALDE, Rigas aprinki" ] {P}{H} |
Noch ein lettischer Zensurstempel von 1940 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 1997 ; 104. - S. 19-20 |
[About: Latvian censorship postmark "Cenzets" 1940] {P}{H} |
Nur ein etwas verunglückter Maschinenstempel -oder? / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2009 ; 128. - S. 6-8 |
[About: machine-postmark B with 10 lines] {P}{H} |
Ook het gelegenheidsstempel "300 LIEPAJA 300" vervalst / Harry v. Hofmann In: HBG 2004 ; 44. - p. 31-33 |
[About: forgery of postmark "300 LIEPAJA 300"] {P, H, B} |
[Palanga] In: BLPSNY 1977 ; no. 101. - p. 7755 |
[About: Latvian cancel of Palanga (March 31, 1921 Lithuanian)] {P} |
"PIEMAKSAT" einmal anders / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 1997 ; 104. - S. 18-19 |
[About: postmark 'Piemaksat' (postage due postmark): used for conversion of service-post ] {P}{H} |
Piemaksat : of het gebruik van een klein, ovaal stempeltje / R. van Wijnen In: HBG 1994 ; 24. - p. 25-32 |
[About: postmark 'Piemaksat' (postage due)] {P} |
Post uit Liepāja, Libau, ЛИБАВА [LIBAVA] 3 / Jan Kaptein In: HBG 2015 ; 67. - p. 22-29 |
[About: post from Liepāja,part 3: Latvian Republic 1918-1940 period, many nice picture cards, censorship, postmarks] part 1-Imperial Russia period. - in HBG 2014 ; 65. - p. 28-42 part 2 -World War I and LIBAU-overprints 1919- in HBG 2015 ; 66. - p. 4-15 {P, H, B} |
Postagentschappen en hulppostkantoren in Riga / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2024 ; 84. - p. 18-25 |
[About: postal agencies and sub-post offices in Riga, 1918-1943] {P} |
Postal censorship markings of Latvia 1919-1921 / edited and updated by Neil Ritchie In: BJRP 2019 ; 109. - p. 65-75 |
[About: censorship of the Latvian Soviet Republic 1919. Latvian Republic 1919-1921] {P} |
Postal history of the first Latvian Soviet Republic / by Jan Poulie In: The Post-Rider 1990 ; no. 26. - p. 5-38 |
[About: survey of the first Latvian Soviet Republic. 1918-1920. Postmarks, names of places in Latvian and Russian] {} |
Postalische Nebenstempel / Ruud van Wijnen In: PB 2005 ; 119. - S. 9-15 |
[About: postmarks with postal remarks as ' Back' , ' Refused' and more] {P}{H} |
Die Postämter und Poststempel von Lettland, 1918 bis 1945 / N. Jakimovs Johannesburg |
{?} |
Der programmierte Irrtum / Karl-Rainer Lehr In: PB 2008 ; 126. - S. 11-12 |
[About: machine cancel M-22-Ba-1: dates ] {P}{H} |
Der programmierte Irrtum - 5 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2012 ; 134. - S. 13 |
[About: postmark SESAVA or SEŠAVA?] {P}{H} |
Der provisorische Stempel No 297.1 von Windau Bahnhof (Ventspils - oder? / Heinz Lukaschewitz In: PB 2000 ; 109. - S. 11 |
[About: provisional postmark of Windau (Ventspils) Station 11-4-1919, but used elsewhere] {P}{H} |
Retour - Возвращатъ - Zurück - Atpakaļ / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2023 ; 82. - p. 12-22 |
[About: returned mail (returned from Latvia : postal markings) : Imperial Russia, World War I, Latvian republic 1918-1940] {P} |
Retour - Возвращатъ - Zurück - Atpakaļ : deel 2 / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2023 ; 83. - p. 4-10 |
[About: returned mail (returned from Latvia : postal markings) : World War II, Sovjet occupation 1940-1941, German occupation 1941-1944/45, Sovjet occupation 1945-1990] {P} |
Retour - Возвращатъ - Zurück - Atpakaļ (Teil 1) / Ruud van Wijnen In: Baltikum 2023 ; 15. - p. 31-47 |
[About: returned mail (returned from Latvia : postal markings) : Imperial Russia, World War I, Latvian republic 1918-1940] {P} |
Retour - Возвращатъ - Zurück - Atpakaļ (Teil 2) / Ruud van Wijnen In: Baltikum 2023 ; 16. - p. 32-44 |
[About: returned mail (returned from Latvia : postal markings) : Latvian Republic 1918-1940, World War II, Sovjet occupation 1940-1941, German occupation 1941-1944/45, Sovjet occupation 1945-1990] {P} |
RETOUR LIEU DE DESTINATION INCONNU / Ruud van Wijnen In: PB 2008 ; 126. - S. 13 |
[About: postmark of Riga: 'RETOUR...."] {P}{H} |
Riga 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 en 9, (stads)postkantoren / V. Marcilger, R. van Wijnen In: HBG 1997 ; 31. - p. 53-79 |
[About: city postoffices of Riga, 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 and 9. During imperial Russia and Latvian Republic, Soviet occupation 1941 and German occupation WWII. Postmarks, map, adresses of the offices and photos] {P} |
Seltene und fragliche Normstempel Lettlands / K.R. Lehr In: PB 2002 ; 114. - S. 4-8 |
[About: postmarks: list of standard-cancels] {P}{H} |
De sloganstempels van Letland nodigen nog steeds uit / Juris Mors In: HBG 2002 ; 41 (special issue: 20 years HBG). - p. 66-71 |
[About: Latvian slogan hand stamps] {P, H, B} |
Sonderstempel Sängerfest 1940 schon einen Tag früher? / Ivars Sniķeris, Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2010 ; 130. - S. 14 |
[About: postmark Siong Festival 1940 aleady one day earlier] {P}{H} |
Special cancellations of Latvian Boy Scout Jamborees / by A. Petrevics In: LC 1983 ; 35. - p. 2-9 |
[About: detailed survey, article in English] {P} |
Standard cancellations of Latvia / by A. Petrevics In: LC 1980 ; 29. - p. 9-21 |
[About: introduction, Latvian orthography in cancels, map administrative division, types, places with A..., article in English] {P} |
Standard cancellations of Latvia / by A. Petrevics In: LC 1983 ; 35. - p. 16-25 |
[About: other articles about this: LC 29, 30, 31, 32-33,34, article in English] {P} |
Standard cancellations of Latvia in reverse alphabetical order / by I. Rozentals, computer work by M. Renfro In: LC 1984 ; 36. - p. 20-33 |
[About: introduction and list: Karzdaba to Jaunpils Kurz, article in English] {P} |
Uit Riga / Igor Irikov In: HBG 2004 ; 44. - p. 4 |
[About: slogan hand stamp 'Ziema groziga-jasteidz darbi'] {P, H, B} |
Uit Riga / Igor Irikov In: HBG 2005 ; 47. - p. 27 |
[About: slogan hand stamp 'Gajeji un brauceji, ....'] {P, H, B} |
Uit Riga : ongewone Letse strafportstempels / Igor Irokov en Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2008 ; 53. - p. 42-46 |
[About: unusual postage due postmarks of Latvia] {P, H, B} |
Ein ungewöhnlicher Brief - RIGA BIRZA / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2002 ; 114. - S. 8-10 |
[About: letter with postmark RIGA BIRZA (Riga Exchange), without country-indication, to Cairo ] {P}{H} |
Van Birschi Wids naar Madona / Jan Kaptein In: HBG 2021 ; 78. - p. 35 |
[About: name change from Birschi Wids to Madona] {P} |
Van Kokorewa naar Tilža / Jan Kaptein In: HBG 2020 ; 77. - p. 39 |
[About: name change from Kokorewa to Tilža, the postmarks] {P} |
Weitere lettische Poststempel in privater Hand - 2 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2009 ; 128. - S. 12-14 |
[About: stamps -via Ebay - in private property, Latvian (railway, GAVARA 1940), Soviet and Latvian (after 1990): owners can so produce postmarks] {P}{H} |
Weitere lettländische Poststempel in privater Hand - 3 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2012 ; 133. - S. 26-28 |
[About: stamps -via Ebay - in private property, Latvian (1918-1940), Soviet and Latvian (after 1990): owners can so produce postmarks] {P}{H} |
Die Werbestempel von Lettland / von Harry v. Hofmann. - Hamburg : Harry von Hofmann Verlag, 1995. - (Schriftenreihe der Forschungsgemeinschaft Lettland im Bund Deutscher Philatelisten E.V. ; Folge 2). - 44 p. |
[About: overview of slogan cancels of Latvia, also after 1940] {P} |
Werbestempel No 23 in zwei Ausführungen / Karl-Rainer Lehr und Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2009 ; 127. - S. 11 |
[About: slogan cancel no 23: two versions?] {P}{H} |
Wo liegt Pokrowo? / Hand-Dieter Lutz In: Baltikum 2019 ; Nr. 8. - p. 42-44 |
[About: postmark Pokrowo 9.III-42 on German postage stamp. Answer of the Redaction: Kačanov(va)' / Pokrova changed in 1927: Kacēni (abrene). Postcard with postmark of Kacēni, 1933] {P} |
"Zu den Olympischen Spielen in Helsinki 1940 über die Baltischen Staaten" - Stempelvarianten / Yehoshua Eliashiv In: Baltikum 2020 ; Nr. 10. - p. 42-49 |
[About: "To the Olympic Games in Helsinki 1940 via the Baltic States "- slogan stamp: variants. Latvian vignette. Estonian slogan stamp] {P} |
![]() |
Railway post | |
Bahnpost GULBENE - VALKA 1924 ??? / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2007 ; 124. - S. 5-7 |
[About: railway post Gulbene-Valka] {P}{H} |
Gehörte RIGAS PAS.ST.TELEGR. zur Post oder Bahn? / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2010 ; 130. - S. 17 |
[About: postmark RIGAS PAS.ST.TELEGR.: post or railway post?] {P}{H} |
Jetzt auch "LIEPAJA-PAURUPE un OTR" nachgewiesen / Juris Mors In: PB 2001 ; 111. - S. 18 |
[About: railway postmark] {P}{H} |
Latvia : postage due markings used by traveling post offices / by Vesma Grinfelds In: Rossica 2010 ; no. 154. - p. 1-6 |
[About: postmark piemaksat'] {P} |
Latvijas pasta vagonu zimogi Letse postwagon stempels / Nikolajs Jakimovs In: HBG 2000 ; 36. - p. 58-65 |
[About: postmarks of Latvian post-wagons] {P} |
Letland : in postwagons aangetekende brieven - 1 / Igor Irikov, Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2005 ; 46. - p. 28-31 |
[About: letters, registered in Latvian TPO's] {P, H, B} |
Letland : in postwagons aangetekende brieven - 2 / Igor Irikov, Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2005 ; 47. - p. 4-7 |
[About: letters, registered in Latvian TPO's] {P, H, B} |
Letland : in postwagons aangetekende brieven - 3 / Igor Irikov, Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2006 ; 48. - p. 46-50 |
[About: letters, registered in Latvian TPO's] {P, H, B} |
Letland : in postwagons aangetekende brieven - 4 / Igor Irikov en Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2007 ; 50. - p. 5-9 |
[About: letters, registered in Latvian TPO's] {P, H, B} |
Een mooie ... uit de trein, 1929 / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 1992 ; 20. - p. 55-56 |
[About: railway postmark Kybartai-Riga on the letter from Meitene in Latvia] {P} |
Ein neuer Bahnpoststempel gefunden / Igor Irikov, Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2001 ; 112. - S. 15 |
[About: railway postmark of Jekabpils] {P}{H} |
Onbekende briefkaartformulieren voor de Letse spoorwegen / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2012 ; 60. - p. 42-44 |
[About: not really railway post, but postal forms of the Latvian Railways] {P, H, B} |
Der provisorische Stempel No 297.1 von Windau Bahnhof (Ventspils - oder? / Heinz Lukaschewitz In: PB 2000 ; 109. - S. 11 |
[About: provisional postmark of Windau (Ventspils) Station 11-4-1919, but used elsewhere] {P}{H} |
Verrekeningsbriefkaartformulieren van de Letse spoorwegen / Yehoshua Eliashiv In: HBG 2013 ; 62. - p. 34-36 |
[About: formular cards of the Latvian railways] {P, H, B} |
Registered mail | |
Bedrukte aantekenstrookjes in Letland, 1923-1940 / Heinz Lukaschewitz, Harry von Hofmann, Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 1999 ; 35. - p. 110-116 |
[About: Latvian register-strips, 1923-1940] {P} |
Terugkomen op ...... / Ruud W. van Wijnen In: HBG 2000 ; 37. - p. 10-11 |
[About: additons: Latvian register-strips] {P} |
Terugkomen op ...... / Ruud W. van Wijnen In: HBG 2001 ; 38. - p. 73-74 |
[About: additons: Latvian register-strips] {P, H, B} |
Fragen zu den Einschreibzetteln in Lettland 1923-1940 / Ruud van Wijnen, Heinz Lukaschewitz, Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 1999 ; 108. - S. 17-20 |
[About: Latvian register-strips] {P}{H} |
Letland : in postwagons aangetekende brieven - 1 / Igor Irikov, Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2005 ; 46. - p. 28-31 |
[About: letters, registered in Latvian TPO's] {P, H, B} |
Letland : in postwagons aangetekende brieven - 2 / Igor Irikov, Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2005 ; 47. - p. 4-7 |
[About: letters, registered in Latvian TPO's] {P, H, B} |
Letland : in postwagons aangetekende brieven - 3 / Igor Irikov, Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2006 ; 48. - p. 46-50 |
[About: letters, registered in Latvian TPO's] {P, H, B} |
Letland : in postwagons aangetekende brieven - 4 / Igor Irikov en Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2007 ; 50. - p. 5-9 |
[About: letters, registered in Latvian TPO's] {P, H, B} |
Writing competition | |
Schrijfwedstrijd / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2015 ; 67. - p. 46 |
[About: writing competition: paper seal of Carl Schleicher & Schüll] {P, H, B} |
Van Siena naar Riga / L.V.Reinwijn In: HBG 2016 ; 68. - p. 20 |
[About: the story about Carl Schleicher & Schull] {P, H, B} |
Carl Schleicher & Schüll / Olav Petri In: HBG 2016 ; 68. - p. 31 |
[About: the story about Carl Schleicher & Schüll] {P, H, B} |
Schrijfwedstrijd 2 : de uitslag en nieuwe kansen / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2015 ; 68. - p. 9 |
[About: writing competition 2 : the results of writing competition 1 and new chance: cover from Lativia to Germany with Latvian and Gewrman postage stamp] {P, H, B} |
Schrijfwedstrijd 2 : donkerbruine dranksmokkel, Jägermeister tegen Rigas Balzams / L.V. Rijnwijn In: HBG 2016 ; 69. - p. 33 |
[About: writing competition 2 : cover from Latvia to Germany with Latvian and German postage stamp] {P, B} |
Schrijfwedstrijd 2 : het was warm …. / Olav Petri In: HBG 2016 ; 69. - p. 39 |
[About: writing competition 2 : cover from Latvia to Germany with Latvian and German postage stamp] {P, B} |
Schrijfwedstrijd 3 / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2016 ; 69. - p. 45 |
[About: writing competition 3 : the results of writing competition 2 and new chance: sample without value, sent registered from Riga] {P, B} |
Schrijfwedstrijd 3 : monsters van waarde.... / Olav Petri In: HBG 2017 ; 70. - p. 32 |
[About: writing competition 3 : sample without value, sent registered from Riga] {P, B} |
Schrijfwedstrijd 3 : over haren en snaren / L.V. Rheinwein In: HBG 2017 ; 70. - p. 33 |
[About: writing competition 3 : sample without value, sent registered from Riga] {P, B} |
Schrijfwedstrijd 4 / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2017 ; 70. - p. 44 |
[About: writing competition 4 : the results of writing competition 3 and new chance: license to ride a bike (1938, Latvia), with a tax stamp (1 lats)] {P, B} |
Schrijfwedstrijd 4 / Olav Petri In: HBG 2017 ; 71. - p. 34 |
[About: writing competition 4: story] {P} |
Schrijfwedstrijd 4 : de stoere fietser / V.L. Rheinwein In: HBG 2017 ; 71. - p. 35 |
[About: writing competition 4: story] {P} |
Schrijfwedstrijd 5 / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2017 ; 71. - p. 27 |
[About: writing competition 5: the results of writing competition 4 and new chance: a postcard with two woodcutter images (right and wrong)] {P} |
Schrijfwedstrijd 5 : mijnheer van Dale wacht op antwoord / Olav Petri In: HBG 2018 ; 72. - p. 36 |
[About: writing competition 5: story] {P} |
Schrijfwedstrijd 5 : mannen van hout / Rū dolfs Dvinavīns, alias Rudolf Rijnwijn In: HBG 2018 ; 72. - p. 37 |
[About: writing competition 5: story] {P} |
Schrijfwedstrijd - einde / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2018 ; 72. - p. 44 |
[About: writing competition: the end] {P} |
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Abrene, Letland / Nico Bader In: HBG 2017 ; 70. - p. 50-55 |
[About: Abrene in Latvia (1918-1940), in the Latvian Sovjetrepublic (1940-1941), World War II, Russian Sovjetrepublic (1944-1991)] {P, B} |
The Baltic states and the UPU : pawns in the Cold War / by M. Tirums In: LC 1981 ; 32/33. - p. 4-6 |
[About: controversy over the membership 1940-1941 and after 1944, article in English] {P} |
