RUSSIAN PERIOD 1944-1990 See also: Russia : RSFSR / USSR
USSR : Postal stationery and formula cards
USSR : Railway post
400 jaar Universiteitsbibliotheek Vilnius / Olav Petri
In: HBG 2012 ; 61. - p. 17
[About: soviet Mi. 3798, 400 year University Vilnius in 1970, 3 types]
{P, H, B}
1954-1973 m. Markiruoti vokai Lietuviska tematika / parenge R. Vainora
In: FL 1990 ; 1(2). - p. 31-33
[About: soviet postal stationary with Lithuanian theme, list 1954-1973, article in Lithuanian]
1964-1989 m. Lietuvos vokai sporto tema / Ricardas Vainora
In: FL 1991 ; 5. - p. 16-18
[About: list of sports-related covers issued 1964-1989 by Lithuania's Ministry of Communication, article in Lithuanian]
1983 Metu volu "S. Darius ir S. Girenas"skirtumai / Juozas Galvanauskas
In: PFL 1993 ; 3. - p. 37-40
[About: sovjet postal stationery with Darius and Girenas, article in Lithuanian]
In: FL 1990 ; 1(2). - p. 2
[About: soviet postal stationary 'Lietuvos filatelistu sajunga, Lietuvis Filatelija 1924-1989', article in Lithuanian]
Ab 1944/45 weiter verwendete Stempel im Baltikum / Martin Bechstedt, Thomas Löbbering & Ruud van Wijnen
Arge Baltikum, 2020. - 79 p. - Arbeitshilfe Nr. 3 der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Baltikum e.V.
[About: from 1944/45 earlier postmarks continued to be used in the Baltic States]
Afzender... NKVD 0329 / Jan Kaptein
In: HBG 2004 ; 44. - p. 12-15
[About: sender: fieldpost from and to NKVD-camp 0329, letters in Lithuanian (translated by Antanas Jankauskas)
{P, H, B}
Afzender... : Sovjet-frankeerstempels van Litouwen / Jan Kaptein
In: HBG 2002 ; 40. - p. 23
[About: sender: some Soviet postage meter stamps from Lithuania]
{P, H, B}
"Akmene" cancel story (Akmenes antspaudas)
In: Phillit 2000 ; no. 23. - p. 10
[About: sovjet cancellation of Akmene, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Atgal į Siberą (Back to Siberia) / Justinas Sajauskas
In: LPS 2015 ; no. 243. - p. 16-21
[About: addition on 'Sibero atvirlaiškiai': early cards from Siberia (1941-1945, article in Lithuanian and English)]
De Baltische staten op zegels van de Sovjet-Unie / K. Koch
In: HBG 1996 ; 29. - p. 32-36
[About: the Baltic states on postage stamps of the Sovjet-Union]
De Baltische staten op zegels van de Sovjet-Unie, aanvullingen
In: HBG 1997 ; 30. - p. 48-49
[About: the Baltic states on postage stamps of the Sovjet-Union, supplement]
Een brief uit een kamp voor krijgsgevangenen in de Litouwse Sovjetrepubliek / Jan Kaptein
In: HBG 2009 ; 54. - p. 28-30
[About: card from Prisoner-of-war camp 7296 -Kaunas- to Germany, 1947]
{P, H, B}
Briefe an Sibirien-Verschleppte / Antanas Burkus
In: Lituania 2000 ; nr. 14. - p. 922-923
[About: letters from Lithuanian SSR to deported people in Irkutsk]
Catalog of Soviet postal stationery -postcards : issues of Lithuanian theme views on face / K. Milvydas
In: BLPSNY 1980 ; 114. - p. 8063-8064
Catalog of Soviet postal stationery -postcards : issues of Lithuanian theme views on face : part II / K. Milvydas
In: BLPSNY 1980 ; 115. - p. 8087-8088
Catalog of Soviet postal stationery -postcards : issues of Lithuanian theme views on face : part III / K. Milvydas
In: BLPSNY 1981 ; 116. - p. 8119-8120
Catalog of Soviet postal stationery -postcards : issues of Lithuanian theme views on face : part IV / K. Milvydas
In: BLPSNY 1981 ; 117. - p. 8141-8142
Catalog listing of Soviet postal stationery envelopes bearing Lithuanian theme cachets
In: BLPSNY 1976 ; no. 97. - p. 7639-7642
[About: postal stationery with Lithuanian theme 1954-1967]
Catalog of Soviet postal stationery envelopes bearing Lithuanian theme cachets : cont'd from pg. 7642
In: BLPSNY 1977 ; no. 100. - p. 7711-7714
[About: postal stationery with Lithuanian theme 1967-1974]
Chan-Ser-Ja oder Neues aus der Grabbelkiste / Thomas Löbbering
In: Baltikum 2017 ; 3. - p. 17-20
Also Dutch version: In: HBG 2017 ; 70. - p. 34-35
[About: cover from Vilnius to Vienna (1952-1953), sent to Mr. Chan-Ser-Ja, leader of the (North)-Korean delegation for the International Peace Congress in Vienna 1952-1953]
Chan-Ser-Ja of nieuws uit de grabbeldoos / Thomas Löbbering
In: HBG 2017 ; 70. - p. 34-35
[About: cover from Vilnius to Vienna (1952-1953), sent to Mr. Chan-Ser-Ja, leader of the (North)-Korean delegation for the International Peace Congress in Vienna 1952-1953]
{P, B}
Customs censorship in the 1960s / by George Werbizsky
In: Rossica 1991 ; no. 116. - p. 55
[About: letter from Canada to Vilnius 'Retour Interdit', Vilnius customs]
Een door de geschiedenis ingehaald project : het spoorveer Mukran (DDR) - Klaipeda (USSR, Litouwen, Memel / Ser van der ven
In: OEF 2014 (jrg. 32) ; nr. 2. - p. 13
[About: railway-ship-connection Mukran - Klaipeda. Postage stamp USSR 1986 - Mi. 5642- and stamp 1986 DDR, article in Dutch]
{P, B}
Eisenbahn-Fährverbindung Mukran - Klaipeda / Witold Fugalewitsch
In: Lituania 1994 ; nr. 1. - p. 14-16
[About: railway-ship-connection Mukran - Klaipeda 1986]
Enveloppen uit de Sovjet-periode van Litouwen / Jan Kaptein
In: HBG 2001 ; 39. - p. 54-55
[About: enveloppes, issued by the Lithuanian Department of communications 1950-1990: catalog of these enveloppes of Kostas Aleksnynas, illustrations of some enveloppes]
{P, H, B}
Esperanto - Die neue Sprache von Hoffnung und Frieden in Zeiten der Unterdrückung / Olav Petri und Thomas Löbbering
In: Baltikum 2018 ; Nr. 6. - p. 52-55
[About: Esperanto: Sovjet propaganda cart 1929, postage stamp 1927 (mi. 325), postage stamp 1926 (mi. 312), cover in Latvian and Russian (but sent from Vilnius 1959)]
Handschriftliche Porto-Vermerke / Pranas Kazlauskas
In: Lituania 1995 ; nr. 4. - p. 179-
[About : written postage due in the transition-time]
Handschriftliche Porto-Vermerke / Pranas Kazlauskas
In: Lituania 1995 ; nr. 4. - p. 179
Hilferuffe an die Heimat : an das Einwohnermeldeamt der Stadt Memel ..1946 / Gerhard Hahne
In: Lituania 1996 ; nr. 5. - p. 253-267
Klaipeda region post after World War II / by Alexey Babochkin
In: Rossica 2017 ; no. 169. - p. 75-81
[About: survey Soviet period, also post 1894-1944]
Komjaunimo Tiesa : Komsomol Waarheid / Jan Kaptein
In: HBG 2012 ; 61. - p. 31
[About: cover -with letter- from Komsomol Truth, Lietuvos LKJS CK: Central Comite of Lithuanian Lenin Communist Youth Union]
{P, H, B}
A letter that never made it / Peter A. Michalove
In: LPS 1993 ; no. 2 (216). - p. 21
[About: letter, sent in 1945 from New York (censorship) to Šiauliai (censor Moscow)]
Litauischer Kommentar zu "Nach KIMSI nun RIGA 4" / Ričardas Vainora
In: PB 2007 ; 124. - S. 12
[About: only two types soviet-lithuanian postmarks, type 3 after World War II. This last type: many private owners]
A Lithuanian gable : evading Soviet mail surveillance in the LSSR / by David M. Skipton and Steve Volis
In: Rossica 2020 ; no. 175. - p. 111-113
[About: 1944 occupation of Lithuania. Card with message under postage stamps, return address Kaunas, but checked in Riga (censor of Riga)]
Lithuanians of USA helped Lithuania
In: BLPSNY 1983 ; 126. - p. 8352-8354
[About: Lithuania's international (legal) status after the Soviet occupation]
Litouwen, 1944 en (hoe?) verder / Jan Kaptein
In: HBG 2019 ; 74. - p. 30-36
[About: Lithuania after 1944: what to collect. Historical survey, fieldpost]
Litouwen, 1944 en (hoe?) verder : deel 2 / Jan Kaptein
In: HBG 2019 ; 75. - p. 24-29
Addition in: HBG 2020 ; 77. - p. 42 (translation of letter from tashkent, Tatar text)
[About: Lithuania after 1944: what to collect, part 2. Use of postmarks from earlier periods (Lithuanian, German, Soviet-Lithuanian 1940-1941). Vilnius C as censorship postmark. More censorship]
Litouwen, 1944 en (hoe?) verder : deel 3 / Jan Kaptein
In: HBG 2020 ; 76. - p. 8-17
[About: Lithuania after 1944: what to collect, part 3. Soviet date-postmarks, Types. Railwaypost-postmarks. Machine-postmarks. Franking-postmarks]
Litouwen, 1944 en (hoe?) verder : deel 4 / Jan Kaptein
In: HBG 2020 ; 77. - p. 12-18
[About: Lithuania after 1944: what to collect, part 4. Commemorative postmarks. Illustrated covers of the LTSR. Postal stationery (pictute cards and covers). Postcards with commemorative imprinted postage stamp. Additional postae / postage due. Rates. Service post and government post. Customs]
Litouwen, 1944 en (hoe?) verder : deel 5 / Jan Kaptein
In: HBG 2021 ; 78. - p. 8-11
[About: Lithuania after 1944: what to collect, part 5. Postal instructions, post from and to the GULAG, German prisoners-of-war]
LTSR Rysiu ministerijos atvirukai (Postcards of Lith. SSR Ministry of Communication / Ramūnas Satkauskas
In: Phillit 2008 ; no. 48. - p. 11
[About: postcards Vilnius, article in Lithuanian]
Maschinenstempel im Bereich Klaipėda während der Zeit der Litauischen Sowjetrepublik (LTSSR) / René Pineau, Hans-Christoph von Lindeiner, Ričardas Vainora
In: Lituania 2014; nr. 41 - p. 16-22
[About: machinepostmarks of Klaipėda in the Soviet period 1945-1990]
Meniniu voku katalogas 1950-1990 / sudare Kostas Aleksynas
Vilnius : Leidykia 'Muzika', 1991. - 79 p.