Die Eisenbahn-Zeitungsmarken / Wolfgang Watzke In: PB 1996 ; 102. - S. 6-9 |
[About: railway-newspaper-stamps 1926, 1928, 1940 (Latvian Soviet Republic)] {P}{H} |
Enerzijds en anderzijds, de laatste en de eerste. Of: op de randen van plaats en tijd, deel 3, 1940-1941 / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2015 ; 67. - p. 36-44 |
[About: first and last date, part 3: 1940-1941last Latvian post, first Soviet, last Soviet, first German] Part 1: about 1915-1918. - in: HBG 2014 ; 64. - p. 22-32 Part 2: about 1918-1919, last German and first Latvian post. - In: HBG 2015 ; 66. - p. 34-44 Part 4: about 1944-1945, last German and first soviet post, Courland Pocket. -In: HBG 2016 ; 68. - p. 22-29 Addition: HBG 2021 ; 79. - p. 44-45 {P, H, B} |
De filatelistische tweeling, aflevering 3 / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2020 ; 76. - p. 33 |
[About: two different machine postmarks of Riga (A and B) on one card. Machine-postmark A used for German fieldpost] {P} |
Hier irrt der Verfasser – Verflixtes Internet! / Karl-Heinz Baars
In: Baltikum 2016 ; 2. - p. 52-56 Correction in: Baltikum 2017 ; 3. - p. 66 |
[About: cards (postal stationery and formular) with postage due, also P11 in 1941 used] {P} |
Ein Langlebiger "Notstempel"? / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2006 ; 121. - S. 17-18 |
[About: falsification: use of one-line postmark RIGA on cover 1940-1941 ] {P}{H} |
"Laimigu 1941 g." / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2019 ; 75. - p. 4-18 |
[About: Latvia 1941: Soviet occupation (mixed franking, postage stamps and periods of use. German occupation: first days, postage stamps, German postage stamps, Hindenburg-stamps, overprint Ostland] {P} |
Latvian fantasies / by A. Petrevics In: LC 1976 ; 13. - p. 77-78 |
[About: bogus: 'Rauna-walmiera issie 1919 and 'Soviet Latvia' overprint 1940 (star), article in English] {P} |
De Latvijas PSR 10 santimu briefkaarten meer filatelistische wetenswaardigheden over de Letse sovjetrepubliek 1940-1941 / Andrew Cronin m.m.v. diverse verzamelaars In: HBG 1999 ; 35. - p. 38-85 |
[About: Latvian PSR 10 santimi postcard and more information about the Latvian Sovietrepublic 1940-1941] {P} |
The "Latvijas PSR" issue and related matters / by various authors In: The Post-Rider 1999 ; no. 45. - p. 34-61 |
[About: Latvian PSR: rates, inverted frankings, mixed frankings, north atlantic air service, official cachets of the Soviet Latvian Postal Administration, postage meteroverprints on Soviet definitives, Red Cross, etc.] {} |
Lettland unter sowjetischer Besetzung UdSSR 1940-1941 / von Harry v. Hofmann . - Hamburg : Harry v.Hofmann Verlag, [2014]. - 174 p. In: Baltikum 2016 ; 2. - p. 65-67 |
[About: Latvia under Soviet occupation 1940-1941, postal rates, issues (postage stamps, postal stationery cards, fieldpost, airmail, postmarks, franking meters, more...] {F} |
Ergänzungen zum Studienmanuskript Nr. 21 “Lettland unter sowjetischer Besetzung UdSSR 1940-1941” / Heinz Lukaschewitz
In: Baltikum 2016 ; 2. - p. 65-67 |
[About: additions on the book -173 p. – Latvia soviet 1940-1941] {P} |
Līgo, wat is dat? / Olav Petri In: HBG 2021 ; 78. - p. 28-31 |
[About: Latvian public holiday: Līgo, Midsummer: cards and postage stamps (soviet 1941, card 1938 and 1939, postage stamps ussr and Latvia 1998, postal stationery soviet)] {P} |
Līgo, een onverwacht groot feest in Letland / door Olav Petri In: Filatelie 2022 ; 7. - p. 406-407 |
[About: Latvian public holiday: Līgo, Midsummer: cards and postage stamps (soviet 1941, card 1938 and 1939, postage stamps ussr and Latvia 1998, postal stationery soviet), article in Dutch] {P} |
Līgo / Olav Petri In: Baltikum 2022 ; Nr. 14. - p. 17-22 |
[About: Latvian public holiday: Līgo, Midsummer: cards and postage stamps (soviet 1941, card 1938 and 1939, postage stamps ussr and Latvia 1998, postal stationery soviet)] {P} |
Naar aanleiding van... de Sovjetrepubliek Letland 1940-1941 / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 1994 ; 25. - p. 37-38 |
{P} |
Post uit Liepāja, Libau, ЛИБАВА [LIBAVA] 4 / Jan Kaptein In: HBG 2016 ; 68. - p. 14-19 |
[About: post from Liepāja,part 4: Latvian Soviet Republic (1940), World War II German occupation, Courland Pocket (stamps)] part 1-Imperial Russia period. - in HBG 2014 ; 65. - p. 28-42 part 2 -World War I and LIBAU-overprints 1919- in HBG 2015 ; 66. - p. 4-15 part 3 - Latvian Republic 1918-1940 period, many nice picture cards, censorship, postmarks. - IN: HBG 2015 ; 67. - p. 22-29 {P, H, B} |
Der programmierte Irrtum -2 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2009 ; 127. - S. 12-13 |
[About: postmarks which are not possible, but the explanation: incorrect setting 1941 > 16.5.31 and 1942>32] {P}{H} |
Retour - Возвращатъ - Zurück - Atpakaļ / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2023 ; 82. - p. 12-22 |
[About: returned mail (returned from Latvia : postal markings) : Imperial Russia, World War I, Latvian republic 1918-1940] {P} |
Retour - Возвращатъ - Zurück - Atpakaļ : deel 2 / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2023 ; 83. - p. 4-10 |
[About: returned mail (returned from Latvia : postal markings) : World War II, Sovjet occupation 1940-1941, German occupation 1941-1944/45, Sovjet occupation 1945-1990] {P} |
Retour - Возвращатъ - Zurück - Atpakaļ (Teil 1) / Ruud van Wijnen In: Baltikum 2023 ; 15. - p. 31-47 |
[About: returned mail (returned from Latvia : postal markings) : Imperial Russia, World War I, Latvian republic 1918-1940] {P} |
Retour - Возвращатъ - Zurück - Atpakaļ (Teil 2) / Ruud van Wijnen In: Baltikum 2023 ; 16. - p. 32-44 |
[About: returned mail (returned from Latvia : postal markings) : Latvian Republic 1918-1940, World War II, Sovjet occupation 1940-1941, German occupation 1941-1944/45, Sovjet occupation 1945-1990] {P} |
Retour/non admis / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2006 ; 121. - S. 15-17 |
[About: censorship on post between Estonia and Latvia 1940-1941?] {P}{H} |
Riga 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 en 9, (stads)postkantoren / V. Marcilger, R. van Wijnen In: HBG 1997 ; 31. - p. 53-79 |
[About: city postoffices of Riga, 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 and 9. During imperial Russia and Latvian Republic, Soviet occupation 1941 and German occupation WWII. Postmarks, map, adresses of the offices and photos] {P} |
Rīga 1-9, dagtekenstempels vanaf 1940 / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2024 ; 85. - p.16-24 |
[About: postmarks during first Soviet occupation (1940-1941) and the German occupation (1941-1944)] {P} |
The second Soviet occupation of Latvia / by A. Engel In: LC 1983 ; 35. - p. 30-33 |
[About: second Soviet occupation 1940-1941, article in English] {P} |
Some notes on Soviet Latvia, 1940-1941 / Ivo Steyn In: BJRP 1993 ; 74. - p. 15-22 |
[About: stamps, postmarks] {P} |
The Soviet occupation of the Baltic states 1940-41 / Peter A. Michalove In: BJRP 1989 ; 67. - p. 30-39 |
[About: rates, mixed franking of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, postmarks, table of rates] {P} |
De Sovjetbezettingen in Europa 1939-1941 / Joseph Stier In: HBG 2015 ; 67. - p. 4-14 |
[About: Soviet occupations of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania: hisatorical background, illustrations (also mixed franking), postal rates] {P} |
De Sovjetisering van Letland 1940-1941 / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2007 ; 51. - p. 32-42 |
[About: covers on which you can see the Sovietization of Latvia] {P, H, B} |
De Sovjetrepubliek Letland, 1940-1941 / door Ruud W. van Wijnen In: HBG 1987 ; 9/10. - 9 bl. |
[About: Soviet-republic Letland] {P} |
Sowjetrussische Marken in Letland als Frankatur im Juli und August 1941 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2012 ; 133. - S. 13-14 |
[About: Soviet postage stamps used in Latvia in July and August 1941] {P}{H} |
Die Sowjetische Post in Lettland 1939-1941 / von M. Schmuely In: ZfRSP 1984 ; Heft 36. - S. 26-40 |
[About: Sovjet-Post in Latvia 1939-1941] {P,H} |
Sporen van vluchtelingen uit het Baltische gebied 1939-1950 in de filatelie / Olav Petri In: HBG 2023 ; 83. - p. 14-25 |
[About: refugees from the Baltic area 1939-1950] {P} |
Stamp designer Arthur Apinis / by Arnold Engel In: LC 1976 ; 17. - p. 122-123 |
[About: designer of Latvian stamps. Also designer of the Soviet Latvian coat-of-arms (1940), depicted on many stamps. Co-designer of stamps of charity stamps for the Latvian Legion (1944), article in English] {P} |
Tastbare getuigen van zware tijden / Olav Petri In: HBG 2019 ; 75. - p. 23 |
[About: 17 June 1940 Riga is occupied by Russia. Letter 8 July 1940 from Riga Amsterdam (occupied by Germany)] {P} |
De tweede Sovjetrepubliek Letland, 1940-1941 / Ruud van Wijnen & Ivo Steyn In: HBG 1992 ; 21. - p. 42-46 |
[About: Soviet-republic Letland] {P} |
Stempels van de Sovjetrepubliek Letland, 1940-1941, 1944-1991 / A. Birznieks In: HBG 1992 ; 21. - p. 46-68 |
[About: postmarks of Soviet-republic Letland] {P} |
De Sovjetrepubliek Letland, 1940-1941 / door Ruud W. van Wijnen In: HBG 1987 ; 9/10. - 9 bl. |
[About: Soviet-republic Letland] {P} |
De tweede Sovjetrepubliek Letland, 1940-1941 / Ruud van Wijnen & Ivo Steyn In: HBG 1992 ; 21. - p. 42-46 |
[About: Soviet-republic Letland] {P} |
Stempels van de Sovjetrepubliek Letland, 1940-1941, 1944-1991 / A. Birznieks In: HBG 1992 ; 21. - p. 46-68 |
[About: postmarks of Soviet-republic Letland] {P} |
Terugkomen op .. Uitgommen of niet uitgommen? / Jan Kaptein In: OEF 2016 (jrg. 34) ; Nr. 1. - p. 2 |
[About: cover 1941 (Latvijas PSR: postage stamp and postmark) with German censorship 'Z 30', article in Dutch] {P, B} |
Usages of the "Latvijas PSR 10-Santimu" card / by Andrew Cronin In: The Post-Rider 1999 ; no. 44. - p. 70-72 Addition: Philatelic shorts : two examples of "Latvijas PSR" postal rates 1940-1941 / Helmut Weikard. - In: The Post-Rider 1999 ; no. 44. - p. 91-92 |
[About: study] {} |
Philatelic shorts : four more railway items / Rabbi L.L. Tan In: The Post-Rider 1999 ; no. 44. - p. 89 |
[About: Urbakh (Urbach) railway station post office (German Volga) 1903. Mariehamn (Åland Islands) 1903. Dwinsk Vokzal to Kazan 1909. Dwinsk Riga-Orek Vokzal office 1910] {} |
Die Währungen der Baltischen Staaten 1940/41 / Thomas Löbbering In: Baltikum 2020 ; Nr. 9. - p. 36-40 |
[About: currencies of the Baltic states 1940-41] {P} |
Was es nicht alles gibt / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2008 ; 126. - S. 15-16 |
[About: fantasy letters on Ebay: postmark 'FELDPOST durch Deutsche Dienstpost OSTLAND' and Ulamanin and Lenin on one cover-1941- with fake-address] {P}{H} |
Zur Postgeschichte der 1. Lettischen Sowjetrepublik (Teil 1) / Heinz Lukaschewitz In: Baltikum 2019 ; Nr. 7. - p. 51-55 |
[About: Part 1: survey. Period 21.July 1940- 31 August 1940. Censorship] {P} |
Zur Postgeschichte der 1. Lettischen Sowjetrepublik (Teil 2) / Heinz Lukaschewitz In: Baltikum 2019 ; Nr. 8. - p. 29-36 |
[About: Part 2: survey. Period 1 September 1940-14 December 1940] {P} |
Zur Postgeschichte der 1. Lettischen Sowjetrepublik (Teil 3) / Heinz Lukaschewitz In: Baltikum 2020 ; Nr. 9. - p. 28-35 |
[About: Part 3: survey. Period 15 December 1940-19 January 1941] {P} |
Zur Postgeschichte der 1. Lettischen Sowjetrepublik (Teil 4) / Heinz Lukaschewitz In: Baltikum 2021 ; Nr. 11. - p. 24-34 |
[About: Part 4: survey. Period 20 January 1941-beginning of July 1941] {P} |
WORLD WAR II 1941-1945 | |
Aan "Laikrasta Tēvija" : onder nummer en zonder opdruk / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2017 ; 71. - p. 40-42 |
[About: letters to newspaper "Laikrasta Tēvija": Hitler postage stamps without overprint Ostland] {P} |
Aanwinsten en vondsten In: HBG 2019 ; 74. - p. 44-46 |
[About: acquisitions and finds: cover Kurland (valse, 1945, and genuine, 1944). Cover from Lemsal / Limbaži, now Latvia, 1860, with text. Illustrated covers, printed in Lithuania before 1940] {P} |
Abrene, Letland / Nico Bader In: HBG 2017 ; 70. - p. 50-55 |
[About: Abrene in Latvia (1918-1940), in the Latvian Sovjetrepublic (1940-1941), World War II, Russian Sovjetrepublic (1944-1991)] {P, B} |
Abrene : het district, de stad en het "het gebied" / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2021 ; 78. - p. 12-26 |
[About: Abrene : the district, the city and 'the area': in 1944 'the Abrene area' was transferred from the Latvian to the Russian Soviet Republic. Postmarks of Imperial Russia, Latvia, German occupation, USSR. Maps] {P} |
Abrene -der Kreis, die Stadt und das Gebiet (Teil 1) / Ruud van Wijnen In: Baltikum 2021 ; Nr. 11. - p. 39-47 |
[About: Abrene : the district, the city and 'the area': in 1944 'the Abrene area' was transferred from the Latvian to the Russian Soviet Republic. Postmarks of Imperial Russia, Latvia, German occupation, USSR. Maps. Part 1] {P} |
Abrene -der Kreis, die Stadt und das Gebiet (Teil 2) / Ruud van Wijnen In: Baltikum 2021 ; Nr. 12. - p. 39-45 |
[About: Abrene : the district, the city and 'the area': in 1944 'the Abrene area' was transferred from the Latvian to the Russian Soviet Republic. Postmarks of Imperial Russia, Latvia, German occupation, USSR. Maps. Part 2] {P} |
1941 - Ein einfacher Brief nach Schweden erzählt / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2010 ; 130. - S. 17-18 |
[About: cover from Riga 1941 to Sweden, postal rate] {P}{H} |
1941 - Abholausweise (Bilete) wurden zur Abholungserklärung / Auseklis-Skaidris Ozolinš In: PB 2010 ; 130. - S. 19-20 |
[About: pick up a mailpiece by a representative direct on the post office: forms used 1941-1945] {P}{H} |
"Ansichtskarten unzulässig" - aber was ist eine Ansichtkarte? / Tigran Keller In: PB 2008 ; 125. - S. 19-20 |
[About: picture cards not permitted] {P}{H} |
Auch bei der Bahn Selbstandigkeitsbestrebungen 1941 in Lettland und Estland / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2004 ; 118. - S. 14-16 |
[About: aspirations to independence 1941] {P}{H} |
Auch Kleinvieh macht Mist / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2002 ; 114. - S. 11-13 |
[About: falsifications of fieldpost-letters] {P}{H} |
Auf den ersten Blick - ein schoner Brief / Wilhelm van Loo, Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2004 ; 117. - S. 17-18 |
[About: forgery of postmark Fieldpost] {P}{H} |
Aushilfsentwertung "Cēsis" 1941 und 1942 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2012 ; 133. - S. 18-19 |
[About: card, one-line postmark Cēsis] {P}{H} |
Austrian post museum archives : Dienst Post Offices in Ostland In: BLPSNY 1977 ; no. 101. - p. 7737 |
[About: from Austrian post archives: data for the opening of Dienst Post offices in Ostland (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania)] {P} |
De Baltische Riviera : deel 1/ Jan Kaptein In: HBG 2008 ; 53. - p. 4-16 Deel 2 In: HBG 2009 :54. - p. 4-23 |
[About: Baltic Riviera or Rigas Jurmala: part 1 tsaristic period, mail -with nice pictures from the seaside resort near Riga Part 2 about the period World War I, Latvian Republic 1918-1940, World War II and Sovjet-period] {P, H, B} |
Der BDPh informiert: Falsche Stempel und Prüfzeichen / Wolfgang Maasen In: PB 2007 ; 123. - S. 15-17 |
[About: falsifications: postmarks 'Deutsche Dienstpost Ostland' (Libau, Riga) and Riga 1945 and Riga 1941, Telsiai 1941] {P}{H} |
Begann das Ostland schon im Februar 1941? / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2008 ; 125. - S. 18-19 |
[About: start of Ostland already in february 1941?] {P}{H} |
Blühender Unsinn - aber doch verkauft / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2014 ; 137. - S. 14 |
[About: overprint Kurland, but fantasy, on ebay sold] {P}{H} |
Brief des Sammlerpostamts Riga von der Zensur geöffnet / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2012 ; 134. - S. 16-17 |
[About: letter of Collectioner-postoffice Riga "Deutsches Dienstpostamt Riga "Stelle C" opened by censor] {P}{H} |
Ein Brief von 1943 mit einigen Auffälligkeiten / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2011 ; 131. - S. 20-21 |
[About: cover 1943: postage stamps with and withhout overprint OSTLAND] {P}{H} |
Briefe "aus" dem KZ Riga-Kaiserwald (Mežaparks) / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2013 ; 136. - S. 211-12 |
[About: letter 'from' KZ Riga-Kaiserwald: concentration camp.] {P}{H} |
Briefe, die nie dort waren, woher sie angeblich kommen sollen / Harry v. Hofmann In: Eesti 2002 ; 34. - p. 10-14 |
[About: RIGA stelle "C": postoffice for providing postmarks for the philatelists with use of postmarks of other places] {P} |
Briefkasten In: PB 2000 ; 109. - S. 30-32 |
[About: on p. 31-32: cancellation of letter with postmark 'Tag der Briefmarke 1942 Riga"] {P}{H} |
Document / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 1988 ; 11. - 2 bl. |
[About: document of duties of Latvian postal staff] {P} |
Eerst goed kijken / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2011 ; 59. - p. 29 |
[About: cover july 1, 1941, with Latvian stamps, in use again with the German occupation] {P, H, B} |
Enerzijds en anderzijds, de laatste en de eerste. Of: op de randen van plaats en tijd, deel 3, 1940-1941 / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2015 ; 67. - p. 36-44 |
[About: first and last date, part 3: 1940-1941last Latvian post, first Soviet, last Soviet, first German] Part 1: about 1915-1918. - in: HBG 2014 ; 64. - p. 22-32 Part 2: about 1918-1919, last German and first Latvian post. - In: HBG 2015 ; 66. - p. 34-44 Part 4: about 1944-1945, last German and first soviet post, Courland Pocket. -In: HBG 2016 ; 68. - p. 22-29 Addition: HBG 2021 ; 79. - p. 44-45 {P, H, B} |
Enerzijds en anderzijds, de laatste en de eerste. Of: op de randen van plaats en tijd, deel 4, 1944-1945 / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2016 ; 68. - p. 22-29 Addition: HBG 2021 ; 79. - p. 44-45 |
[About: first and last date, part 4: 1944-1945, last German and first soviet post, Courland Pocket] Part 1: about 1915-1918. - in: HBG 2014 ; 64. - p. 22-32 Part 2: about 1918-1919, last German and first Latvian post. - In: HBG 2015 ; 66. - p. 34-44 Part 3: about 1940-1941, last Latvian post, first Soviet, last Soviet, first German. - In: HBG 2015 ; 67. - p. 36-44 {P, H, B} |
Ein etwas früher oder etwas später Kurland-Brief / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2009 ; 127. - S. 17-18 Addition: PB 2009 ; 128. - S. 18 |
[About: cover with genuine Kurland-postage stamps, but fantasy: dates, postmark from the World War I period, ...] {P}{H} |
Erbitterder Kampf um NICHTS / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2010 ; 129. - S. 17 |
[About: overprint KURLAND: reproduction?] {P}{H} |
Feldpost-Paketkarte aus dem Kurland-Kessel / Wilhelm van Loo In: PB 1997 ; 104. - S. 21 |
[About: fieldpost-postmark on parcel-card, 132 Inf. Div. ] {P}{H} |
Feldpostnummer 57064 - Ein etwas anderer Brief / Marius Mrotzek In: Baltikum 2020 ; Nr. 9. - p. 40-45 |
[About: cover from Krustpils 24-7-1944. Content of the letter. Abrene / Pytalowo. Fieldpostnumber of the sender: 57064, the Veterinär-Kompanie der 15. Waffen-Grenadierdivision der SS (lettische Nr. 1)] {P} |
Feldpostnummern deutscher Einheiten in Lettland 1941-1945 / von Harry v. Hofmann Hamburg : Harry v. Hofmann Verlag. - (Studienmanuskripte ; Folge 4) |
[About: fieldpostnumbers of German units in Latvia 1941-1945] {?} |
De filatelistische tweeling, aflevering 3 / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2020 ; 76. - p. 33 |
[About: two different machine postmarks of Riga (A and B) on one card. Machine-postmark A used for German fieldpost] {P} |
De filatelistische tweeling, aflevering 5 / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2023 ; 82. - p. 30-31 |
[About: cover with 2 different 12 pf.-Ostland-postage stamps: raster intaglio and letterpress printing. Two covers: local rate] {P} |
Gab es RĪGA 61 schon 1941? / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2011 ; 132. - S. 11-13 |
[About: cover from Kaunas with overprint Vilnius + Lithuanian postage stamp + Russian postage stamp 21.VII.1941, arrival postmark RĪGA 61 30.07.1941: forgery] {P}{H} |
Gebührenpflichtige deutsche Feldpost / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2008 ; 125. - S. 21 |
[About: not postage free fieldpost !!] {P}{H} |
Gemengde frankeringen / [Ruud van Wijnen] In: HBG 1988 ; 11. - [14] bl. |
[About: mixed stamping of Sovjet-Republic, postmarks mixed, German occupation] {P} |
Handschriftliche Entwertung in Riga im august 1944? / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2011 ; 131. - S. 22-23 |
[About: hand written 'cancellation' in Riga August 1944] {P}{H} |
Hiess SAULKRASTIb1944 wirklich SAULKRASTE? / Günther Ratzel In: PB 2007 ; 123. - S. 10-11 |
[About: Neubad, Neibade, Peterupe, Peterskapelle, Saulkrasti, Saulkraste] {P}{H} |
Illustrated catalogue of Latvia / A.P. In: LC 1974 ; 5. - p. 17-20 Errata in: LC 1976 ; 14. - p. 88 |
[About: overprint Soviet stamps LATVIJA 1941.I.VII, article in English] {P} |
(5c) KATHARINENHOF (Kr. WENDEN LIVLAND) a (KATRINA) und (5c) RIGA 4 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 1997 ; 103. - S. 16-17 |
[About: postmarks with the number of postal region (Baltic area=5c), made by firm Braungardt ] {P} |
Kein Karnevalsscherz: KURLAND - Phantasieprodukt bei eBay? / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2003 ; 115. - S. 9-11 |
[About: proof (?), falsification or phantasy] {P}{H} |
Ķemeri, kuuroord sinds 1838 / Jan Kaptein In: HBG 2009 ; 55. - p. 4-14 |
[About: Kemeri -near Riga-, health resort since 1938 tsaristic period, Latvian Republic 1918-1940, World War II and Sovjet-period] {P, H, B} |
Kurland 1945 / Thomas Löbbering In: Baltikum 2020 ; Nr. 9. - p. 47-53 |
[About: Courland Pocket was an area of the Courland Peninsula where a group of German forces of Reichskommissariat Ostland was cut off and surrounded by the Red Army from July 1944 through May 1945: overprint postage stamps of Courland/Kurland, postal history, postmarks] {P} |
Kurland-Fälschungen bei ebay / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2013 ; 135. - S. 18-23 |
[About: falsifications of overprint postage stamps of Kurland, also on covers -via Ebay sold- with 'written adress printed', ... ] {P}{H} |
"Kurland-Halbierung"(???) durch SA-Obergruppenführer Helldorf / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2013 ; 136. - S. 26 |
[About: use of bisect Kurland-postage stamp with stamp of SA-Obergruppenführer Helldorf: forgery?] {P} |
Kurland-Marken 1945 im Kreis Riga Verwendet? / Harry v. Hofmann, Wilhelm van Loo In: PB 2005 ; 119. - S. 18-19 |
[About: use of Kurland-stamps: forgery)] {P} |
The "Kurland" provisional of 1945 / A.E. Beardmore In: BJRP 1949 ; 4. - p. 69-70 |
[About: historical background, two overprints, quantity] {P} |
"Laimigu 1941 g." / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2019 ; 75. - p. 4-18 |
[About: Latvia 1941: Soviet occupation (mixed franking, postage stamps and periods of use. German occupation: first days, postage stamps, German postage stamps, Hindenburg-stamps, overprint Ostland] {P} |
Langer Weg in schwerer Zeit / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2012 ; 133. - S. 15 |
[About: card, registered in Riga 20.07.1941, arrived Gdynia/Gotenhafen 31.10.1941] {P} |
Latvija 1941.I.VII - a report In: LC 1977 ; 22. - p. 16-17 |
[About: overprint on Soviet stamps: report 1941, article in English] {P} |
The Latvian Legion postage stamps / by A. Platbārzdis In: LC 1978 ; 23. - p. 27-29 |
[About: Latvian Soldiers Relief developed in 1943 the initial proposal for these stamps: support the families of legionaires, article in English] {P} |
Lettland Handbuch Philatelie und Postgeschichte : Lettland vor dem und als Teil vom Generalpostkommissariat OSTLAND = = Latvia Handbook of Philately and postal history : Latvia before and as part of the "Generalpostkommissariat OSTLAND" / herausgegeben von Harry von Hofmann Hamburg : Harry v. Hofmann Verlag, 2001. - 448 p. |
[About: Latvia before and as part of Generalkommissariat Ostland: chronicle, currencies and postal tariffs, stamps, postal stationery, special types of dispatch, fieldpost, postmarks, special procedures, postal forms, postal locations, documents, in German and English] {P,B} |
Een 'Lets' opperbevel bij de Waffen-SS / Wilbert Manders In: HBG 2012 ; 60. - p. 33-35 |
[About: Generalkommando VI. SS-Freiwilligen-Armeekorps (lettisches), 2 Latvian Waffen-SS divisions] {P, H, B} |
Lettland ersttagsbrief 1941 - gibt es das auch? / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2004 ; 118. - S. 11-13 |
[About: falsification: FDC (?) 1941 with overprints LATVIJA / 1941 / I. VII] {P}{H} |
De Letse SS-eenheden tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 1991 ; 19. - p. 76-84 |
[About: Latvian SS-troops during World War II] {P} |
Liebe kennt keine Grenzen / Ivars Sniķeris und Thomas Löbbering In: Baltikum 2021 ; Nr. 11. - p. 35-38 |
[About: love-story: after death of his father in a camp 1942, the mother of Ivars Sniķeris, fell in love with German Karl Merz] {P} |
...."Mijie voes ist jist gans besser Willie"... / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2018 ; 72. - p. 38-40 |
[About: OSTLAND-cover from Cēsis: text. Written by Dutch SS-front-worker] {P} |
"Mein Fuß ist schon viel besset, Willie" / Ruud van Wijnen In: Baltikum 2018 ; Nr. 5. - p. 47-53 Addition: Neues zum Einsatz niederländischer Frontarbeiter in Lettland 1944/45 / Ivars Sniķeris und Thomas Löbbering In: Baltikum 2019 ; Nr. 7. - p. 59-63 |
[About: OSTLAND-cover from Cēsis: text. Written by Dutch SS-front-worker. In addition Baltikum nr 7: cover same Dutch SS-front-worker] {P} |
Mythen in Tüten / Gernot Kaas In: Baltikum 2022 ; Nr. 14. - p. 41 |
[About: Stamps-bag: stamp of Solmanis, stamp trader in A. Hitlerstrasse, Riga] {P} |
Een tweede brief van "SS-Frontarbeiter" Anton Ligthart In: HBG 2020 ; 76. - p. 18-20 |
[About: addition on articles above: second OSTLAND-cover written by same Dutch SS-front-worker] {P} |
Mischfrankatur Deutsches Reich / Sowjetunion 1941 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2010 ; 129. - S. 13-14 |
[About: mixed franking German-Soviet 1941, adressed to Kurt Dahman] {P}{H} |
Molotov-Ribbentrop-post : een uitdagend verzamelgebied / Ivo Steyn In: OEF 1990 (jrg. 8) ; nr. 2. - p. 22-28 |
[About: post in the period Molotov-Ribbentrop-pact (August 23, 1939) - operation Barbarossa (June 22, 1941): eastern Poland, Bessarabia / Bukowina, Baltic countries, Finland. After WW II, article in Dutch] {P} |
More about "The Holy War against Bolshevism" / by Douglas De Roest In: The Post-Rider 1987 ; no. 20. - p. 40-49 |
[About: 1. Greater Germany. 2. Belgium (Flemish Legion, Wallonia Legion) 3. French volunteers 4. Italian Expeditionary Force 5. Latvian Legion 6. Norwegian Legion 7. Slovak Army] {} |
Nach KIMSI nun RIGA 4 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2007 ; 123. - S. 12-13 |
[About: postmark RIGA 4 1941 A: same owner as false postmark KIMSI] {P}{H} |
Eine Nachgebuhr-Berechnung, die Freude macht / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2005 ; 119. - S. 16 |
[About: postage due postmark: piemaksat -in 1941- and german postmark Nachgebuhr (postage due)] {P}{H} |
KIMSI, RIGA-4 und nun auch TALSI In: PB 2007 ; 124. - S. 11-12 |
[About: also Talsi und Riga-4 1941 A] {P}{H} |
Letland en de relatie met Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg / door André de Bruin In: HBG 1998 ; 33. - p. 22-31 |
{P} |
Neujahrsgrüsse im April / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2011 ; 131. - S. 28 |
[About: cover , airmail from Libau 1945, Kurland postage stamp, but: sent in April 1945 as Happy New Year 1945, DDO (Deutsche Dienstpost) postmark and also Fieldpostnumber >> 'reproduction'] {P}{H} |
NĪCA 1945 - echt oder falsch? / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2010 ; 129. - S. 15 |
[About: NĪCA 1945: forgery?] {P}{H} |
Post uit Liepāja, Libau, ЛИБАВА [LIBAVA] 4 / Jan Kaptein In: HBG 2016 ; 68. - p. 14-19 |
[About: post from Liepāja,part 4: Latvian Soviet Republic (1940), World War II German occupation, Courland Pocket (stamps)] part 1-Imperial Russia period. - in HBG 2014 ; 65. - p. 28-42 part 2 -World War I and LIBAU-overprints 1919- in HBG 2015 ; 66. - p. 4-15 part 3 - Latvian Republic 1918-1940 period, many nice picture cards, censorship, postmarks. - In: HBG 2015 ; 67. - p. 22-29 part 5 - Soviet period 1944-1990, Latvian Republic 1990-.. . - In: HBG 2017 ; 70. - p. 6-12 {P, H, B} |
Die Post von innen, aber nicht den Postsack / Wolfgang Watzke In: PB 2014 ; 137. - S. 13-14 |
[About: from Liepāja: cover DDO, bisects postally necessary?] {P}{H} |
Postagentschappen en hulppostkantoren in Riga / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2024 ; 84. - p. 18-25 |
[About: postal agencies and sub-post offices in Riga, 1918-1943] {P} |
Postverkehr Kurland (1944-1945) / Wilhelm van Loo 312 p. Review In: Baltikum 2017 ; 3. - p. 64-65 |
[About: the six battles of Courland (around Liepā/Libau, post from the 'Courland Pocket' (Kurland-Kessel)] {book: ? and review: P} |
Retour - Возвращатъ - Zurück - Atpakaļ / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2023 ; 82. - p. 12-22 |
[About: returned mail (returned from Latvia : postal markings) : Imperial Russia, World War I, Latvian republic 1918-1940] {P} |
Retour - Возвращатъ - Zurück - Atpakaļ : deel 2 / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2023 ; 83. - p. 4-10 |
[About: returned mail (returned from Latvia : postal markings) : World War II, Sovjet occupation 1940-1941, German occupation 1941-1944/45, Sovjet occupation 1945-1990] {P} |
Retour - Возвращатъ - Zurück - Atpakaļ (Teil 1) / Ruud van Wijnen In: Baltikum 2023 ; 15. - p. 31-47 |
[About: returned mail (returned from Latvia : postal markings) : Imperial Russia, World War I, Latvian republic 1918-1940] {P} |
Retour - Возвращатъ - Zurück - Atpakaļ (Teil 2) / Ruud van Wijnen In: Baltikum 2023 ; 16. - p. 32-44 |
[About: returned mail (returned from Latvia : postal markings) : Latvian Republic 1918-1940, World War II, Sovjet occupation 1940-1941, German occupation 1941-1944/45, Sovjet occupation 1945-1990] {P} |
Rīga 1-9, dagtekenstempels vanaf 1940 / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2024 ; 85. - p.16-24 |
[About: postmarks during first Soviet occupation (1940-1941) and the German occupation (1941-1944)] {P} |
Riga 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 en 9, (stads)postkantoren / V. Marcilger, R. van Wijnen In: HBG 1997 ; 31. - p. 53-79 |
[About: city postoffices of Riga, 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 and 9. During imperial Russia and Latvian Republic, Soviet occupation 1941 and German occupation WWII. Postmarks, map, adresses of the offices and photos] {P} |
Sporen van vluchtelingen uit het Baltische gebied 1939-1950 in de filatelie / Olav Petri In: HBG 2023 ; 83. - p. 14-25 |
[About: refugees from the Baltic area 1939-1950] {P} |
Stamp designer Arthur Apinis / by Arnold Engel In: LC 1976 ; 17. - p. 122-123 |
[About: designer of Latvian stamps. Also designer of the Soviet Latvian coat-of-arms (1940), depicted on many stamps. Co-designer of stamps of charity stamps for the Latvian Legion (1944), article in English] {P} |