[About: catalogue of envelopes 1950 -1990, issued by the LTSR]
{P, H}
Musu katalogas. Religine tematika. Pasto zenklai / S. Zivatkauskiene
In: PFL 1993 ; 5. - p. 12-21
[About: stamps and postal stationeries with (Lithuanian) religious topic: Lithuania, Poland, Vatican, Sowjet period, article in Lithuanian]
Een Oost-Europees opleidingsinstituut geïllustreerd aan de hand van zijn postgeschiedenis / Raimundas Marius Lapas
In: HBG 2022 ; 80. - p. 48-58
[About: postal history of the University of Vilnius 1817/1840-1944: Imperial Russia, Central Lithuania, Poland, Soviet, World War II]
Pakape cancel (Pakapes rezistentas) / Antanas Burkus
In: Phillit 2000 ; no. 24. - p. 12
[About: Lithuanian cancel in Soviet period-1949-, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Panevezio sportiniai vokai / P. Kondratenas
In: FL 1991 ; 5. - p. 18-19
[About: sports-related covers issued by the Panevezys branch of the Philatelic Society, article in Lithuanian]
Pokario metai / Zbignevas Steponavicius
In: PFL 1999 ; 42. - p. 53-67
[About: postmarks of Klaipedra in the Sovjet period and the independence after 1990, article in Lithuanian]
Post aus Memelland 1948-1951 / Witold Fugalewitsch
In: Lituania 2001 ; nr. 15. - p. 985-987
[About: post from Memel area 1948-1951]
{P, H}
Postcards of Ceslovas Budrevicius (Ceslovo Budreviciaus atvirlaiskiu katalogas) / Justins Sjauskas
In: Phillit 2007 ; no. 45. - p. 27-31
[About: home-made post cards of the prisoner Mr. Ceslovas Budrevizius sent from Siberia to Lithuania in 1945-1946, article in Lithuanian]
Postcodes op de ‘Litouwse’ Sovjet-enveloppen / Jan Kaptein
In: HBG 2016 ; 69. - p. 40-44
[About: postal codes on soviet Postal stationery, examples from Lithuania-related covers (theme)]
{P, B}
Postformulieren uit de Litouwse Sovjetrepubliek : verslag van een zoektocht tussen snippers en papier / Olav Petri
In: HBG 2006 ; 49. - p. 16-21
[About: Postal formulars from the Lithuanian Soviet Republic, used for sending parcels to camps in Siberia]
{P, H, B}
Post office Maironiai (Maironių paštas) / Ričardas Vainora
In: Phillit 2012 ; no. 59. - p. 6
[About: post office Maironiai (1947?-1987), old name is Saudininkai, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Postwaardestukken uit de Sovjetperiode : ansichtkaarten / Jan Kaptein
In: HBG 2012 ; 60. - p. 4-25
Additiion: HBG 2012 ; 61. - p. 50-51
Addition: HBG 2013 ; 62. - p. 37: postal rates
[About: postal stationeries from the Soviet-period : picture postcards. MGK-division, illustrations, scheme of these cards, information on the cards, ..]
{P, H, B}
Railway post in Lithuania / Jan Kaptein & Eugenijus Uspuras
In: HBG 2010 ; 56. - 124 p. - English, in color
Addition: HBG 2011 ; 58. p. 55-56
Addition: HBG 2011 ; 59. - p. 18-28: Spoorpost in Litouwen : Memelgebied, aanvulling 1 / Jan Kaptein, Hans-Christoph von Lindeiner-Wildau [about: railway post in Memel]
Addition: HBG 2011 ; 59. - p. 53-54: line 17-18 in 1927, wo II
Addition: HBG 2012 ; 60. - p. 46-51: line 57-58 in tsarist period / Eugenijus Uspuras
[About: compilation of articles, translated in English, in color: overview of railway post in Lithuania: chapter 2=German period until 1923, with many illustrations]
Recensie : David Skipton en Steve Volis, Soviet clandestine mail surveillance, 1917-1991 / Olav Petri
In: HBG 2016 ; 69. - p. 22
[About: About: review of the book, censured card from Lithuania(1949)]
{P, B}
{the book itself F}
Recently acquired
In: BLPSNY 1992 ; 164. - p. 9174-9174
[About: letters from Lithuanian conscripts in Soviet Union wars in Afghanistan and Angola: sent to home]
Registration using meter machines (Registravimas ženklinimo mašina) / Antanas Burkus
In: Phillit 2010 ; no. 54. - p. 22-23
[About: macine-printed label types of Kaunas Central Post Office, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Retour / Inconnu Die Situation in Vilnius, Litauische SSR im Jahr 1946 / von Raimundas Marius Lapas
In: DZR 2023 ; Heft Nr. 119. - p. 75-77
[About: cover, 'Retour / Inconnu', sent from Great Britain 7 may 1946, to Vilnius]
Sammler fragen - Sammler antworten / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2002 ; nr. 17. - p. 1094-1095
[About: postal rates registered 2002, postmark money tranfer Soviet period]
{P, H}
Siberian letters 1 (Sibero laiškai) / Juozas Urbonas
In: Phillit 2010 ; no. 53. - p. 8-12
[About: letters from (to) the convicts and deported persons'camps of the USSR, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Sibero atvirlaiškiai : parodos katalogas / Iš Justino Sajausko rinkinių
Kaunas, 2012. - 51 p.
[About: exposition catalog of postcards from Siberia, in Lithuanian]
Sibero atvirlaiškiai : parodos katalogas / Iš Justino Sajausko rinkinių
Review: Postcards from Siberia - Exhibit catalog from the collection of Justinas Sajauskas = Atvirlaiškiai Iš Sibero parodos katalogas Iš Justino Sajausko rinkinių
In: LPS 2013 ; No. 241. - p. 40-41
[About: review in English and Lithuanian]
Atgal į Siberą (Back to Siberia) / Justinas Sajauskas
In: LPS 2015 ; no. 243. - p. 16-21
[About: addition on 'Sibero atvirlaiškiai': early cards from Siberia (1941-1945, article in Lithuanian and English)]
Sibero laiškai (Siberian letters) / Juozas Urbonas
In: Phillit 2012 ; no. 58. - p. 15-19
[About: letters from (to) the convicts and deported persons'camps of the USSR, article in Lithuanian with short notice in English]
Šilutės Paštas / Zbignevas Steponavičius
I. - Šilutė ; Kaunas : [s.n.], 1963-1998. - 322 p.
II. - Kaunas : [s.n.], 2000. - 185 p
In Lithuanian, overview of the postal history of district Šilutė, all periods, German, French, Lithuanian, Soviet, transit to independence 1990, many illustrations
Soviet P.O.W. camps in Lithuania 1945-1949 / Peter A. Michalove
In: LPS 1991 ; no. 2 (211). - p. 24-29
[About: prisoners-of-war camps in Lithuania]
Sovjet belastingzegels voor het filatelistische ruilverkeer 1922 - 1933: post van en naar Litouwen / Raimundas Marius Lapas
In: HBG 2022 ; 81. - p. 24-32
[About: Soviet revenue stamps for philatelic exchange 1922 - 1933: mail from and to Lithuania. Rates for exchange. Tadas Lomsargis]
Sovjet postcensuur in Litouwen : hoeveel werk had de censuurafdeling eigenlijk te doen? / Olav Petri
In: HBG 2017 ; 70. - p. 38-39
[About: censorship in the Lithuanian Sovietrepublic: how much work. Besed on the book of David Skipton and Steve Volis ('Soviet Clandestine mail Surveillance, 1917-1991')]
{P, B}
Sovjet-frankeerstempels uit Litouwen / Jan Kaptein, Eric Schoenmaker (transl.)
In: HBG 2003 ; 43. - p. 56
[About: some Soviet postage meter stamps from Lithuania]
{P, H, B}
Sowjetische Bahnpoststempel / Leonas Verzbolauskas
In: Lituania 2000 ; nr. 13. - p. 833-835
[About: Sovjet railroad cancellations]
Sowjetische Feldpost 1945 / Gerhard Hahne
In: Lituania 2002 ; nr. 18. - p. 1210
[About: fieldpostletter 1945]
{P, H}
Sowjetische "Memelgebiet" - Ganzsachen / Witold Fugalewitsch
In: Lituania 1998 ; nr. 9. - p. 540-546
[About: overview postal stationaries 1945-1990 with a topic of Memel, with images]
Sowjetische "Memelgebiet" - Ganzsachen, Ergänzung / Horst Jehke
In: Lituania 1999 ; nr. 11. - p. 689
[About: postal stationaries 1945-1990 with a topic of Memel, supplement]
Spoorpost in Litouwen 9 : Sovjet-periode / Jan Kaptein, Eugenijus Uspuras
In: HBG 2008 ; 52. - p. 20-39
[About: Lithuanian railway post : Soviet period, tables with types and periods]
{P, H, B}
Sporen van vluchtelingen uit het Baltische gebied 1939-1950 in de filatelie / Olav Petri
In: HBG 2023 ; 83. - p. 14-25
[About: refugees from the Baltic area 1939-1950]
Standbeelden..... / Jan Kaptein
In: HBG 2003 ; 42. - p. 54-65
[About: Statues... and monuments of the Soviet period on postal stationeries, but now removed, history, what happened with the monuments. Lithuania p. 54-61, Estonia -Latvia p. 62-65]
{P, H, B}
Statues (Statulos) / Jan Kaptein
In: Phillit 2003 ; no. 32. - p. 4-10
[About: Statues... and monuments of the Soviet period in Lithuania on postal stationeries, but now removed, history, what happened with the monuments, article in English]
Stempel von Klaipėda in der sowjetischen Zeit (1945 - 1990) / René Pineau, Hans-Christoph von Lindeiner, Ričardas Vainora
In: Lituania 2013 ; nr. 40. - p. 10-34
[About: postmarks of Klaipėda in the Soviet period 1945-1990]
Szameitkehmen / Christoph von Lindeiner
In: Lituania 2008 ; nr. 29/30. - p. 2-9
[About: postal history and location of Szameitkehmen - the Lithuanian Žemaitkiemiai- in the Memel-area]
Addition: Szametkehmen - Ergänzungen / Vytautas Doniela. - In: Lituania 2010 ; 33. - p. 23-24. - [About the Soviet-postmark]
Addition: Szametkehmen - Ergänzungen / Dr. von Lindeiner. - In: Lituania 2010 ; 34. - p. 6. - [About the Sovietperiod]
{P, H}
Tagesstempel mit verschiedenen Durchmessern / Hans-Christoph von Lindeiner
In: Lituania 2001 ; nr. 16. - p. 1075
[About: cancelations with different diameter: 'Zemaikiemis, Silutskogo' (district Silute)]
{P, H}
Het TiškeviČia paleis in Palanga / Polangen / Jan Kaptein
In: HBG 2016 ; 68. - p. 10-12
[About: the palace of count Tyszkiewicz in Polangen (Lithiuanian Palanga) tsaristic picture card, Soviet postal stationery and mi. 1009-1010 (2009) ]
{P, H, B}
ТРКИ, Trakai, Troki, Trakai / Jan Kaptein
In: HBG 2021 ; 79. - p. 4-17
[About: Trakai: all periods, also postmarks Trakai and postal stationary]
TSRS Rysiu Ministerijos 1947-1989 m. isleisti pasto zenklai lietuviska tematika
In: LPS 1990 ; no. 1 (208). - p. [37]
[About: Russian stamps with Lithuanian theme, list in Lithuanian language]
Uit de postgeschiedenis van Vilnius V : 1944-1990 de Sojet-periode / Jan Kaptein
In: HBG 2001 ; 38. - p. 66-72
[About: postal history of Vilnius : Soviet period, with list of postal stationeries 1954-1974]
{P, H, B}
Utenos pasto jubiliejus / Voldemaras Dziuve
In: FL 1990 ; 3(4). - p. 44-45
[About: history of post in Utena: postal stationery with post office, article in Lithuanian]
Van Sniečkus naar Visaginas / Jan Kaptein
In: HBG 2011 ; 58. - p. 18-19
[About: placename Sniečku (named: Antanas Sniečkus, leader of the Lithguanian Communist Party), now the place Visaginas]
{P, H}
Via the Red Skies - The development of Soviet Air Mail 1922-1945 / G. Adolph Ackerman. - 300 p.
Review in: Lituania 2002 ; nr. 18. - p. 1230-1231
[About: review]
Weiter verwendet ab 1944/45 - Alte Stempel in neuer Hand / Thomas Löbbering
In: Baltikum 2019 ; Nr. 7. - p. 4-7
[About: postmarks (1918-1940, Soviet occupation 1940-41, German occupation 1941-44/45), used further after 1944/45: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania]
Weiterverwendung Sowj. Stempel - Ganzsachen / Antanas Burkus
In: Lituania 2001 ; nr. 15. - p. 984
[About: use of Soviet-cancellation from 1940 in 1960, and use of Soviet postal stationery in 1990 for Service-post]
{P, H}
Write to me at the GULAG (Parasyk man I Gulaga) / Justinas Sajauskas
In: Phillit 2006 ; no. 42. - p. 4-11
[About: letters and cards from/of Vorkuta by/to prisoner V. Liudziute: Gulag camp in Vorkuta (Siberia) with many illustrations, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Zalgirio ir Durbės mūšiams skirti 1960 m. tipografiniai užspaudai ant SSSR pašto ženklų (Typographical overprints on soviet stamps commemorating the anniversaries of the battles of Durbe and Grunwald) / Vladas Miežanskas
In: LPS 2010 ; no. 238. - p. 42-46
[About: overprint soviet stampr mi. 2177 in 1960, article in Lithuanian and short summary in English]
General Algemeen
"50 Litu" Silbermünze / Werner Schlotfeldt
In: Lituania 2003 ; nr. 19. - p. 1278
[About: special coin, 1.500 are made]
{P, H}
Abteilungspostamt Vilnius 9 - 1 poskyris / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2014; nr. 41 - p. 23
[About: post office Vilnius 9 - 1 poskyris, poskyris = section]
'Afgesloten' gebieden komen weer tot leven: de Baltische staten / Harry von Hofmann
In: OEF 1992 ; nr. 1. - p. 2-11
[About: 'Closed' areas come back to life: the Baltic states]
Aktuelle Entwicklungen bei der litauischen Post: Aktivitäten - Postfilialen - neue Tarife - Stempelbesonderheiten / Bernhard Fels
In: Baltikum 2023 ; 16. - p. 58-64
[About: Current developments at the Lithuanian Post: Activities - Post Offices - New Tariffs - Postmark Features]
Litauen-Stempelecke / Bernhard Fels
In: Baltikum 2024 ; 17. - p. 61
[About: addition of current developments here above: postmarks]
Änderung der Postbeförderungswege / Witold Fugalewitsch
In: Lituania 2001 ; nr. 16. - p. 1014
[About: changing of post-route to Germany in 1993 (not longer via Moscow) and 2001]
Änderungen der Nennwerte (1990 - 1993) / zusammengestellt von Pranas Kazlauskas
In: Lituania 1994 ; nr. 2. - p. 76-80
[About: changing face value]
Algirdas Mykolas Brazauskas 1932-09-22 - 2010-06-26 / Juozas Urbonas
In: Phillit 2012 ; no. 60. - p. 18-24
[About: short biography of the first Lithuanian president after 1990, illustrated by philatelic items, article in Lithuanian]
Auf dem Weg zum BALTBAT : die Post der baltischen UN- und IFOR-Einheuten / von Peter Hornung
In: Lituania 1997 ; nr. 8. - p. 505-512
[About: post of baltic UN- and IFOR-troops via post of the troops of Denmark (DANBAT)]
Baltbat - forgeries or fantasy? (Baltbat? Falsifikatai ar fantazijos?)