Varieties of the soldier stamp in the Fourth (1936-1939) and Fifth (1939-1943) USSR definitive series - Part II / by Alexander Krugljakow In: Rossica 2019 ; no. 172. - p. 85-92 |
[About: study Mi. 679 IA. Also overprints Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, 1941] {P} |
Varieties of the Fourth (1936-1939) and Fifth (1939-1956) definitive issues : parachutist, Part III - milirtary occupation overprints / by Alexander Krugljakow and Ulrich Unger In: Rossica 2022 ; no. 179. - p. 107-116 |
[About: 30-kopek parachutist stamp: WWII in German occupied territories: Latvia 1941, Lithuania 1941, Estonia 1941, Russia 1941 (Pleskau and Luga, Ukraine 1942 and 1941] {P} |
Wenden - Phantasieausgaben und weiterer Unsinn bei ebay / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2013 ; 136. - S. 13-26 |
[About: falsifications - fantasy-issues on Ebay, mainly World War II] {P}{H} |
Wieder eine NĪCA-Fälschung / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2012 ; 134. - S. 18 |
[About: NĪCA 1945: forgery?] {P}{H} |
OSTLAND Ganzsachen-Antwortkarten / [Artur] Menzen, [Harry] v. Hofmann In: PB 1995 ; 99. - S. 8-9 Addition: PB 1995 ; 100. - S. 28 |
[About: postal stationery: reply-cards] {P}{H} |
Der programmierte Irrtum -2 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2009 ; 127. - S. 12-13 |
[About: postmarks which are not possible, but the explanation: incorrect setting 1941 > 16.5.31 and 1942>32] {P}{H} |
Der programmierte Irrtum -4 / Heinz Lukaschewitz In: PB 2011 ; 131. - S. 18-19 |
[About: card from RĪGA 14.7.41 c (German occupation) to VIŠĶI 24 VI 41 B (Soviet occupation): must be sent in July] {P}{H} |
Quittung für Rundfunkgebühren 1943 auch auf sowjetischen Ganzsachen / Klaus Gebhard In: PB 2007 ; 123. - S. 9-10 |
[About: contribution for Radio on Soviet postal stationery] {P}{H} |
Riga Stelle "C" / Harry von Hofmann In: Lituania 2002 ; nr. 17. - p. 1118-1124 |
[About: for the philatelists it was possible: use in Riga of postmarks of Reval (Tallinn), Kauen (Kaunas), in combination with registering Riga 'Stelle C'] {P,H} |
Rundfunkteilnehmerkarte aus der Ostland-Zeit / Heinz Lukaschewitz In: PB 1997 ; 103. - S. 17-18 |
[About: radio-participation-card, printed on Lithuanian postcards (P29 and P33), bilingual text German-Latvian on the back-side printed] {P}{H} |
Schanzen vor Riga - Lettische Frontarbeiter 1944 / Ivars Sniķeris und Thomas Löbbering In: Baltikum 2019 ; Nr. 7. - p. 56-59 Correction on page 58: Papirosa-Papirossa-Papyros / Thomas Löbberiung. - In: Baltikum 2019 ; Nr. 8. - p. 52 |
[About: Riga mail of Latvian front workers 1944. Ostland postal stationery] {P} |
SERVICE SUSPENDED - 1942 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2012 ; 133. - S. 17 |
[About: cover from USA to Riga 1942: opened by American censor and returned, stamp 'SERVICE SUSPENDED'] {P}{H} |
"Sollten die Postmarken Hitlers geteilt werden? / V. Bondars, Ivars Sni&$311eris In: PB 2012 ; 133. - S. 20-22 |
[About: bisection of Hitler-stamps in Latvia] {P}{H} |
Spanisches Feldpostkontor 250 in Riga (Riga) 1942 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2005 ; 119. - S. 17 Addition: PB 2005 ; 120. - s. 10 |
[About: spanish fieldpostoffice in Riga] {P}{H} |
Het stempel der bezetting : Riga 1941-1944 / A.J. van Oosten In: HBG 2006 ; 48. - p. 12-21 Addition: HBG 2011 ; 59. p. 56-57 |
[About: postal history of Riga during occupation World War II] {P, H, B} |
Het stempel der bezetting 2 : Riga 1941-1944 / A.J. van Oosten en Sijtze Reurich In: HBG 2010 ; 57. - p. 14-21 |
[About: postal history of Riga during occupation World War II] {P, H, B} |
Het stempel 'Tag der Briefmarke 1942' van Riga / Sijtze Reurich In: HBG 2007 ; 51. - p. 4-7 |
[About: postmark 'Tag der Briefmarke 1942' of Riga] {P, H, B} |
Stomersee (Stāmeriena) - Riga (Rīga) im September 1941 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2012 ; 134. - S. 14-15 |
[About: letter -september 1941, German occupation already - with postage stamp of Russia] {P}{H} |
Sweden travellers - an episode at the end of the second World War / Andreas Bliersbach In: BJRP 2015 ; 105. - p. 6-17 |
[About: members of the Wehrmacht fleeing across the Baltic Sea to Sweden, Kurland Army Group] {P} |
1. Symposium zur Postgeschichte Lettlands. Riga, 11 August 2001. - Hamburg : Harry von Hofmann Verlag, 2001. - 56 p. Review in: HBG 2001 ; 39. - p. 21 |
[About: 4 lectures: Riga in the post of the 17e century, soviet occupation 1919-1921, Latvian fieldpost 1919-1921, Generalpostkommissariat Ostland 1941] |
Die Technische Nothilfe (TN) im Baltikum / Marius Mrotzek In: Baltikum 2019 ; Nr. 8. - p. 45-48 |
[About: fieldpostcard from Riga to Tallinn. Fieldpostnumber 45305: 1. Kompanie der Technische Polizei-Einsatz-Abteilung, later 1. Kompanie TN-Abteilung IV (Polizei), in English: 1st company of the technical police operation department, later 1st company of the TN department IV (police)] {P} |
Twee vraagtekens minder / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2020 ; 77. - p. 3 |
[About: registering label of Ramkau (Latvian Ranka). Postmark Deutsche Dienstpost Ostland in Abrehnen (Latvian Abrene)] {P} |
Umsiedlung der Deutsch-Balten von Riga in den Warthegau / Gerhard Casperson In: Eesti 2013 ; 56. - p. 34-37 Addition: Umsiedlung der Deutsch-Balten / Heinz Lukaschewitz. - In: Eesti 2013 ; 57. - p. 3 [about: custom fees in post office of harbour of Tallinn] |
[About: a family -Casperson- moves grom Latvia to western Poland ('Warthegau')] {P, H} |
V wie Victoria auf Ostland-Marken In: PB 2011 ; 131. - S. 21 |
[About: Ostland-stamps with overprint V: fantasy] {P}{H} |
Varieties of the soldier stamp in the Fourth (1936-1939) and Fifth (1939-1943) USSR definitive series - Part II / by Alexander Krugljakow In: Rossica 2019 ; no. 172. - p. 85-92 |
[About: study Mi. 679 IA. Also overprints Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, 1941] {P} |
Varieties of the Fourth (1936-1939) and Fifth (1939-1956) definitive issues : parachutist, Part III - milirtary occupation overprints / by Alexander Krugljakow and Ulrich Unger In: Rossica 2022 ; no. 179. - p. 107-117 |
[About: 30-kopek parachutist stamp: WWII in German occupied territories: Latvia 1941, Lithuania 1941, Estonia 1941, Russia 1941 (Pleskau and Luga, Ukraine 1942 and 1941] {P} |
Veldpost van de Wehrmacht in de Baltische gebieden / Olav Petri In: HBG 2020 ; 77. - p. 20-27 |
[About: German fieldpost: Courland (Latvia), Koknese (Latvia), Lithuania, Estonia] {P} |
Verballhornung lettischer Ortsnamen / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2010 ; 129. - S. 14-15 |
[About: Latvian place names to German names, sometimes very strange] {P}{H} |
Ein "verschönter" Kurlandbrief - oder? / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2010 ; 129. - S. 16-17 |
[About: genuine postage stamps -Kurland- on a fantasy-cover] {P}{H} |
Vorsicht bei "Riga Befreiungs-Ausgabe' 1944 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 1995 ; 100. - S. 26 |
[About: 'Ostland-stamps' with overprint 'Riga 1944' on occasion of the liberation of Riga by the Soviet army] {P}{H} |
Vorsicht beim Stempel WINDAU b DEUTSCHE DIENSTPOST OSTLAND / Wilhelm van Loo In: PB 1998 ; 105. - S. 16-17 |
[About: forgery of postmark Windau....] {P}{H} |
VORSICHT: "Kurland" Wertstempel auf Briefumschlägen / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2002 ; 113. - S. 10 |
[About: falsification valuepostmark Kurland] {P}{H} |
19. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (Lettische Nr.1) : historie en veldpost / André de Bruin In: HBG 1993 ; 23. - p. 43-59 |
{P} |
19. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (Lettische Nr.2) : historie en veldpost / André de Bruin In: HBG 1994 ; 24. - p. 33-53 |
{P} |
Walk II oder Walk West / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2011 ; 132. - S. 15-16 |
[About: cover from post-office - franking-free, own postmark VALKA LATVIJA C - Walk II (or Walk West) = the Latvian Postoffice (the Estonian ia Walk I or East)] {P}{H} |
War eine Halbierung 1945 in Libau (Liepäja) möglich? / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2011 ; 131. - S. 25-27 |
[About: covers with bisection of stamps 1945 in Libau (Liepäja)] {P}{H} |
Was es nicht alles gibt / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2008 ; 126. - S. 15-16 |
[About: fantasy letters on Ebay: postmark 'FELDPOST durch Deutsche Dienstpost OSTLAND' and Ulamanin and Lenin on one cover-1941- with fake-address] {P}{H} |
Wieder eine Neuentdeckung / Klaus Gebhard In: PB 2010 ; 130. - S. 21 |
[About: pension-stamps (? Rentenversicherungsmarken-Bestandsmeldungen)] {P}{H} |
Weiterverwending sowjetischer Marken 1941 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2009 ; 127. - S. 15-16 |
[About: later use of Soviet postage stamps: package card, September 11, 1941] {P}{H} |
Wo liegt Adiamünde? : Ein Stempel und seine "soziale" Umgebung / Thomas Löbbering In: Baltikum 2016 ; 1. - p. 43-45 |
[About: DDO postmarkAdiamünde (Skulte), Freytag von Loringhoven] {P} |
Wo liegt Pokrowo? / Hand-Dieter Lutz In: Baltikum 2019 ; Nr. 8. - p. 42-44 |
[About: postmark Pokrowo 9.III-42 on Gewrman postage stamp. Answer of the Redaction: Kačanov(va)' / Pokrova changed in 1927: Kacēni (abrene). Postcard with postmark of Kacēni, 1933] {P} |
Wo liegt Pokrowo heute? / Thomas Löbbering In: Baltikum 2020 ; Nr. 9. - p. 46 |
[About: Ostland-postmark Pokrowo, after Russian occupation 1944 in Russia, now the Russian Federation (Katschanowo Pskower Oblast). Also Petseri/Petschur in Estonia: after 1944 Russia (map 1920 on postage stamp of Estonia 2020 100 year, Mi. ] {P} |
Das Wunder von Ronneburg (Rauna) / Harry v. Hofmann, Sven Kraul In: PB 2011 ; 131. - S. 24-25 |
[About: postmark Ronneburg (Rauna), produced 1944 (?) used 1941: forgery] {P}{H} |
Zurückgesandte Post in schwerer Zeit / Heinz Lukaschewitz, Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2011 ; 132. - S. 13-15 |
[About: local cover in Riga - stamps with overprint LATVIJA 1941 1. VIII - UZZINA (the post try to find the correct address), address not found, returned to sender] {P}{H} |
RUSSIAN PERIOD 1944-1990 | See also: Russia : RSFSR / USSR USSR : Postal stationery and formula cards USSR : Railway post |
1945: PIEMAKSAT und ДОПЛАТИТЬ / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2010 ; 129. - S. 18-19 |
[About: postmarl PIEMAKSAT used in 1945] {P}{H} |
1947 : Doppelt verwendet - Vielfach gewendet / Thomas Löbbering In: Baltikum 2019 ; Nr. 7. - p. 18-26 |
[About: letter from Katvari to Kelderi : postmark Maszalaca 14 3 47 (postmark of Imperial Russia re-used in independent Latvia, again adapted). Then cover used again: from Kelderi to Germany. Text of letter: from servant in estate Lappier (Olzomuiza) to the countess now in Germany] {P} |
Aanwinsten en vondsten / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2023 ; 83. - p. 45 |
[About: visiting cards, 1947 and 1963 {P} |
Ab 1944 in Letland weiter verwendete Stempel / Ruud van Wijnen In: Baltikum 2019 ; Nr. 7. - p. 7-17 |
[About: postmarks (1918-1940, Soviet occupation 1940-41, German occupation 1941-44/45), used further after 1944/45 in Latvia. Table of postmarks1918-1940 further used in 1944-1950] {P} |
Ab 1944/45 weiter verwendete Stempel im Baltikum / Martin Bechstedt, Thomas Löbbering & Ruud van Wijnen Arge Baltikum, 2020. - 79 p. - Arbeitshilfe Nr. 3 der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Baltikum e.V. |
[About: from 1944/45 earlier postmarks continued to be used in the Baltic States] {P} |
Abrene, Letland / Nico Bader In: HBG 2017 ; 70. - p. 50-55 |
[About: Abrene in Latvia (1918-1940), in the Latvian Sovjetrepublic (1940-1941), World War II, Russian Sovjetrepublic (1944-1991)] {P, B} |
Abrene : het district, de stad en het "het gebied" / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2021 ; 78. - p. 12-26 |
[About: Abrene : the district, the city and 'the area': in 1944 'the Abrene area' was transferred from the Latvian to the Russian Soviet Republic. Postmarks of Imperial Russia, Latvia, German occupation, USSR. Maps] {P} |
Abrene -der Kreis, die Stadt und das Gebiet (Teil 1) / Ruud van Wijnen In: Baltikum 2021 ; Nr. 11. - p. 39-47 |
[About: Abrene : the district, the city and 'the area': in 1944 'the Abrene area' was transferred from the Latvian to the Russian Soviet Republic. Postmarks of Imperial Russia, Latvia, German occupation, USSR. Maps. Part 1] {P} |
Abrene -der Kreis, die Stadt und das Gebiet (Teil 2) / Ruud van Wijnen In: Baltikum 2021 ; Nr. 12. - p. 39-45 |
[About: Abrene : the district, the city and 'the area': in 1944 'the Abrene area' was transferred from the Latvian to the Russian Soviet Republic. Postmarks of Imperial Russia, Latvia, German occupation, USSR. Maps. Part 2] {P} |
Als die Post noch Rundfunk- und Fernsehgebühren kassierte / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2014 ; 137. - S. 15-16 |
[About: free of charge service-card of post-office Riga 2: to pay radio and/or TV-licence fee / ] {P}{H} |
De Baltische Riviera : deel 1/ Jan Kaptein In: HBG 2008 ; 53. - p. 4-16 Deel 2 In: HBG 2009 :54. - p. 4-23 |
[About: Baltic Riviera or Rigas Jurmala: part 1 tsaristic period, mail -with nice pictures from the seaside resort near Riga Part 2 about the period World War I, Latvian Republic 1918-1940, World War II and Sovjet-period] {P, H, B} |
De Baltische staten op zegels van de Sovjet-Unie / K. Koch In: HBG 1996 ; 29. - p. 32-36 |
[About: the Baltic states on postage stamps of the Sovjet-Union] {P} |
De Baltische staten op zegels van de Sovjet-Unie, aanvullingen In: HBG 1997 ; 30. - p. 48-49 |
[About: the Baltic states on postage stamps of the Sovjet-Union, supplement] {P} |
'Bewaren maar : je weet nooit waar het nog eens goed voor is': Sijtze Reurich In: OEF 2007 (jrg. 25) ; Nr. 1. - p. 4-5 |
[About: cover 1989 from Latvia with an old stamp (1958 : 40 kop., but since 1961 10 old kop. is 1 new kop.), article in Dutch] {P} |
Bild- und Schmuckpostkarten mit Bezug zu Lettland als UdSSR-Ganzsachen / von Harry v. Hofmann Hamburg : Harry v. Hofmann Verlag, 2014 |
[About: overview / catalogue of picture postcards with Latvian theme as Soviet postal stationery] {P, F} |
Enerzijds en anderzijds, de laatste en de eerste. Of: op de randen van plaats en tijd, deel 4, 1944-1945 / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2016 ; 68. - p. 22-29 Addition: HBG 2021 ; 79. - p. 44-45 |
[About: first and last date, part 4: 1944-1945, last German and first soviet post, Courland Pocket] Part 1: about 1915-1918. - in: HBG 2014 ; 64. - p. 22-32 Part 2: about 1918-1919, last German and first Latvian post. - In: HBG 2015 ; 66. - p. 34-44 Part 3: about 1940-1941, last Latvian post, first Soviet, last Soviet, first German. - In: HBG 2015 ; 67. - p. 36-44 {P, H, B} |
Esperanto - Die neue Sprache von Hoffnung und Frieden in Zeiten der Unterdrückung / Olav Petri und Thomas Löbbering In: Baltikum 2018 ; Nr. 6. - p. 52-55 |
[About: Esperanto: Sovjet propaganda cart 1929, postage stamp 1927 (mi. 325), postage stamp 1926 (mi. 312), cover in Latvian and Russian (but sent from Vilnius 1959)] {P} |
Die Fehler bei den in Lettland verwendeten UdSSR-Poststempeln / Janis Ozolins In: PB 1995 ; 99. - S. 9-18 |
[About: errors -placenames, text, spelling- in postmarks of USSR in Latvia] {P}{H} |
De filatelistische tweeling, aflevering 7 / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2024 ; 84. - p. 33 |
[About: card, sent from people's court in Riga with postmarks of Riga-10 and Riga-11] {P} |