In: Phillit 2003 ; no. 32. - p. 12
[About: Baltic units and operations in Macedonia and Kosovo: forgeries or fantasy, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Bar code system in the Lithuanian post office (Kodu sistema Lietuvos paste)
In: Phillit 2003 ; no. 31. - p. 3
[About: bar code system for registered mail, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Bedos atveju
In: LPS 1992 ; no. 1 (212). - p. 15
[About: bisected stamps, old (1930) and modern (1991) Lithuania, in Lithuanian]
Beleg des Schiffes "TXO - 161" / Günter Birkholz
In: Lituania 2004 ; nr. 21. - p. 1442
[About: shippost-cover, 'Lithuanian office for west-fishing-area, Memel refrigerator ship-fleet']
{P, H}
Brief mit "Zurück"-Aufkleber / Witold Fugalewitsch
In: Lituania 2006 ; nr. 25. - p. 29
See also: Der Retour-Brief - Die Zweite / Bernhard Fels. - nr. 26
[About: letter with formular CN 15, 'Back' (to sender)]
Briefwahl - Umschläge : fortzetzung aus Mitteilunsblatt Nr. 4 December 1995 / Gernot Kaas
In: Lituania 2000 ; nr. 13. - p. 808-811
[About: elections: special covers for voting by letter]
Briefwahl in Deutschland / Witold Fugalewitsch
In: Lituania 2003 ; nr. 19. - p. 1291-1294
[About: Lithuanian elections: voting in Germany by letter]
Cecogramm / Ricardas Vainora
In: Lituania 2001 ; nr. 16. - p. 1030
[About: label for post for the blind (franchise stamp)]
{P, H}
Neues Cecogramm / Ricardas Vainora
In: Lituania 2002 ; nr. 17. - p. 1108
[About: label for post for the blind (franchise stamp)]
{P, H}
Datos. Ivykai 1988-2000
In: PFL 2000 ; 48. - p. 16-29
[About: important dates 1988-2000, illustrated with postmarks, documents, article in Lithuanian]
E-Parcel Group - Tagesstempel Kaunas EMS : Internationaler Express Paket-Dienst / Antanas Burkus, Bernard Fels
In: Lituania 2013 ; nr. 39. - p. 27-30
[About: International Express-parcel delivery: postmarks EMS Kaunas]
{P, H}
Falsche Umslagbeschriftung - Retour-Brief / Bernhard Fels
In: Baltikum 2024 ; 17. - p. 62
[About: Incorrect envelope label/inscription - return letter]
Geänderte Öffnungszeiten der Postämter in Litauen / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 1915 ; nr. 43. - p. 34
[About: changing opening hours of postoffices in Lithuania]
Geöffnete Postämter an gesetzlichen Feiertagen in Litauen / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2012 ; nr. 38. - p. 37-38
[About: new post-offices in shops, holidays in Lithuania]
Goznak proofs (Goznak'o bandomoji spauda) / Vitaly Geyfman
In: Phillit 2013 ; no. 62. - p. 9-13
[About: proofs of Lithuanian stamps, printed between 1993 and 1995 by Goznak in Moscow, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Handschriftliche Porto-Vermerke / Pranas Kazlauskas
In: Lituania 1995 ; nr. 4. - p. 179-
[About : written postage due in the transition-time]
Have you got the cancel of a closed post office? (Ar turite voku su uzdarytu Lietuvos pastu antspaudu?) / Eduardas Horbacauskas
In: Phillit 2004 ; no. 34. - p. 4-8
Ergänzungen zu "Mein besonderer Beleg" / Peter Haubner. - In: Lituania 2005 ; nr. 24. - p. 57 [about: post-offices Klaipeda 3 and 21]
Picture of Klaipeda 3 'Klaipeda senas pastas'
[About: closed post offices 1989-2004, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
De in 1992 uitgegeven belastingzegels van Litouwen / Leonas Verzbolauskas
In: HBG 2003 ; 42. - p. 53
[About: revenue stamps 1992]
{P, H, B}
Innendienst Sendung 1996 / Peter Haubner
In: Lituania 2001 ; nr. 16. - p. 1031
[About: form for intern post of the Post]
{P, H}
Internationaler Postdienst / Zbignevas Steponavicius
In: Lituania 1997 ; nr. 8. - p. 467
[About: book with description of services of the Lithuanian Post, issued by the Lithuanian Post ]
A letter from the Supreme Council (Aukš&$269iausios Tarybos Laiškas) / Keimpe Leenstra
In: Phillit 2012 ; no. 60. - p. 28-29
[About: letter from Supreme Council to a Lithuanian independence supporter from the Netherlands, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Lietuva specializuotas pašto ženklių katalogas 1918-2012 = Special Lithuanian postage stamp catalogue 1918-2012 / Antanas Jankauskas. - 496 p. : ill. ; A4
Review in LPS 2013 ; no. 241. p. 42-46
Handbook bilingual-in Lithuanian and English-, stamps of all periods: Lithuania 1918-1940, Ob.Ost, Memel, Central Lithuania, June1941, World War II, 1990-2012, many illustrations {P}
Lietuva specializuotas pašto ženklių katalogas 1918-2012 papildymai, 2012-2017 = Special Lithuanian postage stamp catalogue 1918-2012 additions 2012-2017/ Antanas Jankauskas
156 p. ill. ; A4
Review In: HBG 2017 ; 71. - p. 39
[About: additions handbook]
Lietuvos Pasto Zenklu Katalogas 1990-1998 = Lithuanian postage stamps catalogue 1990-1998
Kaunas : Antanas Jankauskas, 1999. - 37 p.
[About: catalogue in Lithuanian and English]
[Review in: Lithuania 1999 ; nr. 11. - p. 659]
Der Mittelpunkt Europas / Willi Weih
In: Lituania 2005 ; nr. 23. - p. 66-67
[About: 'Europos centras']
Die mobilen Postämter der Litauischen Post AG / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2010 ; nr. 33. - p. 33-41
[About: mobile postoffices in Lithuania (cars)]
{P, H}
Nachttäglich entwertet durch ein Logistikzentrum der Litauischen Post? / Bernhard Fels
In: Baltikum 2023 ; 16. - p. 64-65
[About: subsequently cancelled by a logistics center of the Lithuanian Post?]
Nep-opdruk - maar wel echt gelopen / Sijtze Reurich
In: OEF 1998 (jrg. 16) ; nr. 2. - p. 21-22
[About: cinderella-overprint 'LTSR 1998.01.4', as joke for the elections. Also used on cover, article in Dutch]
Neue Entwicklungen bei der litauischen Post / Bernhard Fels
In: Baltikum 2017 ; 4. - p. 50-59
[About: new developments at the Lithuanian Post: post-automation, preparation of mailings, clarification of address labels, registeringcode (barcode 39), ....., Vilnius 5]
New post offices (Du nauji paštai)
In: Phillit 2010 ; no. 53. - p. 15-18
[About: currently 729 fixed and 28 mobile access points, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Numismatische Neuigkeiten aus Litauen / Werner Schlotfeldt
In: Lituania 2001 ; nr. 16. - p. 1032-1033
[About: new coins]
{P, H}
Öffnungszeiten litauischer Postfilialen in Einkaufszentren an litauischen Feiertagen / Bernhard Fels
In: Baltikum 2022 ; Nr. 14. - p. 58-59
[About: opening hours of Lithuanian post offices in shopping centers on Lithuanian public holidays, postmarks of post offices in shopping centers in Alytus and Šiauliai]
Sendungsverfolgung - Tracking and Tracing / Bernhard Fels
In: Baltikum 2022 ; Nr. 14. - p. 48-52
[About: tracking and tracing: survey]
Steuermarken des neuen unhabhängigen Litauen / Leonas Veržbolauskas
In: Baltikum 2017 ; 3. - p. 14-17
Also Dutch version: In: HBG 2003 ; 42. - p. 53
[About: revenu stamps 1992]
Zeittafel (ab 1988)
In: Lituania 1999 ; nr. 11. - p. 662-663
[About: timetable from 1988]
Erhebung über die Nutzung von Postleitzahlen / [litauischen Post]
In: Lituania 2007 ; nr. 27. - p. 35-36
[About: postal codes]
"FILOP"-Umschläge / Leonas Verzbolauskas
In: Lituania 1999 ; nr. 12. - p. 751
[About: enveloppes with special theme, not by the post issued, but by FILOP = Philatelic Opposition]
What does "PHILOP" mean? (Ka reiskia "FILOP"?) / Gediminas Karpavicius
In: LPS 2004 ; no. 1 & 2 (233). - p. 64-66
[About: FILOP = Philatelic Opposition, article in Lithuanian and extended summary and more in English]
Klebezettel und Buchstabensalat (Kurzfassung des Vortrages in Ehlershausen 2004) / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2004 ; nr. 22. - p. 1482-1483
[About: adhesive paper with indications of the post]
{P, H}
Lithuanian revenue stamps (Lietuvisku zyminiai zenklai) / Leonas Verzbolauskas
In: Phillit 1999 ; no. 20. - p. 7
[About: revenue stamps after the restoration of independence, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Maximumkarten / Pranas Kazlauskas
In: Lituania 1997 ; nr. 7. - p. 381-385
[About: maximum-cards of Lithuania]
Nachforschung über verlorengegangene Sendungen / Leonas Verzbolauskas
In: Lituania 2002 ; nr. 17. - p. 1103
[About: investigation-form for lost sendings, with postmark "Lituanie A, 05.02 (?).1994, Vilnius, Poste internationale"]
{P, H}
Nep-opdruk - maar wel echt gelopen / Sijtze Reurich
In: OEF 1998 ; nr. 2. - p. 21-22
[About: overprinting "LTSR 1998.01.4" in relation to the elections]
Neue Postleitzahlen in Litauen / Ricardas Vainora
In: Lituania 2004 ; nr. 21. - p. 1390-1395
[About: new postcodes in Lithuania]
{P, H}
New postal codes (Nauji pasto kodai)
In: Phillit 2003 ; no. 33. - p. 4