Gems of Latvian Philately / by A. Engel In: LC 1983 ; 35. - p. 28-29 |
[About: registered cover to Chicago, sent in 1939 by Alexander Ridnik. He was jailed by the Soviets (7 years in prison) for "trading and speculation in postage stamps". With patriotic seals. Article in English] {P} |
Groeten uit Orel / Jan Kaptein In: OEF 2016 (jrg. 34) ; Nr. 2. - p. 14-23 |
[About: picture postcards of Orel in Imperial Russia, the railwaypost of the Riga-Orel railway in Imperial Russia and Soviet period, article in Dutch] {P, B} |
Die grossen Schmuckblatt-Telegramme in Sowjet-Lettland / von Janis Ozolins Hamburg : Harry v. Hofmann Verlag. - (Studienmanuskripte ; Folge 8) |
[About: great Soviet decorative sheet telegrams in Soviet Latvia] {?} |
In Letland gebruikte censuurstempels / Ruud W. van Wijnen In: HBG 1998 ; 33. - p. 58-68 |
[About: censorship in Latvia, 1920-1921, 1926-1938, 1944-1946] {P} |
In Letland gebruikte censuurstempels - 2 / Ruud W. van Wijnen In: HBG 1999 ; 34. - p. 6-7 |
{P} |
Jaunjelgava 18.V.45 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2011 ; 132. - S. 16-17 |
[About: cover one-line postmark Jaunjelgava on card with Russian postage stamp, date by handwriting 18.V.45] {P}{H} |
Lettländischer R-Zettel auf Brief aus Memel (Klaipeda) 1949 / Norbert Buchenau, Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2012 ; 133. - S. 23-25 |
[About: Cover from Memel (Klaipeda) 1949 with registration-label of R.S.S. de Lettonie> handwritten changed in LiTTuanie] {P}{H} |
Een kaart uit het heerlijke Majori / Olav Petri In: HBG 2024 ; 85. - p. 36-37 |
[About: card, sent from Majori, oktober 2, 1946] {P} |
Ķemeri, kuuroord sinds 1838 / Jan Kaptein In: HBG 2009 ; 55. - p. 4-14 |
[About: Kemeri -near Riga-, health resort since 1938 tsaristic period, Latvian Republic 1918-1940, World War II and Sovjet-period] {P, H, B} |
Die kleinen Schmuckblatt-Telegramme in Sowjet-Lettland / von Janis Ozolins Hamburg : Harry v. Hofmann Verlag. - (Studienmanuskripte ; Folge 9) |
[About: little Soviet decorative sheet telegrams in Soviet Latvia] {?} |
Letland, 1944 en (hoe?) verder / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2018 ; 73. - p. 4-9 |
[About: Latvia after 1944: what to collect. Historical survey, fieldpost] {P} |
Letland, 1944 en (hoe?) verder : deel 2 / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2019 ; 74. - p. 4-13 |
[About: Latvia after 1944: what to collect : part 2. Use of postmarks of earlier periods, secret censorship. Table of old postmarks used after 1944] {P} |
Letland, 1944 en (hoe?) verder : deel 3 / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2019 ; 75. - p. 30-36 |
[About: Latvia after 1944: what to collect : part 3. Soviet postmarks: types (table). Railway postmarks. Machine postmarks. Franking-machine postmarks] {P} |
Letland, 1944 en (hoe?) verder : deel 4 / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2020 ; 76. - p. 22-32 |
[About: Latvia after 1944: what to collect : part 4. Commemorative postmarks, postal stationery (enveloppes, cards, cards with commemorative imprinted stamp. Postage due, postal rates. Servicepost and post of the government. Customs] {P} |
Letland, 1944 en (hoe?) verder : deel 5 / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2020 ; 77. - p. 28-35 |
[About: Latvia after 1944: what to collect : part 5. Postal instructions. Post from the Gulag. German prisoners of war] {P} |
Letland na 1944, update 1 / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2022 ; 80. - p. 62-67 |
[About: Latvia after 1944, update 1: fieldpost, hidden censorship, re-use of postmarks, use of older postmarkt (adapted,..)] {P} |
Letland na 1944, update 2 / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2022 ; 81. - p. 14-23 |
[About: Latvia after 1944, update 2: military censorship, postmarks townpost-offices Riga, illustrated covers, Pēteris StuČa, mail from Riga 2, 10-11 and 20, Cíņa] {P} |
'Letse' ansicht-postwaardestukken uit de Sovjet periode / Jan Kaptein, Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2013 ; 63. - p. 27-33 |
[About: survey/list of Soviet postal stationeries-picture cards with Latvian topic] {P, H, B} |
Letse grootformaat stempels 1962-1992 / A. Birznieks In: HBG 1993 ; 23. - p. 18-20 |
[About: great format postmarks of Latvia 1962-1992] {P} |
Līgo, wat is dat? / Olav Petri In: HBG 2021 ; 78. - p. 28-31 |
[About: Latvian public holiday: Līgo, Midsummer: cards and postage stamps (soviet 1941, card 1938 and 1939, postage stamps ussr and Latvia 1998, postal stationery soviet)] {P} |
Līgo, een onverwacht groot feest in Letland / door Olav Petri In: Filatelie 2022 ; 7. - p. 406-407 |
[About: Latvian public holiday: Līgo, Midsummer: cards and postage stamps (soviet 1941, card 1938 and 1939, postage stamps ussr and Latvia 1998, postal stationery soviet), article in Dutch] {P} |
Līgo / Olav Petri In: Baltikum 2022 ; Nr. 14. - p. 17-22 |
[About: Latvian public holiday: Līgo, Midsummer: cards and postage stamps (soviet 1941, card 1938 and 1939, postage stamps ussr and Latvia 1998, postal stationery soviet)] {P} |
Nebenstempel und Zettel in der Sowjetzeit / Ruud van Wijnen
In: Baltikum 2016 ; 2. - p. 60-64 |
[About: additional postmarks and labels in the Soviet period] {P} |
One more mystery / by Alexey Babochkin In: Rossica 2018 ; no. 170. - p. 82 |
[About: cover international philatelic exchange, from Liepaja 1951 to Austria. Censorship] {P} |
Die Ortskennzahlen bei den Wappensiegeln der lettischen SSR / Janis Ozolins In: PB 1995 ; 100. - S. 27-28 |
[About: arms-postmark on money-madates of the Latvian Soviet Republic : with the place-index numbers] {P}{H} |
Pasta zimogu veidi un to pielietošans Latvijā 1944.-1990.G.G. = Typen und Verwendungen der Poststempel in Lettland 1944-1990 / Aivars Cimermanis. - In: 2. Symposium zur Postgeschichte Lettlands Tuckum 9. August 2003. - p. 51-72 |
[About: Types and use of postmarks in Latvia 1944-1990] {P} |
Post uit Liepāja, Libau, ЛИБАВА [LIBAVA] 5 / Jan Kaptein In: HBG 2017 ; 70. - p. 6-12 |
[About: post from Liepāja, part 5: Soviet period 1944-1990, Latvian Republic 1990-.. . ] part 1-Imperial Russia period. - in HBG 2014 ; 65. - p. 28-42 part 2 -World War I and LIBAU-overprints 1919- in HBG 2015 ; 66. - p. 4-15 part 3 - Latvian Republic 1918-1940 period, many nice picture cards, censorship, postmarks. - In: HBG 2015 ; 67. - p. 22-29 part 4 - Latvian Soviet Republic (1940), World War II German occupation, Courland Pocket (stamps) {P, B} |
Post uit Sovjet Liepāja, mezjdoenarodnoje, paranoïa of niet? Een opsomming voor later gebruik / Olav Petri In: HBG 2017 ; 71. - p. 28-32 Addition in: HBG2018 ; 72. - p. 45 See also: Van verdacht naar "scxhuldig" / Olav Petri. - In: HBG 2018 ; 72. - p. 9 |
[About: 34 covers from Soviet-Liepāja: the 'mezjdoenarodnoje'' -postmark (international) as censorship mark?] {P} |
Postwaardestukken uit de Sovjetperiode : ansichtkaarten / Jan Kaptein In: HBG 2012 ; 60. - p. 4-25 Addition: HBG 2012 ; 61. - p. 50-51 Addition: HBG 2013 ; 62. - p. 37:postal rates |
[About: postal stationeries from the Soviet-period : picture postcards. MGK-division, illustrations, scheme of these cards, information on the cards, ..] {P, H, B} |
Postwagons en postwagonstempels in Letland in de Sovjetperiode / Igor Irikov en Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2004 ; 44. - p. 16-20 |
[About: railway postwagon and railway postwagon-postmarks in Latvia in the Soviet period) {P, H, B} |
Postwissels uit de Letse SSR / Olav Petri In: HBG 2005 ; 46. - p. 6-11 |
[About: money transfers in the Latvian SSR] {P, H, B} |
Postwissels uit de Letse SSR : een aanvulling / Olav Petri In: HBG 2005 ; 47. - p. 26 |
[About: money transfers in the Latvian SSR, addition] {P, H, B} |
Retour - Возвращатъ - Zurück - Atpakaļ / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2023 ; 82. - p. 12-22 |
[About: returned mail (returned from Latvia : postal markings) : Imperial Russia, World War I, Latvian republic 1918-1940] {P} |
Retour - Возвращатъ - Zurück - Atpakaļ : deel 2 / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2023 ; 83. - p. 4-10 |
[About: returned mail (returned from Latvia : postal markings) : World War II, Sovjet occupation 1940-1941, German occupation 1941-1944/45, Sovjet occupation 1945-1990] {P} |
Retour - Возвращатъ - Zurück - Atpakaļ (Teil 1) / Ruud van Wijnen In: Baltikum 2023 ; 15. - p. 31-47 |
[About: returned mail (returned from Latvia : postal markings) : Imperial Russia, World War I, Latvian republic 1918-1940] {P} |
Retour - Возвращатъ - Zurück - Atpakaļ (Teil 2) / Ruud van Wijnen In: Baltikum 2023 ; 16. - p. 32-44 |
[About: returned mail (returned from Latvia : postal markings) : Latvian Republic 1918-1940, World War II, Sovjet occupation 1940-1941, German occupation 1941-1944/45, Sovjet occupation 1945-1990] {P} |
Rīga 1-9, dagtekenstempels vanaf 1940 / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 2024 ; 85. - p.16-24 |
[About: postmarks during first Soviet occupation (1940-1941) and the German occupation (1941-1944) and new Soviet postmarks after 1944] {P} |
Riga: een plattegrond uit de Sovjet periode..... / Jan Kaptein In: HBG 2003 ; 43. - p. 28-42 |
[About: Riga in the Soviet period: other names on a map of Riga of that time, Lenin-street on postal stationaries, etc., information from travel-guides of that time] {P, H, B} |
Riga - kazachstan - Madona, 1945-1950 - Deel 1 / Ivo Steyn, Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 1996 ; 29. - p. 65-72 |
{P} |
Riga - kazachstan - Madona, 1945-1950 - Deel 2 / Ivo Steyn, Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 1997 ; 30. - p. 6-17 |
{P} |
Schmuckumschläge mit Bezug zu Lettland als UdSSR-Ganzsachen / von Harry v. Hofmann Hamburg : Harry v. Hofmann Verlag, 2014 |
[About: overview / catalogue of covers with imprinted stamp (Soviet postal stationery) with Latvian theme] {P, F} |
Soviet postal stationery 1953-1977 (envelopes) / Gerrie Coerts & Lina Nizova Second edition, september 1997. - 280 p. - ISBN 90-75536-05-4 |
[About: topical catalogue with number (Lapkin-Yakobs), date, official specification (emission title of the envelope), added information] {P} |
Soviet POWs held by the AXIS powers / by Peter A. Michalove In: The Post-Rider 1996 ; no. 39. - p. 16-17 |
[About: Soviet attitude toward POWs. Covers from Latvia to the International Red Cross Committee in Geneva] {} |
Sovjet frankeermachinestempels uit Letland / Jan Kaptein, Erik Schoenmaker (vertalingen) In: HBG 2003 ; 42. - p. 68 |
[About: Soviet postage meter stamps from Latvia] {P, H, B} |
Sporen van vluchtelingen uit het Baltische gebied 1939-1950 in de filatelie / Olav Petri In: HBG 2023 ; 83. - p. 14-25 |
[About: refugees from the Baltic area 1939-1950] {P} |
Stalin in Riga / Olav Petri In: HBG 2022 ; 80. - p. 34-38 |
[About: Stalin-architecture in Riga] {P} |
Stalin in Riga / Olav Petri In: Baltikum 2023 ; 15. - p. 25-30 |
[About: Stalin-architecture in Riga] {P} |
Standbeelden..... / Jan Kaptein In: HBG 2003 ; 42. - p. 54-65 |
[About: Statues... and monuments of the Soviet period on postal stationeries, but now removed, history, what happened with the monuments. Lithuania p. 54-61, Estonia -Latvia p. 62-65] {P, H, B} |
Stempels van de Sovjetrepubliek Letland, 1940-1941, 1944-1991 / A. Birznieks In: HBG 1992 ; 21. - p. 46-68 |
[About: postmarks of Sovjet-reublic Letland] {P} |
Touring the Soviet Union 1965 / A.S. Waugh In: BJRP 1965 ; 37. - p. 31-33 and illustrations (between p. 22-23) p. [12] |
[About: Leningrad, Riga (picture: local train with postal wagon as first unit), Moscow] {P} |
Treinstempels in Letland na 1945 / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 1990 ; 16. - p. 5-8 |
[About: railway postmarks in Latvia after 1945] {P} |
Ein ungewöhnlicher Kriegsgefangenenbrief aus Windau (Ventspils) 1946 / Manfred Mrotzek In: PB 2001 ; 112. - S. 13-15 |
[About: Prisoner of war-letter 1946 from Ventspils Addition: PB 2002 ; 113. - S. 9 ] {P}{H} |
Van verdacht naar "schuldig" / Olav Petri In: HBG 2018 ; 72. - p. 9 |
[About: postmarks mezjdoenarodnoje: censorship, cover Liepāja] {P} |
Weiter verwendet ab 1944/45 - Alte Stempel in neuer Hand / Thomas Löbbering In: Baltikum 2019 ; Nr. 7. - p. 4-7 |
[About: postmarks (1918-1940, Soviet occupation 1940-41, German occupation 1941-44/45), used further after 1944/45: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania] {P} |
Weitere lettische Poststempel in privater Hand / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2009 ; 127. - S. 20-22 |
[About: stamps -via Ebay - in private property, Soviet and Latvian (after 1990): owners can so produce postmarks] {P}{H} |
Weitere lettische Poststempel in privater Hand - 2 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2009 ; 128. - S. 12-14 |
[About: stamps -via Ebay - in private property, Soviet and Latvian (after 1990): owners can so produce postmarks] {P}{H} |
Weitere lettländische Poststempel in privater Hand - 3 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2012 ; 133. - S. 26-28 |
[About: stamps -via Ebay - in private property, Latvian (1918-1940), Soviet and Latvian (after 1990): owners can so produce postmarks] {P}{H} |
Die Werbestempel von Lettland / Harry von Hofmann Hamburg : Harry von Hofmann Verlag |
[About: overview of slogan cancels of Latvia, also after 1940- Review: HBG 1995 ; 27. - p. 76 Review: PB 1998 ; no. 105. - S. 13] {?} |
Wo ist oder war eigentlich Vecdaudzeva? / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2013 ; 136. - S. 27-28 |
[About: cover with soviet postmark VECDAUDZEVA LIT. CCP, but is must be LAT. CCP] {P}{H} |
General : new issues, news, e.g. | |
85 Jahre Stadtrechte für Stockmannshof (Plavinas) / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2012 ; 134. - S. 19 |
[About: 85 years city-rights of Plavinas: personalized issue?] {P}{H} |
'Afgesloten' gebieden komen weer tot leven: de Baltische staten / Harry von Hofmann In: OEF 1992 ; nr. 1. - p. 2-11 |
[About: 'Closed' areas come back to life: the Baltic states] {P} |
"Air Policing" und "Persistent Presence" - Schirm und Schutz im Baltikum / Thomas Löbbering In: Baltikum 2017 ; 3. - p. 28-30 |
[About: special covers (with additional ornament-mark) of German army-units -NATO air policing- in the Baltic countries] {P} |
Bad days for Latvian philately / by Eduard Voitkuns In: Rossica 1992 ; no. 119. - p. 6-7 |
[About: policy of issueing new stamps] {P,} |
De eerste envelop met ingedrukt zegel van de republiek Letland uitgegeven
op 24 december 1990 / Nikolajs Jakimovs In: HBG 1991 ; 18. - p. 53-54 |
[About: the first Latvian postal stationery issued on 24 December 1990] {P} |
EMS Letland : even vastgelegd wat er is / Olav Petri In: HBG 2018 ; 72. - p. 4-5 |
[About: EMS, express post, in Latvia] {P} |
Express mail in the new republics / by Paul Burega In: Rossica 1995 ; no. 125. - p. 19-22 |
[About: express mail, EMS, in Dnepropetrovsk or Dnipro (Ukraine,1993), Smolensk (Russian Federation) and Riga (Latvia)] {P,} |
Letland / G. Bordewijk In: OEF 1998 (jrg. 16) ; nr. 4. - p. 6 |
[About: 1993: Mi 305-312 and 326-334 again valid, but in santims and lats, more.., article in Dutch] {P} |
Letland / G. Bordewijk In: OEF 1999 (jrg. 17) ; nr. 1. - p. 21 |
[About: addition: table coat of arms issues, article in Dutch] {P} |
Letland : frankeerzegels, ontwerp wapens / Joop van Heeswijk In: HBG 2006 ; 48. - p. 51 |
[About: overview of the running stamps type arms of Latvia] {P, H, B} |
Letland Frankeerzegels, ontwerp wapens / Joop van Heeswijk In: HBG 2010 ; 57. - p. 36-37 |
[About: overview of the running stamps type arms of Latvia] {P, H, B} |
Letland : nieuwe ontwikkelingen I / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 1992 ; 20. - p. 17-34 |
{P} |
Letland : nieuwe ontwikkelingen II / Ruud van Wijnen en Nikolajs Jakimovs In: HBG 1992 ; 21. - p. 91-99 |
{P} |
Letland : nieuwe ontwikkelingen III / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 1993 ; 22. - p. 22-27 |
{P} |
Letland : nieuwe ontwikkelingen IV / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 1994 ; 24. - p. 64-72 |
{P} |
Letland : nieuwe ontwikkelingen V / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 1995 ; 26. - p. 40-46 |
{P} |
Letland : nieuwe ontwikkelingen VI / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 1996 ; 28. - p. 61-67 |
{P} |
Letland : nieuwe ontwikkelingen VII / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 1997 ; 30. - p. 70-71 |
{P} |
Letland : nieuwe ontwikkelingen VIII / Ruud van Wijnen In: HBG 1998 ; 32. - p. 53-55 |
{P} |
News from Baltic countries (Baltijos saliu naujienos) In: Phillit 1998 ; no. 18. - p. 2-4 |
[About: issues 1998 of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia] {P} |
Neue Internationale UPU-Antwortscheine in Lettland / -nn In: PB 2011 ; 132. - S. 18 |
[About: new UPU-reply coupons] {P}{H} |
News from Baltic countries (Baltijos saliu naujienos) In: Phillit 1998 ; no. 17. - p. 2-5 |
[About: issues 1998 of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, bilingual article Lithuanian-English] {P} |
News from Baltic countries (Baltijos saliu naujienos) In: Phillit 1998 ; no. 18. - p. 2-4 |
[About: issues 1998 of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia] {P} |
News from Baltic countries (Baltijos saliu naujienos) In: Phillit 1999 ; no. 19. - p. 2-4 |
[About: issues 1998-1999 of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia] {P} |
OEF's love letter : Lelijk = Interessant / Sijtze Reurich In: OEF 2007 (jrg. 25) ; Nr. 4. - p. 6-8 |
[About: postmark franking machine Kaliningrad 1993 (with additional value-prints: rate too high for the machine). Also Latvian franking machine 1992 (kopeck = rouble: rate too high for the machine), article in Dutch] {P} |
Overzicht van de loopzegels type wapens van Letland / J. van Heeswijk In: HBG 1999 ; 35. - p. 120 |
[About: overview of the running stamps type arms of Latvia update: HBG 2006 ; 48. - p. 51] {P} |
Portotarieven Lertland / G. Bordewijk In: OEF 1999 (jrg. 17) ; nr. 3. - p. 14 |
[About: postal rates Latvia 4 May 1990-31 December 1990, article in Dutch] {P} |
Sovjetenveloppen met Letse rubberstempels in de overgangstijd / Gerrit Bordewijk In: OEF 1997 (jrg. 15) ; nr. 1. - p. 9-14 |
[About: overprinted Russian postal stationery, article in Dutch] {P} |
News from Baltic countries (Baltijos saliu naujienos) In: Phillit 1999 ; no. 20. - p. 2-5 |
[About: issues 1999 of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia] {P} |
News from Baltic countries (Baltijos saliu naujienos) In: Phillit 1999 ; no. 21. - p. 12-14 |
[About: issues 1999 of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia] {P} |
Neuheiten In: PB 1995 ; 99. - S. 22-28 |
[About: issues 1994-1995 (s. 22-25), special cancellations 1994-1995 (s. 25-28)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 1995 ; 100. - S. 30-38 |
[About: issues 1995 (s. 30-33), special cancellations 1994-1995 (s. 33-38)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 1996 ; 101. - S. 19-24 |
[About: issues 1995-1996 (s. 19-22), special cancellations 1995-1996 (s. 22-24)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 1996 ; 102. - S. 22-29 |
[About: issues 1996 (s. 22-25), special cancellations 1995-1996 (s. 25-29)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 1997 ; 103. - S. 20-26 |
[About: issues 1996-1997 (s. 20-24), special cancellations 1996-1997 (s. 24-26)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 1997 ; 104. - S. 26-31 |
[About: issues 1997(s. 26-29), special cancellations 1997 (s. 29-31)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 1998 ; 105. - S. 20-24 |
[About: issues 1997-1998 (s. 20-22), special cancellations 1997-1998 (s. 22-24)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 1998 ; 106. - S. 21-25 |
[About: issues 1998 (s. 21-23), special cancellations 1997-1998 (s. 23-25)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 1999 ; 107. - S. 20-25 |
[About: issues 1999 (s. 20-23), stamp booklets (s. 23), special cancellations (s. 24-25)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 1999 ; 108. - S. 24-30 |
[About: issues 1999 (s. 24-26), stamp booklets (s. 26), special cancellations (s. 27-30)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2000 ; 109. - S. 21-26 |
[About: issues 1999-2000 (s. 21-23), stamp booklets (s. 23), special cancellations (s. 23-26)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2000 ; 110. - S. 19-26 |
[About: issues 2000 (s. 19-22), stamp booklets (s. 22-23), special cancellations (s. 21-26)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2001 ; 111. - S. 23-29 |
[About: issues 2000-2001 (s. 23-26), stamp booklets (s. 26), special cancellations (s. 27-29)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2001 ; 112. - S. 20-26 |
[About: issues 2001 (s. 23-26), stamp booklets (s. 22-23), special cancellations (s. 23-26)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2002 ; 113. - S. 16-22 |
[About: issues 2001-2002 (s. 16-18), stamp booklets (s. 18-20), special cancellations (s. 20-22)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2002 ; 114. - S. 19-25 |
[About: issues 2002 (s. 19-22), stamp booklets (s. 22-23), special cancellations (s. 23-25)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2003 ; 115. - S. 14-21 |
[About: issues 2002-2003 (s. 14-16), stamp booklets (s. 16-18), special cancellations (s. 18-21)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2003 ; 116. - S. 21-26 |
[About: issues 2003 (s. 21-23), stamp booklets (s. 23-24), special cancellations (s. 24-26)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2004 ; 117. - S. 24-29 |
[About: issues 2003-2004 (s. 24-26), special cancellations (s. 27-29)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2004 ; 118. - S. 19-25 |
[About: issues 2004 (s. 19-21), stamp booklets (s. 21-22), special cancellations (s. 22-25)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2005 ; 119. - S. 24-29 |
[About: issues 2004-2005 (s. 24-27), special cancellations (s. 27-29)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2005 ; 120. - S. 13-24 |
[About: issues 2005 (s. 13-16), postcards (s. 17), stamp booklets (s. 17-18), special cancellations (s. 18-24)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2006 ; 121. - S. 20-30 |
[About: issues 2005-2006 (s. 20-25), stamp booklets (s. 25-27), special cancellations (s. 27-30)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2006 ; 122. - S. 19-26 |
[About: issues 2006 (s. 19-21), stamp booklets (s. 21-22), special cancellations (s. 23-26)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2007 ; 123. - S. 21-24 |
[About: issues 2006-2007 (s. 21-23), stamp booklets (s. 24), special cancellations (s. 24-28)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2007 ; 124. - S. 19-23 |
[About: issues 2007 (s. 19-20), special cancellations (s. 21-23)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2008 ; 125. - S. 22-29 |
[About: issues 2007-2008 (s. 22-25), stamp booklets (s. 25-26), special cancellations (s. 26-29)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2008 ; 126. - S. 18-23 |
[About: issues 2008 (s. 18-21), special cancellations (s. 21-23)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2009 ; 127. - S. 23-29 |
[About: special cancellations (s. 23-25), issues 2008 (s. 25-28), stamp booklets (s. 29-30)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2009 ; 128. - S. 20-26 |
[About: special cancellations (s. 20-23), issues 2009 (s. 23-26), postal stationary (s. 26)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2010 ; 129. - S. 22-27 |
[About: issues 2009 (s. 22-24), special cancellations (s. 25-27)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2010 ; 130. - S. 22-28 |
[About: issues 2009-2010 (s. 22-24), postal stationery (s. 25), special cancellations (s. 25-28)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2011 ; 131. - S. 34-40 |
[About: issues 2010-2011 (s. 34-38), special cancellations (s. 38-40)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2011 ; 132. - S. 20-25 |
[About: issues 2011 (s. 20-22), special cancellations (s. 23-25)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2012 ; 133. - S. 28-33 |
[About: issues 2011-2012 (s. 28-30), special cancellations (s. 30-33)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2012 ; 134. - S. 20-26 |
[About: issues 2012 (s. 20-23), special cancellations (s. 23-26)] {P}{H} |
Gemeinschaftausgabe - Eisenbahnbrücken / Bernard Fels In: Lituania 2013 ; nr. 39. - p. 33-35 |
[About: common issue -2012- Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania: railway bridges, FDC's] {P, H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2013 ; 135. - S. 24-28 |
[About: issues 2012 (s. 24-27), special cancellations (s. 27-28)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2013 ; 136. - S. 29-34 |
[About: issues 2013-2014 (s. 29-32), special cancellations (s. 32-34)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2014 ; 137. - S. 17-30 |
[About: issues 2013 (s. 17-24), postal stationery (s. 24-25), special cancellations (s. 26-30)] {P}{H} |
General | |
Dienst-Einschreiben der Postverwaltung in Lettland / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2014 ; 137. - S. 34-35 |
[About: registering on service-post of Latvian Post] {P}{H} |
Doch kein neuer Luftpost-Aufkleber in Lettland In: PB 1996 ; 101. - S. 26 |
[About: new airmail-labels, repoted in PB 95, are private-production] {P}{H} |
Einfuhrvorschriften für Postsendungen nach Lettland In: PB 1996 ; 101. - S. 18 |
[About: import-regulations for post parcels to Latvia] {P}{H} |
EMS - Express Mail Service aus Riga 1992 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2002 ; 114. - S. 16-17 |
[About: EMS: covers and postmark] {P}{H} |
Ermässigte Weignachtstarife 1995 / [Harry] v. Hofmann In: PB 1996 ; 101. - S. 17 |
[About: short message about special postal rates Christmas] {P}{H} |
Fehldruck von 1991 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2014 ; 137. - S. 30 |
[About: error-printing of postal stationary 1991, Michel U3] {P}{H} |
Das gab es noch nie : Aus alt mach' neu und gewähre einen Gewinn von 20.000% / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 1998 ; 106. - S. 15-16 |
[About: postage stamps of 1994 again valid and very high value: Rubel>Lat] {P}{H} |
Fouten in de sovjet-stempels gebruikt in Letland / Janis Ozolins In: HBG 1995 ; 26. - p. 47-55 |
[About: errors in Sovjet-postmarks used in Letland after 4 May 1990] {P} |
Neue Internationale Antwortscheine auch in Lettland / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2002 ; 114. - S. 14-15 |
[About: new international answer-papers] {P}{H} |
Neue Portsätze seit dem 01.01.1999 In: PB 1999 ; 107. - S. 17-19 |
[About: postal rates] {P}{H} |
Neue Posttarife in Lettland / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 1996 ; 101. - S. 17 |
[About: postal rates] {P}{H} |
Neue Posttarife in Lettland In: PB 2007 ; 124. - S. 23-24 |
[About: new postal rates 1 january 2006] {P}{H} |
Neue Posttarife seit dem 1. Dezember 2008 In: PB 2009 ; 128. - S. 19-20 |
[About: new postal rates December 1, 2008] {P}{H} |
Neue A-Zettel in Lettland / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2006 ; 121. - S. 18-19 |
[About: new register-strips] {P}{H} |
Neue R- und V-Zettel in Lettland / [Harry] v. Hofmann In: PB 1996 ; 102. - S. 29 |
[About: new register-strips and V-strips] {P}{H} |
Portotarieven Letland / G. Bordewijk In: OEF 1999, Jrg. 17 ; nr. 3. - p. 14-21 |
[About: postal rates 4 may 1990-december 1998] {P} |
Die Post in Lettland sagt: Paldies! / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 1995 ; 99. - S. 21 |
[About: when buying stamps in vending machine: 'Thank You' on the form] {P}{H} |
Post uit Liepāja, Libau, ЛИБАВА [LIBAVA] 5 / Jan Kaptein In: HBG 2017 ; 70. - p. 6-12 |
[About: post from Liepāja, part 5: Soviet period 1944-1990, Latvian Republic 1990-.. . ] part 1-Imperial Russia period. - in HBG 2014 ; 65. - p. 28-42 part 2 -World War I and LIBAU-overprints 1919- in HBG 2015 ; 66. - p. 4-15 part 3 - Latvian Republic 1918-1940 period, many nice picture cards, censorship, postmarks. - In: HBG 2015 ; 67. - p. 22-29 part 4 - Latvian Soviet Republic (1940), World War II German occupation, Courland Pocket (stamps) {P, B} |
Postabteilung KAPTEINE geschlossen In: PB 2000 ; 110. - S. 17 |
[About: special label: post-office Kapteine closed after 71 years] {P}{H} |
"RIGA-47" wurde geschlossen / Michael Molodcov In: PB 1998 ; 105. - S. 18 |
[About: short message: closing post-office Riga 47] {P}{H} |
Sakta PASTA CENTRS LV-1051 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2006 ; 122. - S. 16-17 |
[About: greeting card postage free, issued with the start of a new postal center] {P}{H} |
Seit dem 01.01.97 wieder neue Posttarife in Lettland / v.H. In: PB 1997 ; 104. - S. 24 |
[About: short message: new postal rates] {P}{H} |
Sondertarif für Sendungen per Heissluftballon / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 1996 ; 102. - S. 20 |
[About: special postal rates for balloon-post] {P}{H} |
Sonderarife für die Weihnachtspost 1994 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 1995 ; 99. - S. 19 |
[About: special postal ratres with Christmas, short message] {P}{H} |
Sovjetenveloppen met Letse rubberstempels in de overgangstijd / Gerrit Bordewijk In: OEF 1997 ; nr. 1. - p. 9-14 |
[About: Sovjet postal stationeries with Latvian rubber-postmarks] {P} |
Uit de (post)geschiedenis van Saulkrasti / Jan Kaptein In: HBG 2022 ; 81. - p. 4-7 |
[About: (postal) history of Saulkrasti, namechange: Pēterupe, Peterscsapelle, Neubad, НЕЙБАД Ъ [NEIBAD], Saulkrasti] {P} |
Vorsicht Fälschung! : Angebliche BALTBAT - Feldpost auf dem deutschen Markt aufgetaucht / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2011 ; 131. - S. 33-34 |
[About: BALTBAT - Fieldpost postage stamps on cover: fantasy] {P}{H} |
Die Wappensiegel und Postleitzahlen in Lettland nach dem 04.05.1990 / Janis Ozolins Hamburg : Harry v. Hofmann Verlag. - (Studienmanuskripte ; Folge 2) |
[About: arms-stamps and postcode] {?} |
Weihnachtstarif 1996 In: PB 1997 ; 104. - S. 23 |
[About: short message: special (Christmas) postal rates] {P}{H} |
Weihnachtsporto 1997 In: PB 1998 ; 105. - S. 18 |
[About: short message: special (Christmas) postal rates] {P}{H} |
Weihnachtstarif 1999 In: PB 2000 ; 109. - S. 20 |
[About: special (Christmas) postal rates] Short meesage in PB 1999 ; 107. - S. 17: 1998 no special Christmas-postal rates {P}{H} |
Weihnachtstarif 2001 / Michael Molodcov In: PB 2002 ; 113. - S. 14 see also: for 2003 in PB 2004 ; 117. - s. 21 |
[About: special (Christmas) postal rates, short meesage] {P}{H} |
Weitere lettische Poststempel in privater Hand / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2009 ; 127. - S. 20-22 |
[About: stamps -via Ebay - in private property, Soviet and Latvian (after 1990): owners can so produce postmarks] {P}{H} |
Weitere lettische Poststempel in privater Hand - 2 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2009 ; 128. - S. 12-14 |
[About: stamps -via Ebay - in private property, Soviet and Latvian (after 1990): owners can so produce postmarks] {P}{H} |