[About: new codes introduced 1 january 2004, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Neue R-Zettel der litauischen Postverwaltung / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2007 ; nr. 27. - p. 34
[About: new registering labels]
News of the Old Kaunas Post Office (Žinia iš Kauno Senoja PašKauno 11-as paštas) / Ričrdas Vainora
In: Phillit 2012 ; no. 60. - p. 12
[About: postmark and history of the Old Kaunas Post Office, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Pašto pulsas - der Puls der Post / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2012 ; nr. 38. - p. 40-42
[About: magazine of Lithuanian Post]
Postautomation der litauischen Postverwaltung : Einführung von R-Zetteln mit Strichcode (1. Teil) / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2006 ; nr. 26. - p. 31-41
[About: Postautomation: registering labels with barcodes]
Postautomation der litauischen Postverwaltung : Einführung von R-Zetteln mit Strichcode (2. Teil) / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2007 ; nr. 28. - p. 29-36
[About: Postautomation: registering labels with barcodes]
Postautomation der Litauischen Post AG / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2008 ; nr. 29/30. - p. 29-32
[About: Postautomation: registering labels
Postalische Aufkleber / Witold Fugalewitsch
In: Lituania 1995 ; nr. 4. - p. 176-178
[About: postal labels]
Post office Kaunas-11 (Kauno 11-as paštas) / Ričrdas Vainora
In: Phillit 2012 ; no. 60. - p. 8-9
[About: re-opening of poso office Kaunas 11 in shopping centre, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Post offices closed in 2009 (2009 metais uzdaryti pastai) / Ri269ardas Vainora
In: Phillit 2009 ; no. 51. - p. 16-18
[About: table with place, postal code, district, date , bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Postvertrag Litauen-Malteserorden / Gerhard Hahne
In: Lituania 2000 ; nr. 14. - p. 876-877
[About: Post-treaty between Lithuania and Maltese Order, special cancellation]
R-Zettel und R-Stempel / Leonas Verzbolauskas
In: Lituania 1999 ; nr. 12. - p. 732
[About: registering-labels and registering-postmarks]
Exprès-Brief / Ricardas Vainora
In: Lituania 1999 ; nr. 11. - p. 669
[About: postal labels]
Postzegels en posttarieven van Litouwen 1990-1993 / P. Kaslauskas
In: HBG 1993 ; 23. - p. 21-34
[About: postage stamps and postage rates 1990-1993]
Philatelistische Informationen / Zbignevas Steponavicius
In: Lituania 1999 ; nr. 11. - p. 670-675
[About: currency, pastal rates 1990-1993]
Privatpost in Litauen / Bernhard Fels
In: Baltikum 2016 ; 2. - p. 68
[About: cover with franking machine postmark 0000, delivered by private post]
Reorganisation der Litauischen Post AG / Jurgita Čepulytė
In: Lituania 2009 ; nr. 32. - p. 49-50
[About: reoganisation of Lithuanian Post: regional Main postoffices]
Addition: Reorganisation der Litauischen Post AG / Bernhard Fels. - In: Lituania 2010 ; 33. - p. 25-32 {P, H}
Der Retour-Brief - Die Zweite / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2006 ; nr. 26. - p. 28-30
See also: Brief mit "Zurück"-Aufkleber / Witold Fugalewitsch. - nr. 25
[About: letter with formular CN 15, 'Back' (to sender)]
Retourbriefe / Bernhard Fels
In: Baltikum 2016 ; 1. - p. 51-54
[About: returned covers]
Schiffspost von der "Kaunas" / Witold Fugalewitsch
In: Lituania 1999 ; nr. 12. - p. 779
[About: ship postage of the "Kaunas"]
Schutzaufgaben der deutschen Luftwaffe im baltischen Luftraum / Armin Blase
In: Lituania 2011 ; nr. 35/36. - p. 56-57
[About: German airforce in Baltic air (NATO)]
Signatories of the independence declaration (Vasario 16 akto signatarai) / Antanas Jankauskas
In: Phillit 2003 ; no. 33. - p. 11-15
[About: Mi. 427: description of the signatories, later also to see on stamps of modern Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Special Lithuanian postage stamp catalugue 1990-2001 (Specializuotas Lietuvos pasto zenklu katalogas 1990-2001) / A. Jankauskas
Vilnius : "Naujoji Matrica", 2002. - 61 p.
[About: special catalogue, bilingual, Lithanian and English]
{P, H}
Statistisches Jahrbuch 1939 (Kurzfassung des Vortrages in Ehlershausen 2004) / Heinrich Rack
In: Lituania 2004 ; nr. 22. - p. 1484-1485
[About: statistical yearbook 1939]
{P, H}
ТРКИ, Trakai, Troki, Trakai / Jan Kaptein
In: HBG 2021 ; 79. - p. 4-17
[About: Trakai: all periods, also postmarks Trakai and postal stationary]
Umzug Postamt Vilnius 26 / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2014; nr. 41 - p. 24
[About: removal of post office Vilnius 26]
Ungültigkeits-daten / Pranas Kazlauskas
In: Lituania 1995 ; nr. 4. - p. 186-187
{About: dates of invalidity]
Uzdaromi Pastai (Closing post offices) / Ričardas Vainora
In: Phillit 2009 ; no. 49. - p. 7
[About: abou 30 post offices are closed may-June 2009: list and postmarks , bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Variants and mistakes of modern Lithuania (Naujoji Lietuva - variantai ir klaidos) / Sigitas Sakalinskas
In: Phillit 2003 ; no. 33. - p. 8-9
[About: list of variants from Mi. 457-792, article in Lithuanian]
Verzeichnis Litauischer Orte / Wilhelm Broxckman
In: Lituania 2003 ; nr. 19. - p. 1248
[About: Lithuanian places: list on Internet]
{P, H}
Verzeichnis der Litauischen Postämter und deren Postleitzahlen / Leonas Verzbolauskas, Ricardas Vainora
In: Lituania 1997 ; nr. 8. - p. 461
[About: list of postoffices and codes]
Via Baltica / Witold Fugalewitsch
In: Lituania 1996 ; nr. 6. - p. 314-315
Vordrucke der Post / Witolf Fugalewitsch
In: Lituania 2004 ; nr. 21. - p. 1402-1404
[About: forms of the Lithuanian Post]
{P, H}
Weiterleitung, Rücksendung und Lagerung der Postsendungen / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2006 ; nr. 25. - p. 23-
[About: use of formular K1 by the Lithuanian post for undeliverable sendings28]
Weiterverwendung Sowj. Stempel - Ganzsachen / Antanas Burkus
In: Lituania 2001 ; nr. 15. - p. 984
[About: use of Soviet-cancellation from 1940 in 1960, and use of Soviet postal stationery in 1990 for Service-post]
{P, H}
Wertsendungen 1994 / Peter Haubner
In: Lituania 2002 ; nr. 17. - p. 1104-1105
[About: value-sending]
{P, H}
Wiedereröffnung des Postamtes Klaipėda 14 / Aurelija Jonušaitė
In: Lituania 2012 ; nr. 38. - p. 39
[About: postoffice of Klaipėda 14 open again]
Start of the (again) independent Lithuanian post
Agtimes Lietuvos Paštas
In: LPS 1991 ; no. 1 (210). - p. 1-4
[About: revival of the Lithuanian post, first stamps, article in Lithuanian]
Een brief die niet kan / Sijtze Reurich
In: HBG 2009 ; 54. - p. 32-34
[About: issue of the first stamps, 7 october 1990, and the changing of postal rates on this day]
{P, H, B}
Erste Schritte der Litauischen Post nach Wiedererlangung der Unabhängigkeit Litauens / Leonas Veržbolauskas
In: Lituania 2011 ; nr. 35/36. - p. 33-36
[About: Start of Lithuanian Post after independence]
{P, H}
Gekapte en omgebouwde stempels in Litouwen 1990-1993 / Sijtze Reurich
In: HBG 2011 ; 58. - p. 44-54
[About: cut and converted postmarks in Lithuania 1990-1993]
{P, H, B}
The history of the Lithuanian post and philately, 1989-1993, the facts (Lietuvos pastas ir filatelija, 1989-1993 m.m. faktai) / prep by Gediminas Lakiunas
In: Phillit 2004 ; no. 35. - p. 8-10
[About: overview -timetable- of facts and events, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Nepriklausamybes atstatymo aktas
In: LPS 1990 ; no. 2 (209). - p. 3
[About: act of independence, article in Lithuanian]
Lietuvos Rysiu 90-meti atzymintis leidinys (A publication on the occasion of 90th aneversary of Lithuanian communications / Leonas Veržbolauskas
In: Phillit 2008 ; no. 48. - p. 15
[About: review of book about history of Lithuanian post, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Lithuania issues new envelope proclaiming its independence
In: LPS 1990 ; no. 2 (209). - p. 4. - Overprint from: Linn'stamps news
[About: first postal stationery]
A Lithuanian chronicle / assembled by Ivo Steyn
In: BJRP 1991 ; 70. - p. 58-68
[About: first cachets, postmark alterations, postal stationery, postage stamps]
Lithuania issues four stamps : awaits restoration of UPU status
In: LPS 1990 ; no. 2 (209). - p. 7. - Overprint from: Linn'stamps news
[About: first stamps]
Lithuania, where have you been? / by Ivo Steyn
In: Rossica 1990 ; no. 115. - p. 67-68
[About: 11 March 1990: independence: altered postmarks, altered registration cachet, postal stationery envelope]
Lietuvos valstybes pastas / Tomas Chadaravicius
In: LPS 1990 ; no. 2 (209). - p. 5.