Weitere lettländische Poststempel in privater Hand - 3 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2012 ; 133. - S. 26-28 |
[About: stamps -via Ebay - in private property, Latvian (1918-1940), Soviet and Latvian (after 1990): owners can so produce postmarks] {P}{H} |
Zeitungsausschnitte als "Briefmarken / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2000 ; 110. - S. 14-15 |
[About: readers of the newspaper 'Liesma' could sent reactions to the redaction without stamp, but with a "stamp" printed in the newspaper. There was an agreement with the local post: the newspaper pays the missing stamps, no surcharge fee] {P}{H} |
Zu den provisorischen Ganzsachen / Heinz Lukaschewitz In: PB 1995 ; 99. - S. 20 |
[About: Soviet postal stationeries with Latvian rubber-stamps] {P}{H} |
Stamps general | 1990 Mi. 457-.. |
Fluoreszenzen auf litauischen und lettischen Briefmarken / Olaf Hoffmann In: Baltikum 2023 ; 16. - p. 45-49 |
[About: Fluorescence on Lithuanian and Latvian postage stamps] {P} |
1990 Mi. 305-.. | 1990 Mi. 457-.. |
Die Wappensiegel und Postleitzahlen in Lettland nach dem 04.05.1990 / Janis Ozolins Hamburg : Harry v. Hofmann Verlag. - (Studienmanuskripte ; Folge 2) |
[About: arms-stamps and postcode] {?} |
Feldmerkmale der ersten Aufdruckausgabe von 1991 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2013 ; 135. - S. 29-34 |
[About: Mi. 213-316: fields plate A and plate B] {P}{H} |
De Letse opdrukzegels van 1991/2 / Gerrit Bordewijk In: OEF 1997 (jrg. 15) ; nr. 1. - p. 2-8 |
[About: overprint stamps Mi. 313-316 and 335-339, article in Dutch] {P} |
Letland 339 mit Abklatsch In: PB 2012 ; 133. - S. 25 |
[About: Mi. 339] {P}{H} |
Plattenfehler bei der 5 Santim Wappen von 1994 In: PB 1996 ; 101. - S. 25 |
[About: short message plate error Mi. 373] {P}{H} |
800 Jahre Riga 800 Jahre / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 1995 ; 100. - S. 29 |
[About: short message about Mi. 410-413] {P}{H} |
Riga 800 Jahre - Opernhaus als Fehldruck / [Harry] v. Hofmann In: PB 1996 ; 102. - S. 21 |
[About: short message about Mi. 410: printing error] {P}{H} |
Plattenfehler oder nur Druckzufälligkeit bei der 411 / [Harry] v. Hofmann In: PB 2000 ; 110. - S. 17-18 |
[About: Mi. 411 (1995: 800 years Riga): plate error?] {P}{H} |
Fehlzähnungen bei neuen Lettland-Marken / Juris Mors Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2001 ; 111. - S. 21-23 |
[About: Mi. 474 perforation-error] {P}{H} |
Līgo, een onverwacht groot feest in Letland / door Olav Petri In: Filatelie 2022 ; 7. - p. 406-407 |
[About: Mi. 480: Block 12: Latvian public holiday: Līgo, Midsummer: cards and postage stamps (soviet 1941, card 1938 and 1939, postage stamps ussr, postal stationery soviet), article in Dutch] {P} |
Līgo, wat is dat? / Olav Petri In: HBG 2021 ; 78. - p. 28-31 |
[About: Latvian public holiday: Līgo, Midsummer: cards and postage stamps (soviet 1941, card 1938 and 1939, postage stamps ussr and Latvia 1998, postal stationery soviet)] {P} |
Līgo / Olav Petri In: Baltikum 2022 ; Nr. 14. - p. 17-22 |
[About: Latvian public holiday: Līgo, Midsummer: cards and postage stamps (soviet 1941, card 1938 and 1939, postage stamps ussr and Latvia 1998, postal stationery soviet)] {P} |
Neuheiten In: PB 1999 ; 107. - S. 20-25 |
[About: Mi. 487: plate error on the ornamental sheet] Addition about this: PB 2000 ; 109. - S.26 {P}{H} |
Verzähnung bei der "Basilika Aglohn" / [Harry] v. Hofmann In: PB 2000 ; 110. - S. 18 |
[About: Mi. 505 : shifting of perforation] {P}{H} |
Plattenfehler oder Druckzufälligkeiten bei den Pulverturm-Marken von 2000? / Heinz Jürgen Horstmann In: PB 2002 ; 114. - S. 15 |
[About: Mi. 525: plate error?, short message] {P}{H} |
Lettlands "personalisierte" Briefmarken / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2010 ; 129. - S. 20-21 |
[About: Mi. 676-677: personal postage stamps] {P}{H} |
5 % der Auflage auf einem Brief / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2010 ; 130. - S. 15 |
[About: personal postmark, 35 s., Lev Polugaevsky, chess-greatmasters Juden Mihails Tāls, Juden Miguel Najdorf] {P}{H} |
Grüsse aus Hinterhof ... / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2011 ; 131. - S. 29-30 |
[About: cover with personal postmark 35 s.: statue Peter the Great, before World War I in Riga, in 1917 by ship to St. Peterburg, , ....] {P}{H} |
Jetzt auch "Bettwäsche" im Angebot der Post in Lettland? / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2011 ; 131. - S. 31-32 |
[About: personal postmarks] {P}{H} |
Automat postage stamps | |
Oost-Europese automaatstroken / Eduard Bosmans, Johan Pasop en Jan Jansen In: OEF 2001 (jrg. 19) ; Nr. 3. - p. 10-14 |
[About: automat postage stamps: introduction, technical, Latvia, Romania, Lithuania, Czech Republic, in the catalogs, article in Dutch] {P} |
Seltener Automaten-Kopfsteher oder Spielerei? / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2014 ; 137. - S. 33 |
[About: Automaton-postage stamp -Mi. 1- with value upside down] {P}{H} |
Postmarks-Cancellations | |
85 Jahre Rotes Kreuz in Lettland / Michael Molodcov In: PB 2004 ; 117. - S. 22-23 |
[About: counterterminal Riga-50: Red Cross] {P}{H} |
Atbalsta punkts und Piegādes punkts in Lettland / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2011 ; 132. - S. 17-19 |
[About: mailo handling centers -Atbalsta- in Latvia: the postmarks (you cannot longer see from where the item is sent)] {P}{H} |
Auch 1999 wieder Postbeförderung mit historischen Automobilen / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 1999 ; 108. - S. 22-23 |
[About: slogan cancels: old cars, which this day were used for delivering the post: special cancellation of RIGA 50] {P}{H} |
Die Ballonpost fiel in's Wasser / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 1997 ; 104. - S. 22-23 |
[About: balloon-post 1997 special postmark, but the balloon had problems] {P}{H} |
"Baltica 2001" am Schalterterminal In: PB 2001 ; 112. - S. 16 |
[About: counterterminal-postmark, Riga 50, with slogan "Baltica 2001"] {P}{H} |
Dienesta - Portofreie Postsachen / [Harry] v. Hofmann In: PB 1998 ; 105. - S. 18-19 |
[About: franchise postmark for post of the Latvian post] {P}{H} |
Dienst-Einschreiben der Postverwaltung in Lettland / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2014 ; 137. - S. 34-35 |
[About: registering on service-post of Latvian Post] {P}{H} |
Eine Welt - Ein Versprechen / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2008 ; 126. - S. 24 |
[About: postmark franking machine Koknese: 1907-2007 100 years of world scouting] {P}{H} |
EMS - Express Mail Service aus Riga 1992 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2002 ; 114. - S. 16-17 |
[About: EMS: covers and postmark] {P}{H} |
Ende der russischen Bahnpost St.Petersburg - Riga - St.Petersburg / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 1996 ; 102. - S. 19 |
[About: end of the railway post St-Petersburg-Riga: last postmarks 1996] {P}{H} |
Erneut Postbeförderung mit historischen Automobilen / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2000 ; 110. - S. 19 |
[About: slogan cancels with the 'day of the stamp': old cars, which this day were used for delivering the post: special cancellation of RIGA 50] {P}{H} |
Evald Valters - ein FDC, den es nicht gibt / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 1997 ; 104. - S. 25 |
[About: FDC-cover: the printed covers arrived too late (after the issue-date of the stamp)] {P}{H} |
Francotyp jetzt auch wieder in Lettland / [Harry] v. Hofmann In: PB 1995 ; 99. - S. 19 |
[About: 'Francotyp' (German factory) meter postage stamps in Latvia, short message] {P}{H} |
Geänderte Absenderfreistempel / Karl-Rainer Lehr In: PB 2011 ; 131. - S. 14-17 |
[About: changed machine franking postmarks] {P}{H} |
Gefängniszensur im heutigen Lettland / [Harry] v. Hofmann In: PB 1996 ; 102. - S. 18 |
[About: prison-censorship in Latvia] {P}{H} |
Heisslufballon Festival "Baltischer Pokal '98" und "Beförderung mit historischen Autos" / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 1998 ; 106. - S. 20 |
[About: special postmark balloon-post and slogan cancel delivery of post by historical cars] {P}{H} |
In Libau (Liepaja) ist manches anders - "LR" statt "LV" / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 1996 ; 102. - S. 30 Addition by Peter Haubner: PB 2003 ; 115. - S.12-13 |
[About: franchise postmark of the post of Latvian Post: in Liepaja LR intead of LV in the postcode] {P}{H} |
Jahrhunderte in der Posttasche - Gadsimti Pasta Soma / Laimons Bocka In: PB 1996 ; 101. - S. 15-16 |
[About: special cancellation (and cover) of exposition in the Academic Library Latvia 1996: documents, books, magazines and letters about the postal history of Latvia ] {P}{H} |
Jetzt auch Hasler-Mailmaster in Lettland im Einsatz In: PB 1999 ; 107. - S. 15 |
[About: new counterterminal, Model "Mailmaster" (Swiss company Hasler). Also meter postage stamp machine. To known them: very wide value-stamp] {P}{H} |
Kurierpost in Lettland mit eigenen Poststempeln / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2002 ; 114. - S. 18 |
[About: courier-post with own postmarks] {P}{H} |
Neu: RIGA-77 / nn In: PB 2002 ; 113. - S. 14 |
[About: new post-office, short message] {P}{H} |
Neuer Maschinenstempel in Riga / [Harry] v. Hofmann In: PB 1995 ; 99. - S. 18 |
[About: new machine-postmark in Riga 50, short message] {P}{H} |
Neuer Poststempel-Type in Lettland / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 1996 ; 102. - S. 19 |
[About: new cancellation-type in Latvia: new letter, one ring, with postcode] {P}{H} |
Neuere Werbestempel aus Lettland / nn In: PB 2001 ; 112. - S. 18 |
[About: new slogan-postmarks] {P}{H} |
Neuere Werbestempel aus Lettland / Aivars Cimermanis, Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2002 ; 113. - S. 11-12 |
[About: new slogan-postmarks] {P}{H} |
Neues Schaltergerät bei RIGA-11 / Michael Molodcov In: PB 2003 ; 115. - S. 14 |
[About: new counterterminal Riga] {P}{H} |
Neues Schaltergerat bei Riga-51 / Michael Molodcov In: PB 2004 ; 117. - S. 23 |
[About: new counterterminal Riga-51] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 1995 ; 99. - S. 22-28 |
[About: issues 1994-1995 (s. 22-25), special cancellations 1994-1995 (s. 25-28)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 1995 ; 100. - S. 30-38 |
[About: issues 1995 (s. 30-33), special cancellations 1994-1995 (s. 33-38)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 1996 ; 101. - S. 19-24 |
[About: issues 1995-1996 (s. 19-22), special cancellations 1995-1996 (s. 22-24)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 1996 ; 102. - S. 22-29 |
[About: issues 1996 (s. 22-25), special cancellations 1995-1996 (s. 25-29)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 1997 ; 103. - S. 20-26 |
[About: issues 1996-1997 (s. 20-24), special cancellations 1996-1997 (s. 24-26)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 1997 ; 104. - S. 26-31 |
[About: issues 1997(s. 26-29), special cancellations 1997 (s. 29-31)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 1998 ; 105. - S. 20-24 |
[About: issues 1997-1998 (s. 20-22), special cancellations 1997-1998 (s. 22-24)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 1998 ; 106. - S. 21-25 |
[About: issues 1998 (s. 21-23), special cancellations 1997-1998 (s. 23-25)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 1999 ; 107. - S. 20-25 |
[About: issues 1999 (s. 20-23), stamp booklets (s. 23), special cancellations (s. 24-25)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 1999 ; 108. - S. 24-30 |
[About: issues 1999 (s. 24-26), stamp booklets (s. 26), special cancellations (s. 27-30)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2000 ; 109. - S. 21-26 |
[About: issues 1999-2000 (s. 21-23), stamp booklets (s. 23), special cancellations (s. 23-26)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2000 ; 110. - S. 19-26 |
[About: issues 2000 (s. 19-22), stamp booklets, special cancellations] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2001 ; 111. - S. 23-29 |
[About: issues 2000-2001 (s. 23-26), stamp booklets (s. 26), special cancellations (s. 27-29)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2001 ; 112. - S. 20-26 |
[About: issues 2001-2001 (s. 23-26), stamp booklets (s. 22-23), special cancellations (s. 23-26)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2002 ; 113. - S. 16-22 |
[About: issues 2001-2002 (s. 16-18), stamp booklets (s. 18-20), special cancellations (s. 20-22)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2002 ; 114. - S. 19-25 |
[About: issues 2002 (s. 19-22), stamp booklets (s. 22-23), special cancellations (s. 23-25)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2003 ; 115. - S. 14-21 |
[About: issues 2002-2003 (s. 14-16), stamp booklets (s. 16-18), special cancellations (s. 18-21)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2003 ; 116. - S. 21-26 |
[About: issues 2003 (s. 21-23), stamp booklets (s. 23-24), special cancellations (s. 24-26)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2004 ; 117. - S. 24-29 |
[About: issues 2003-2004 (s. 24-26), special cancellations (s. 27-29)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2004 ; 118. - S. 19-25 |
[About: issues 2004 (s. 19-21), stamp booklets (s. 21-22), special cancellations (s. 22-25)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2005 ; 119. - S. 24-29 |
[About: issues 2004-2005 (s. 24-27), special cancellations (s. 27-29)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2005 ; 120. - S. 13-24 |
[About: issues 2005 (s. 13-16), postcards (s. 17), stamp booklets (s. 17-18), special cancellations (s. 18-24)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2006 ; 121. - S. 20-30 |
[About: issues 2005-2006 (s. 20-25), stamp booklets (s. 25-27), special cancellations (s. 27-30)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2006 ; 122. - S. 19-26 |
[About: issues 2006 (s. 19-21), stamp booklets (s. 21-22), special cancellations (s. 23-26)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2007 ; 123. - S. 21-24 |
[About: issues 2006-2007 (s. 21-23), stamp booklets (s. 24), special cancellations (s. 24-28)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2007 ; 124. - S. 19-23 |
[About: issues 2007 (s. 19-20), special cancellations (s. 21-23)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2008 ; 125. - S. 22-29 |
[About: issues 2007-2008 (s. 22-25), stamp booklets (s. 25-26), special cancellations (s. 26-29)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2008 ; 126. - S. 18-23 |
[About: issues 2008 (s. 18-21), special cancellations (s. 21-223)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2009 ; 127. - S. 23-29 |
[About: special cancellations (s. 23-25), issues 2008 (s. 25-28), stamp booklets (s. 29-30)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2009 ; 128. - S. 20-26 |
[About: special cancellations (s. 20-23), issues 2009 (s. 23-26), postal stationary (s. 26)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2010 ; 129. - S. 22-27 |
[About: issues 2009 (s. 22-24), special cancellations (s. 25-27)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2010 ; 130. - S. 22-28 |
[About: issues 2009-2010 (s. 22-24), postal stationaries (s. 25), special cancellations (s. 25-28)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2011 ; 131. - S. 34-40 |
[About: issues 2010-2011 (s. 34-38), special cancellations (s. 38-40)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2011 ; 132. - S. 20-25 |
[About: issues 2011 (s. 20-22), special cancellations (s. 23-25)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2012 ; 133. - S. 28-33 |