[About: Lithuanuan State Post, article in Lithuanian]
Current events in the F.S.U. / Ivo Steyn
In: BJRP 1993 ; 74. - p. 23-34
[About: also Lithuania p. 27-28: forgeries of cover and first stamps]
{P, H}
Lithuanian philatelic news / by Vygintas Bubnys
In: The Post-Rider 1991 ; no. 28. - p. 44-57
[About: August 1990 postmarkers of a new type with LIETUVA on the borrom. New Lirthuanian postage stamp, postal stationery. The rates]
The Lithuanian Republican posts / by Vygintas Bubnys
In: The Post-Rider 1990 ; no. 27. - p. 54-59
[About: 29 March 1990 special markings in two lines 'Lietuvos Respublikos Paštas' : list of towns with size of the markings, color, earliest date. Old LTSR postmarks: modified (list of towns). Machine cancellers. Soviet postage stramp unofficially overprinted]
Pirmasis pasto zenklas
In: FL 1990 ; 1(2). - p. 24
[About: first Lithuanian postal stationery, article in Lithuanian]
Lietuva - atgiminas - Angelas : Zenklintas vokas
In: PFL 2000 ; 48. - p. 64-68
[About: first Lithuanian postal stationery, article in Lithuanian]
Nieuwtjes uit Litouwen / Sijtze Reurich
In: HBG 1990 ; 16. - p. 46-48
[About: the first postmarks and issue (postal stationery) of the again independent Lithuania]
Nieuws uit Litouwen / AdB
In: HBG 1990 ; 17. - p. 23-30
[About: the first postmarks and issues (postal stationeries) of the again independent Lithuania]
De nieuwe zegels van Litouwen / AdB
In: HBG 1990 ; 17. - p. 31
[About: the first stamps of the again independent Lithuania]
Lietuvos respublikos pasto zenklai / Liudas Kairys
In: LPS 1991 ; no. 2 (211). - p. 5-8
[About: first stamps1990-1991, article in Lithuanian]
Litouwen : een terugblik op 18 maanden verwarring / Ivo Steyn
In: HBG 1991 ; 19. - p. 22-30
[About: review of the start of the Lithuanian post]
Litouwen : de eerste twee emissies / Ivo Steyn
In: HBG 1991 ; 19. - p. 31-35
Overprinted covers, 1990 (1990 M. kaune perkainoti vokai) / Ricardas Vainora
In: Phillit 2005 ; no. 37. - p. 5-6
[About: overprint Soviet postal stationeries, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Šilutės Paštas / Zbignevas Steponavičius
I. - Šilutė ; Kaunas : [s.n.], 1963-1998. - 322 p.
II. - Kaunas : [s.n.], 2000. - 185 p
In Lithuanian, overview of the postal history of district Šilutė, all periods, German, French, Lithuanian, Soviet, transit to independence 1990, many illustrations
Soviet postal stationery overprinted by Pašto ženklas, 1991-1992 Part 1 / by Andrew Kapochunas
In: BLPSNY 1994 ; 170. - p. 9295-9300
[About: survey]
Soviet postal stationery overprinted by Pašto ženklas, 1991-1992 Part II / by Andrew Kapochunas
In: BLPSNY 1995 ; 171. - p. 9306-9319
[About: survey, different types of overprints]
Terugkomen op ... Mengfrankeringen / Jan Kaptein
In: OEF 2011 (jrg. 29) ; Nr. 2. - p. 6-12
[About: mixed franking LTSR (Lithuanian Sovjet republic 1940-1941 and Lithuania 1990-1991, article in Dutch]
Uzsieniecio rinkejo nuotykiai su 'Angeliukais' / Vytautas Doniela
In: LPS 2004 ; no. 1 & 2 (233). - p. 54-63
[About: use of first stamps -with new postmarks, article inLithuanian]
Stamps general
Fluoreszenzen auf litauischen und lettischen Briefmarken / Olaf Hoffmann
In: Baltikum 2023 ; 16. - p. 45-49
[About: Fluorescence on Lithuanian and Latvian postage stamps]
1990 Mi. 457-..
Pirmieji Lietuvos Respublikos Pašto ženklai / Zbignevas Steponavičius
In: LPS 1991 ; no. 1 (210). - p. 22-24
[About: first stamps of Lithuania, article in Lithuanian]
Current events in the F.S.U. / Ivo Steyn
In: BJRP 1993 ; 74. - p. 23-34
[About: Kazachstan overview, Tartu perforated strips, forgeries of post-Soviet issues (also first Lithuanian stamps), coping with hyperinflation : postal stationery, coping with hyperinflation (?) : local issues, coping with hyperinflation (?) : revenge of the TRIDENTS, coping with hyperinflation : symbolic frankings]
In: Phillit 2011 ; no. 56. - p. 25
[About: exxhibition: Hirotaka Araki's collection "LITHUANIA stamp of the angel Vytis 1990-1993, bilingual message Lithuanian-English]
Lithuania 1990 : the first two issues / Ivo Steyn
In: BJRP 1992 ; 73. - p. 38-43
Addition: Notes from collectors. - In: BJRP 1993 ; 74. - p. 43
[About: extended description]
Current events in the F.S.U. / Ivo Steyn
In: BJRP 1993 ; 74. - p. 23-34
[About: also Lithuania p. 27-28: forgeries of cover and first stamps]
Vals met vragen / Joop van Heeswijk
In: HBG 2015 ; 66. - p. 25
[About: forgery of Mi. 457 (in red and blue), used on cover]
{P, H, B}
New forgeries? (Nauji falsifikatai?) / Vytis Vabalas
In: Phillit 2005 ; no. 39. - p. 3
[About: first issues 'Angel' forgries on internet auctions, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Postage stamps of the independent Republic of Lithuania, part IV / by Andrew Kapochunas
In: BLPSNY 1991 ; 162. - p. 9136
Dailininke Violeta Skabeikiene / -
In: FL 1990 ; 3(4). - p. 7-10
[About: interview with the designer of the first stamps V. Skabeikiene, article in Lithuanian]
Gleiche Plattenfehler bei der 1. (07.10.1990) und 2. (22.12.1990) : Freimarken-Ausgabe "Engel" / Pranas Kazlauskas
In: Lituania 1998 ; nr. 9. - p. 526-527
[About: plate errors first and second issue]
Lietuva - atgiminas - Angelas : Atkurtas Lietuvos respublikos pasto zenklas
In: PFL 2000 ; 48. - p. 69-74
[About: first stamps (pasto zenklas) after the restoration (Atkurtas) and FDC, article in Lithuanian]
Fälschungen : Friedensengel (Mich.-Nr. 464) / Pranas Kazlauskas
In: Lituania 1994 ; nr. 1. - p. 10
[About: forgeries of Mi. 464]
Gesucht - Gefunden / Pranas Kazlauskas
In: Lituania 1996 ; nr. 5. - p. 238-239
[About : plate errors Vytis (Mi. 465-..) ; plate error Mi.489 ; types Mi. 564 ]
Fälschungen : Hügel der Kreuze (Mich.-Nr. 468) / Michel-Rundschau
In: Lituania 1994 ; nr. 1. - p. 10
[About: forgeries of Mi. 468]
Unlisted "proofs" of the early independent Lithuania issues of 1991 / Vitaly Geyfman
In: LPS 2014 ; no. 242. - p. 20-21
[About: Mi. 470 and stamped envelope with mi. 470, and the -unoffical reprint- of Lithuanian Knight issue.]
Konkursas ir jo resultatai / Zbignevas Steponavicius
In: FL 1990 ; 3(4). - p. 11-12
[About: the results of the contest for design of new stamps, Mi. 472, 474-476, , article in Lithuanian]
Varieties, varieties... (Keletas zenklu atmainu) / Ricardas Vainora
In: Phillit 2005 ; no. 37. - p. 16-17
[About: Mi. 479, 531 and 397 plate errors, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Litauische Bergsteiger / Willy Weih
In: Lituania 1999 ; nr. 11. - p. 676-678
[About: Lithuanian mountaineers: issues Mi. 484-485, 634]
Plate error of Lithuania - UNO member (Lietuva - jto nare, atmaina) / Ricardas Vainora
In: Phillit 1998 ; no. 18. - p. 8
[About: plate errors issue Mi. 495, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Litauen an 1990 - neue Abarten / Mčislovas Kereševičius
In: Lituania 2006 ; nr. 25. - p. 30-31
[About: plate errors, Mi. 499, and 554, 651, 662]
A few more varieties (Dar keletas variantu) / Mecislovas Keresevicius
In: Phillit 2005 ; no. 38. - p. 4-5
[About: Mi. 499, 509, 515, 554, 651, 662 plate errors, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
A few more varieties (Dar keletas variantu) / Mecislovas Keresevicius
In: Phillit 2005 ; no. 38. - p. 4-5
[About: Mi. 509 and 499, 515, 554, 651, 662 plate errors, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Happy chance (Idomus atsitiktumai) / Eduardas Horbacauskas
In: Phillit 2002 ; no. 28. - p. 7-8
[About: double overprint issue Mi. 514 and cancel Kadainiai 'K' with 'Lietuvos respublika' on the top, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
A few more varieties (Dar keletas variantu) / Mecislovas Keresevicius
In: Phillit 2005 ; no. 38. - p. 4-5
[About: Mi. 515, and 499, 509, 554, 651, 662 plate errors, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Vieno ženklo lapai = Counter sheets of 1993 commemorative Vytautas Magnus stamps (Mi 518-520) / Ričardas Vainora
In: LPS 2020 ; no. 248. - p. 23
[About: Mi. 518-520, bilingual article, Lithuanian and English]
Varieties, varieties... (Keletas zenklu atmainu) / Ricardas Vainora
In: Phillit 2005 ; no. 37. - p. 16-17
[About: Mi. 531, 479 and 397 plate errors, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Litauische "A"- und "B"-Briefmarken / Witold Fugalewitsch
In: Lituania 1994 ; nr. 1. - p. 11
[About: issue Mi. 532-532]
Neue Stempel und zweite Auflage / Viktoras Adomavicius
In: Lituania 1995 ; nr. 4. - p. 188
[About: new postmarks (1994) and second printing of Mi. 554]
Litauen an 1990 - neue Abarten / Mčislovas Kereševičius
In: Lituania 2006 ; nr. 25. - p. 30-31
[About: plate errors, Mi. 554, and 499, 651, 662]
A few more varieties (Dar keletas variantu) / Mecislovas Keresevicius
In: Phillit 2005 ; no. 38. - p. 4-5
[About: Mi. 554 and 499, 509, 515, 651, 662 plate errors, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
A few more varieties (Dar keletas variantu) / Mecislovas Keresevicius
In: Phillit 2005 ; no. 38. - p. 4-5
[About: Mi. 554 and 499, 509, 515, 651, 662 plate errors, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Gravierende Fehler . (Dr. Sigrid Hanssen)
In: Lituania 1996 ; nr. 6. - p. 316
[About: error picture of Mi.590]
Grinius, een toevallige ontmoeting / Olav Petri
In: HBG 2014 ; 64. - p. 44-45
[About: Kazys Grinius, 1866-1950, president of Lithuania 1926, his image is on Mi. 134 and Mi. 603]
{P, H, B}
Litauische Bergsteiger / Willy Weih
In: Lituania 1999 ; nr. 11. - p. 676-678
[About: Lithuanian mountaineers: issues Mi. 634 (and 484-485)]
1997 M. laidos 50 ct Zenklo variantas / Arunas Sakalauskas
In: Phillit 2008 ; no. 47. - p. 23
[About: Mi. 635, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Plate error of #644 (Nr. 644 klises klaida) / Eduardas Martinas
In: Phillit 2003 ; no. 33. - p. 15
[About: Mi. 644, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Plate errors (Klisiu klaidos) / Ricardas Vainora
In: Phillit 2001 ; no. 27. - p. 14
[About: plate errors issue Mi. 646, 667 and 678, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Matrizen bei Dauermarken-Ausgaben / Leonas Verzbolauskas
In: Lituania 1999 ; nr. 11. - p. 679-681
[About: issue Mi. 647-648]
Doppel- oder Schützenkreuz? / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2010 ; nr. 34. - p. 7
[About: double cross on Mi. 647-648 en Mi 268A ,,,, 273A ]
{P, H}
Masinio naudojimo pasto zenklu "Tautiniai ornamentai" laidos / Leonas Verzbolauskas
In: PFL 1999 ; 40. - p. 49-51
[About: stamp, type double cross, 50 ct.: article in Lithuanian]
Printings of 50 ct definitive (Standartinio 50 ct pasto zenklo spausdinimai) / Leonas Verzbolauskas
In: Phillit 1998 ; no. 18. - p. 6
[About: Mi. 648, type double cross, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
De loopzegels van Litouwen, type dubbelkruis / J. van Heeswijk
In: HBG 1999 ; 35. - p. 121-122
[About: the running stamps of Lithuania, type double cross]
A few more varieties (Dar keletas variantu) / Mecislovas Keresevicius
In: Phillit 2005 ; no. 38. - p. 4-5
[About: Mi. 651 and 499, 509, 515, 554, 662 plate errors, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Litauen an 1990 - neue Abarten / Mčislovas Kereševičius
In: Lituania 2006 ; nr. 25. - p. 30-31
[About: plate errors, Mi. 651, and 499, 554, 662]
A few more varieties (Dar keletas variantu) / Mecislovas Keresevicius
In: Phillit 2005 ; no. 38. - p. 4-5
[About: Mi. 662 and 499, 509, 515, 554, 651 plate errors, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Litauen an 1990 - neue Abarten / Mčislovas Kereševičius
In: Lituania 2006 ; nr. 25. - p. 30-31
[About: plate errors, Mi. 662, and 499, 554, 651]
Antanas Gustaitis / Frits Gerdessen
In: HBG 2017 ; 70. - p. 4-5
[About: Mi. 662: Antanas Gustaitis, designer of Lithuanian planes (Mi. 662-663), ANBO, commander of the Lithuanian airforce]
{P, B}
Plate errors (Klisiu klaidos) / Ricardas Vainora
In: Phillit 2001 ; no. 27. - p. 14
[About: plate errors issue Mi. 667, 646 and 678, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Plate error of trakai coat of arms (Traku herbo riktas) / Ricardas Vainora
In: Phillit 1999 ; no. 20. - p. 9
[About: plate error Mi. 674, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Plate error of Sc #611 (Mi. 676 Klises klaida) / Antanas Jankauskas
In: Phillit 2001 ; no. 25. - p. 7
[About: plate error of Mi. 676 (=Scott 611), bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Plate errors (Klisiu klaidos) / Ricardas Vainora
In: Phillit 2001 ; no. 27. - p. 14
[About: plate errors issue Mi. 678, 646, and 667, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Plate error - "wounded" P. Klimas (Riktas - "suzeistas" P. Klimas) / Gediminas Karpavicius
In: Phillit 1999 ; no. 20. - p. 8
[About: plate error of Mi. 687, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Variant of no 687 (Nr. 687 variantas) / Vytautas Pletkus
In: Phillit 2003 ; no. 33. - p. 17
[About: Mi. 687, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Two kinds of paper (no 696-7) (Dvi popieriaus rusys nr. 696-7) / Antanas Jankauskas
In: Phillit 1999 ; no. 20. - p. 9
[About: Mi. 696-697, issue May 8, 1999, 'Technical monuments. Windmills', bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Windmills : plate errors (Malunai : klisiu klaidos) / Vytautas Pletkus
In: Phillit 2001 ; no. 26. - p. 11
[About: Mi. 696 plate errors, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Een moderne vervalsing / Jan Kaptein
In: HBG 2009 ; 54. - p. 53
[About: Mi. 701: forgeries]
Addition: Terugkomen op / Jan Kaptein. - In: HBG 2015 ; 67. - p. 45
Stamps with coupons (Zenklai su kuponais)
In: Phillit 2001 ; no. 25. - p. 6
[About: issue Mi. 750, with coupon devoted to the events 13 january 1991. On the coupons; names of victims, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Vervalsingen / Jan Kaptein
In: HBG 2009 ; 55. - p. 20-21
[About: Mi. 770 forgeries and Mi. 404 forgeries]
{P, H, B}
Fireman coupons ("Gaisriniku"kuponai) / Petras Cerskis
In: Phillit 2002 ; no. 29. - p. 16-17
[About: issue Mi. 793, commemorating Vilnius Fire Station, issued 25 May 2002, printed in sheets with five different coupons, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Bedeurende Persönlichkeiten (Mi. 807-808) / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2003 ; nr. 19. - p. 1246-1247
[About: issue Mi. 807-808]
{P, H}
Ballonpost / Ricardas Vainora
In: Lituania 2003 ; nr. 20. - p. 1314
Also: Phillit 2003 ; no. 32. - p. 13, bilingual article Lithuanian-English
[About: issue concerning ballonpost (8-8-2003) and special postmark]
{P, H}
Ballonpost in Pociunai / Antanas Jankauskas
In: Lituania 2004 ; nr. 21. - p. 1406-1407
[About: issue concerning ballonpost (8-8-2003) and special postmark]
{P, H}
The way to a united Europe (Kelias I Europas sajunga)
In: Phillit 2004 ; no. 35. - p. 24
[About: Mi. 844-845: new European Community, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Die schönscte Briefmarke 2004 / Sonata indriulyte
In: Lituania 2005 ; nr. 24. - p. 48
[About: Mi. 845: chosen as most beautiful postage stamp of 2004]
{P, H}
Japanischer Konsul Chiune Sugihara / Witold Fugalewitsch
In: Lituania 2004 ; nr. 22. - p. 1478
[About: Mi. 848]
{P, H}
Chiune Sugihara - Gerechter unter den Völkern / Hirotaka Araki
In: Baltikum 2018 ; Nr. 5. - p. 59-60
[About: Chiune Sugihara, Japanese consul in Kaunas, saved 6,000 Jews, together with the Dutch consul Jan Zwartendijk. Lithuania Mi. 848 with picture of Chiune Sugihara, Japan Mi. 2924]
Zydai Lietuvoje : Joden in Litouwen / Jan Kaptein, E. Jasiunas
In: HBG 2003 ; 42. - p. 30-40
Addition in HBG 2019 ; 75. - p. 40-41: Jan Zwartendijk and Chiune Sugihara (Mi. 848), as consuls in Kaunas 1941 they have rescued many Jews
[About: based on the article above, but with many extentions, additional illustrations and new information.]