[About: issues 2011-2012 (s. 28-30), special cancellations (s. 30-33)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2012 ; 134. - S. 20-26 |
[About: issues 2012 (s. 20-23), special cancellations (s. 23-26)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2013 ; 135. - S. 24-28 |
[About: issues 2012 (s. 24-27), special cancellations (s. 27-28)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2013 ; 136. - S. 29-34 |
[About: issues 2013 (s. 29-32), special cancellations (s. 32-34)] {P}{H} |
Neuheiten In: PB 2014 ; 137. - S. 17-30 |
[About: issues 2013 (s. 17-24), postal stationery (s. 24-25), special cancellations (s. 26-30)] {P}{H} |
Nur Massenentwertung nach Ausserkurssetzung, aber... / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2010 ; 130. - S. 11-12 |
[About: mass-cancellation of old stocks postage stamps after transition Rubel>Lat] {P}{H} |
OEF's love letter : Lelijk = Interessant / Sijtze Reurich In: OEF 2007 (jrg. 25) ; Nr. 4. - p. 6-8 |
[About: postmark franking machine Kaliningrad 1993 (with additional value-prints: rate too high for the machine). Also Latvian franking machine 1992 (kopeck = rouble: rate too high for the machine), article in Dutch] {P} |
Ostergrüsse vom Schalterterminal / Michael Molodcov In: PB 2002 ; 113. - S. 15 |
[About: counterterminals Riga: Easter greetings] {P}{H} |
Panne bei dem Ersttagsbriefen / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2006 ; 122. - S. 18 |
[About: two dates FDC -50 years Europe-stamps in 2006: wrong firstday-postmarks 4-1-2006 instead of 7-1-2006] {P}{H} |
Die provisorischen Wertstempel der Post Lettlands 1991-92 / von Zdzislavs Romanovskis Hamburg : Harry v. Hofmann Verlag. - (Studienmanuskripte ; Folge 7) |
[About: provisional value-postmarks of the Latvian post 1991-92] {?} |
R-Einsatz beim Schalterterminal Riga 50 / [Harry] v. Hofmann In: PB 1998 ; 105. - S. 17 |
[About: slogan cancel 'Registered' in counterterminal Riga 50] {P}{H} |
Riga-10 jetzt auch mit Hasler-Schalterterminal In: PB 1999 ; 108. - S. 23 |
[About: short message of new counter-terminals RIGA 10, terminal with system Hasler, no 202001] {P}{H} |
RIGA-51 wegen Feuer geschlossen / Michael Molodcov In: PB 2004 ; 117. - S. 21 |
[About: fire in Riga-51] {P}{H} |
"Riga '98" / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 1998 ; 105. - S. 17 |
[About: slogan cancel of this 'stamp day Riga' in counterterminal Riga 50 and 51] {P}{H} |
Schaltergerat mit Einsatz 100 Jahre Mark Rothko / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2003 ; 116. - S.20 |
[About: 100 year Mark Rohko, American artis, born in Daugavpils] {P}{H} |
Schalterterminal RIGA 11 defekt - oder? / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 1996 ; 102. - S. 20-21 |
[About: counterterminal RIGA-11] {P}{H} |
Schalterterminals RIGA 50 und RIGA 51 werben für die Renovierung des Freiheitsdenkmals / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2001 ; 111. - S. 21 |
[About: counterterminal RIGA-50 - 51: Freedom-monument] Addition: Die Sterne leuchten wieder: work is done. Lar day of postmark: 390-6-2001. - In PB 2001 ; 112. - S. 15 {P}{H} |
Schalterterminal RIGA 50 mit neuen Tagestempel / Michael Molodcov In: PB 2002 ; 113. - S. 12 |
[About: counterterminal RIGA-50] {P}{H} |
Schalterterminals mit Weihnachtsklischees 2001 / Michael Molodcov In: PB 2002 ; 113. - S. 12-13 |
[About: counterterminals Christmas 2001] {P}{H} |
Schalterterminals mit Neujahrsklichees 2001 / Michael Molodcov In: PB 2002 ; 113. - S. 13 |
[About: counterterminals New Year 2001] {P}{H} |
Verändertes Signet der lettländischen Post auch in den Poststempeln / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2006 ; 121. - S. 19 |
[About: new logo of Latvian Post also in postmarks] {P}{H} |
Der verbotene Sonderstempel von 1993 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2001 ; 112. - S. 17 |
[About: forbidden postmark of veterans of Latvian SS] {P}{H} |
Warum antwortet denn niemand? / Karl-Heinz Baars In: PB 2010 ; 129. - S. 19 |
[About: postmarks 1990-1994: additions on place names] {P}{H} |
Weihnachts- und Ostergrüsse am Schalterterminal / v.H. In: PB 1997 ; 104. - S. 23-24 |
[About: slogan cancels -Christmas, and Easter- in counterterminal of Riga 50 and 51] {P}{H} |
Weihnachts-, Neujahrs- und Osterklischees am Schalterterminal und als Einsatz für den Machinenstempel In: PB 1999 ; 107. - S. 15-16 |
[About: slogan cancels -Christmas and Easter- in counterterminal of Riga 50, System Hasler. And the meter postage stamp machine -System Pitney-Bowes- in Riga 50 and 51: also a new slogan cancels. Also the machine-cancellations of the Central post-office: sloan cancel with Christmas-greetings] {P}{H} |
Weihnachtsklischees 1999 und Osterklischees 2000 an den Schalterterminals Riga 50 und 51 In: PB 1999 ; 109. - S. 20 |
[About: slogan cancels -Christmas and Easter- in counterterminal of Riga 50 and 51, System Hasler. And the meter postage stamp machine -System Pitney-Bowes- in Riga 50 and 51: also a new slogan cancels] {P}{H} |
Weihnachtsklischees 2000 und Osterklischees 2001 an den Schalterterminals Riga 50 und 51 In: PB 2001 ; 111. - S. 19-20 |
[About: slogan cancels -Christmas and Easter- in counterterminal of Riga 50 and 51] {P}{H} |
Weinachts-Nebenstempel der Post in Lettland / v. H. In: PB 2005 ; 119. - S. 24 |
[About: additional postmark Christmas] {P}{H} |
Weitere lettische Poststempel in privater Hand / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2009 ; 127. - S. 20-22 |
[About: stamps -via Ebay - in private property, Soviet and Latvian (after 1990): owners can so produce postmarks] {P}{H} |
Weitere lettische Poststempel in privater Hand - 2 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2009 ; 128. - S. 12-14 |
[About: stamps -via Ebay - in private property, Soviet and Latvian (after 1990): owners can so produce postmarks] {P}{H} |
Weitere lettländische Poststempel in privater Hand - 3 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2012 ; 133. - S. 26-28 |
[About: stamps -via Ebay - in private property, Latvian (1918-1940), Soviet and Latvian (after 1990): owners can so produce postmarks] {P}{H} |
Weitere lettländische Poststempel in privater Hand - 4 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2013 ; 135. - S. 23 |
[About: stamps -via Ebay - in private property, Soviet and Latvian (after 1990): owners can so produce postmarks] {P}{H} |
Werbeeinsätze zum Osterfest 2004 / Michael Molodcov In: PB 2004 ; 117. - S. 23 Addition: PB 2004 ; 118. - s. 18 |
[About: counterterminal: Easter] {P}{H} |
Werbeeinsätze zum Weihnachts- und Neujahrsfest 2002 / Michael Molodcov In: PB 2003 ; 115. - S. 13 |
[About: slogan cancels in counterterminals Riga] {P}{H} |
Werbeeinsätze zum Weihnachts- und Neujahrsfest 2003 / Michael Molodcov In: PB 2004 ; 117. - S. 21-22 |
[About: see above] {P}{H} |
Welt-Post-Tag auch in Lettland In: PB 2001 ; 112. - S. 16 |
[About: counterterminals-postmark, Riga 50-51-10-11, with slogan World Post-Day] Addition: PB 2002 ; 114. - S. 19: Erneut Werbeeinsätze zum Welt-Post-Tag {P}{H} |
Werbeeinsätze 80 Jahre unabhängiges Lettlandz In: PB 1999 ; 107. - S. 15 |
[About: slogan cancel -80 years independence- in counterterminal, System Hasler.] {P}{H} |
Werbeeinsätze für das Johanni-Fest in Riga In: PB 1999 ; 108. - S. 23 |
[About: slogan cancel 'Priecigus Ligo svetkus!' (St. Johan feast) of counter-terminals RIGA 51, terminal with System Pitney-Bowes and terminal with system Hasler] {P}{H} |
Werbeeinsätze in Riga für das Johanni-Fest In: PB 2000 ; 110. - S. 15-16 |
[About: slogan cancel 'Priecigus Ligo svetkus!' (St. Johan feast) in meter postage stamp of counter-terminal "204002" RIGA 50] Addition: also 2001. - See PB 2001 ; 112. - S.15 {P}{H} |
Werbeeinsätze in Riga und Wolmar (Valmiera) für das Johanni-Fest 2002 / Michael Molodcov In: PB 2002 ; 114. - S. 19 |
[About: slogan cancel 'Priecigus Ligo svetkus!' (St. Johan feast) in meter postage stamp] {P}{H} |
Werbeeinsätze in Riga und Wolmar (Valmiera) für das Johanni-Fest 2003 / Michael Molodcov In: PB 2003 ; 116. - S.20 |
[About: see above] {P}{H} |
Werbeeinsätze für das Johanni-Fest 2004 / Michael Molodcov In: PB 2004 ; 118. - S. 18 |
[About: see above] {P}{H} |
Werbeeinsätze zum 18. November bei zwei Rigaer Hasler-Schalterterminals In: PB 2000 ; 109. - S. 19 |
[About: slogan cancels '18. novembris - Latvijas Republikas proklamesanas diena' counter-terminals "204002" RIGA 50 and "20003" RIGA 51 Addition: PB 2002 ; 113. S. 12 Addition: PB 2003 ; 115. - S. 13 ] {P}{H} |
Werbeeinsätze zum 18. November jetzt auch in Libau (Liepaja) / v. H. In: PB 2005 ; 119. - S. 24 |
[About: slogan cancel also in Liepaja] {P}{H} |
Der Zeit voraus - Lettische Soldaten in der NATO? / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 1997 ; 103. - S. 19-20 |
[About: (NATO)fieldpost of Latvian soldiers near Sarajewo (LATPLA as part of IFOR-troops in former Yougoslavia)] {P}{H} |
Zurück an den Absender - vollständig frankieren / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2000 ; 110. - S. 16 |
[About: postmark 'Back to sender - complete prepayment, used as substitute for surcharge fee] {P}{H} |
Zwei neue Schalterterminals in RIGAl / Michael Molodcov In: PB 2002 ; 113. - S. 13-14 |
[About: 2 newcounterterminals in RIGA] {P}{H} |
80 Jahre lettische Pfadfinde- und 75 Jahre lettische Pfadfinderinnen-Bewegung / Manfred Rauschenberger In: PB 1998 ; 106. - S. 11-15 |
[About: 80 years Latvian Boy Scout Movement, and 75 years Latvian Girl Scout Movement] {P}{H} |
Boekbesprekingen / Ruud W. van Wijnen In: HBG 2000 ; 37. - p. 58-59 |
[About: bookreviews] {P} |
Die Flagge Lettlands auf UNO-Briefmarken / [Harry] v. Hofmann In: PB 1997 ; 104. - S. 26 |
[About: Latvian flag on UNO-postage stamps] {P}{H} |
Liberia ehrt Lettlands Präsidentin In: PB 2014 ; 137. - S. 35 |
[About: Latvian (lady) president - Vaira Vike Freiberga - on postage stamp of Liberia] {P}{H} |
Madrid conference on security & cooperation in Europe - November 1980 including a review of the progress on human rights In: BLPSNY 1981 ; 117. - p. 8138 |
[About: cover with map Baltic States, occupation by Soviet Union] {P} |
Miss Universum 2005 aus Lettland / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2013 ; 135. - S. 1 and 36 |
[About: Latvian Miss Universe 2005 on Chinese postal stationary] {P}{H} |
Miss Universe 2005 / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2013 ; 136. - S. 4 |
[About: translation of chinese text, it is an postcard overprinted by ??, the choice of Miss Universe was in Thailand] {P}{H} |
Rigaer Schleppnetz-Fischerboot TOBAGO 1991 in Cape Town arrestiert / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2014 ; 137. - S. 31 |
[About: Latvian ship Tobago, letter from Cape Town] {P}{H} |
Philatelic clubs, magazines, exhibitions, Postmuseum. Stamp trade | |
The activities of the Stolow Brothers in the Russian sphere / by Andrew Cronin In: The Post-Rider 1998 ; no. 42. - p. 108-110 |
[About: Julius and Harry Stolow, originally from Riga in Latvia. 1920s in Berlin. 1933: the brothers had to leave and Julius established himself in New York.Manipulations in our spheres] {} |
2. Symposium zur Postgeschichte Lettlands In: PB 2003 ; 115. - S. 3 |
[About: second Symposium Postal history Latvia 9 August 2003: program] {P}{H} |
Ausstellung "Riga 95" zum Tag der Briefmarke In: PB 1995 ; 100. - S. 39 |
[About: special cancellations of other countries "Riga 95"-exposition] {P}{H} |
Die erste Briefmarkenausstelling in Lettland / Janis Ozolins In: PB 2000 ; 109. - S. 15-16 |
[About: first stampexposition in Latvia, 1925] {P}{H} |
Forschungsgemeinschaft Lettland - 50 Jahre / Gerhard Hahne In: Lituania 2001 ; nr. 15. - p. 997 |
[About: 50 years study Society 'Lettland', special postmark of German Post] {P, H} |
Lettische Philatelistische Ausstellung Melbourne 2004 / Arturs Neboiss In: PB 2005 ; 119. - S. 21-23 |
[About: overview exposition] {P}{H} |
Noch einmal: Die erste Briefmarkenausstelling in Lettland / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 2000 ; 110. - S. 11-12 |
[About: addition about first stampexposition in Latvia, 1925] {P}{H} |
Jahrhunderte in der Posttasche - Gadsimti Pasta Soma / Laimons Bocka In: PB 1996 ; 101. - S. 15-16 |
[About: special cancellation (and cover) of exposition in the Academic Library Latvia 1996: documents, books, magazines and letters about the postal history of Latvia ] {P}{H} |
Latvian American Association Exhibition In: BLPSNY 1984 ; 128. - p. 8413-8414 |
[About: short listing of exhibits on exposition1984 in Detroit] {P} |
Ontvangen, gelezen en te lezen / Ruud W. van Wijnen In: HBG 2004 ; 44. - p. 10 |
[About: review of Philatelia Baltica 116 (Latvian philately). In earlier numbers about more philatelic magazines, also PB] {P,H,B} |
Die Reise der Forschunsgemeinschaft nach Lettland 17.-26 Juli 1998 / Martin Bechstedt In: PB 1998 ; 106. - S. 26-30 |
[About: report on the tout in Latvia by the German Latvian philatelic society] {P}{H} |
"Riga '98" / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 1998 ; 105. - S. 17 |
[About: slogan cancel of this 'stamp day Riga' in counterterminal Riga 50 and 51] {P}{H} |
Riga '98 ; eine etwas andere Veranstaltung / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 1998 ; 106. - S. 17-19 |
[About: description of the exposition and other activities, and the special postmarks of this 'stamp day Riga'] {P}{H} |
Eine Sammlung kehrt heim / Harry v. Hofmann In: PB 1995 ; 100. - S. 22-23 |
[About: return of the old collection of the Latvian Postmuseum, confiscated in World War II] {P}{H} |
SEPAD '84 : Baltic study group philatelic exhobits - 1984, Philadelphia In: BLPSNY 1984 ; 131. - p. 8477 |
[About: short listing of exhibits, Estonia ( only P. Gleason) - Latvia (Engel, Perkons, Norton, Krastins, Tirums) - Lithuania (Norton)] {P} |
Vor 60 Jahren : Balticum-Briefmarkenausstellung in Den Haag / [Harry] v. Hofmann In: PB 1998 ; 105. - S. 15 |
[About: Balticum-exposition in The Hague 1938] {P}{H} |
Die Philatelie des Baltikums in Japan / Thomas Löbbering In: Baltikum 2020 ; Nr. 9. - p. 60-62 |
[About: exposition 2018 Philately-museum Japan: 100 year Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania] {P} |
Baltic displaced persons camps and Latvians in | |
Bladeren ....5 / Jan Kaptein, Keimpe Leenstra In: HBG 2020 ; 77. - p. 37-38 |
[About: vignettes, issued by Latvians in exile (in camps and later in Canada and United States)] {P} |
Bladeren 8 / Jan Kaptein, Keimpe Leenstra In: HBG 2023 ; 83. - p. 11 |
[About: covers from camp Hanau (Lithuanians, Latvians and Estonians), Detmold (Lithuanians)] {P} |
Das DP-Lager für internierte Balten in Hanau und seine Post / Werner Klieber und Hartmut Fueß In: Baltikum 2024 ; 17. - p. 63-68 |
[About: DP-camp Hanau (Estonians, Laviana and Lithuanians] {P} |
Sporen van vluchtelingen uit het Baltische gebied 1939-1950 in de filatelie / Olav Petri In: HBG 2023 ; 83. - p. 14-25 |
[About: refugees from the Baltic area 1939-1950] {P} |
Twee kaarten uit ШАВЛИ / Šiauliai / Jan Kaptein In: HBG 2020 ; 77. - p. 36 |
[About: two cards from ШАВЛИ / Šiauliai: language of stamps, Zemstvo-control] {P} |
Catalog of Displaced Persons Prisoners of War Concentration Camp and Ghetto Stamps during and after World War II in Germany Chicago : Stereo Stamps, 1970 |
[About: catalog] {P} |
Lagerpostmarken für "displaced persons" in Deutschland 1946-1948 / Max Kromm und Harald Vogt In: Eesti 2001 ; 33. - p. 29-37 |
[About: camp-postage stamps for displaced persons in Germany 1946-1948 (estonian, latvian and lithuanian)] {P} |
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