{P, H, B}
A new curiosity (Naujas kuriozas) / Antanas Jankauskas
In: Phillit 2005 ; no. 37. - p. 18
[About: Mi. , Kaunas railway tunnel : situation on the stamp not correct, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Markenheftchen mit selbstklebenden Briefmarken / Leonas Verzbolauskas
In: Lituania 2005 ; nr. 24. - p. 46
[About: Mi. 866-867: self-adhesive]
{P, H}
Neue Dauerserie der litauischen Postverwaltung / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2007 ; nr. 27. - p. 38-40
[About: Mi. 921-926]
Vytautas Jonynas / Olav Petri
In: HBG 2022 ; 81. - p. 45
[About: Mi. 928: Vytautas Jonynas, artist and designer of German and Vatican postage stamps]
Neuauflage der Ergänzungs-Werte der Dauerserien / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2009 ; nr. 32. - p. 28
[About: Mi. 923 II, 924 II with year 2009 and 955 II, 956 II, 958 II also with year 2009]
Ergänzungswerte zur neuen Dauerserie / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2007 ; nr. 28. - p. 46-47
[About: Mi. 944-948]
Neue Dauerserie / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2008 ; nr. 29/30. - p. 36-37
[About: Mi. 954-959, new franking postage stamps, with wooden churches of Lithuania]
{P, H}
Neuauflage der Ergänzungs-Werte der Dauerserien / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2009 ; nr. 32. - p. 28
[About: Mi. 923 II, 924 II with year 2009 and 955 II, 956 II, 958 II also with year 2009]
Gemeinschaftsausgabe höchste staatliche Auszeichnungen / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2009 ; nr. 32. - p. 24-27
[About: Mi. 965-967]
Klaida naujame Lietuvos zenkle (An error in a new Lithuanian stamp) / Riīardas Vainoras
In: Phillit 2008 ; no. 48. - p. 14
[About: Mi. 983, 400 year Virgin Mary in Siluva, issued 30 August 2008, bilingual article in Lithuanian-English]
Typenunterschiede bei Sondermarkenausgabe "World Wide Fund - Europäische Blauracke" / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2009 ; nr. 32. - p. 28
[About: Mi. 984-987, two types, World Wide Fund, issued 6 September 2008]
Zenklas "Galileo Galilejus" (Galileo Galilei" stamp) / Ričardas Vainora
In: Phillit 2009 ; no. 49. - p. 18
[About: Mi. 1006-1007, stamps issued 25-4-2009 , bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Het TiškeviČia paleis in Palanga / Polangen / Jan Kaptein
In: HBG 2016 ; 68. - p. 10-12
[About: the palace of count Tyszkiewicz in Polangen (Lithiuanian Palanga) tsaristic picture card, Soviet postal stationery and mi. 1009-1010 (2009) ]
{P, H, B}
Battle of Grunwald - 600 (Žalgirio Mūšiui-600) / Ričardas Vainora
In: Phillit 2010 ; no. 52. - p. 15
[About: Mi. 1041bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Ergänzungswerte Freimarkenserie Musikinstrumente / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2014; nr. 41 - p. 25
[About: issue postage stamps with instruments, 11 May 2013]
News from the Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pašto ženklai)
In: Phillit 2013 ; no. 61. - p. 2
[About: 'speculative issue' May 27 2013 (a 'souvenir sheet') , not sold to Lithuanian philatelists: no longer information new issues in Phillit, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Booklet swindle (Bukletų afera) / Ričardas Vainora
In: Phillit 2013 ; no. 62. - p. 2-3
[About: 'speculative issue' May 27 2013 (a 'souvenir sheet') , not sold to Lithuanian philatelists: more details, article in Lithuanian]
Naujausi Lietuvos Blokai (New miniature sheets) / Ričardas Vainora
In: LPS 2018 ; no. 247. - p. 22-24
[About: issues Blok 47 (issued 2013, Mi. 1122-1124), 55 (issued 2017, Mi. 1244-121246) and 61 (issued 2018). Miniature sheets, perforation]
Die erste Briefmarke Litauens mit Doppelwährung / Bernard Fels
In: Lituania 2014 ; nr. 41. - p. 44
[About: issue 12 July 2014: new issue postage stamp in Lit/centu, but also in euro]
{P, H}
Ergänzungswert Freimarkenserie "Hölzerne Glockentürme" / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2014 ; nr. 42. - p. 21
[About: additional issue 'Wooden bell towers', October 11, 2014, the wooden bell tower in Vabalninkas]
{P, H}
Neue Freimarkenserie nach Einführung des Euro in Litauen / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 1915 ; nr. 43. - p. 27-32
[About: new permanent stamps with the introduction of the Euro in Lithuania (January 1, 2015)]
Two types of the “Schilling” stamps (Dvi “Šilingo”laidos) / Ricardas Vainora
In: LPS 2016 ; no. 244. - p. 11
[About: Mi. 1179 (January 2, 2015): two types, article in Lithuanian and English]
Zwei Typen der "Schilling-Marke"Michel-Nr.. 1179 / Ricardas Vainora
In: Baltikum 2018 ; Nr. 5. - p. 65
[About: Mi. 1179 (January 2, 2015): two types]
Personalisierte Briefmarken in Litauen - ein neues Sammelgebiert? / Bernhard Fels
In: Baltikum 2017 ; 4. - p. 61-65
[About: 2015-2016: personalized stamps in Lithuania, new collecting-area?]
Naujausi Lietuvos Blokai (New miniature sheets) / Ričardas Vainora
In: LPS 2018 ; no. 247. - p. 22-24
[About: issues Blok 47 (issued 2013, Mi. 1122-1124), 55 (issued 2017, Mi. 1244-121246) and 61 (issued 2018). Miniature sheets, perforation]
Briefmarke für die Verteidiger der Freiheit der Ukraine / Bernhard Fels
In: Baltikum 2022 ; Nr. 14. - p. 52-57
[About: 2022, postage stamp for defenders of freedom of Ukraine]
Automat postage stamps
Oost-Europese automaatstroken / Eduard Bosmans, Johan Pasop en Jan Jansen
In: OEF 2001 (jrg. 19) ; Nr. 3. - p. 10-14
[About: automat postage stamps: introduction, technical, Latvia, Romania, Lithuania, Czech Republic, in the catalogs, article in Dutch]
New covers, cards, parcel boxes: official issued
postal stationeries
Tadas Kosciuška - Thaddeus Kosciuszko / Balys Sriubas
In: LPS 1994 ; no. 1 (217). - p. 34-35
[About: Thaddeus Kosciuszko, leader of the 1794 uprising by Lithuania and Poland: official envelope and a cancel commemorating aniversary, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
Aerogramm / Ricardas Vainora
In: Lituania 1998 ; nr. 10. - p. 615
Aerogramme / Antanas Burkus
In: Lituania 2001 ; nr. 16. - p. 1028-1029
[About: new aerograms]
{P, H}
Aerogramos Lietuvoje / Ricardas Vainora
In: LPS 1998 ; no. 2 (224). - p. 50-51
[About: Lithuanian aerogram 1998, article in Lithuanian]
Zwei neue Aerogramme / Ricardas Vainora
In: Lituania 2002 ; nr. 18. - p. 1169
[About: two new aerograms]
{P, H}
Lithuanian non-stamped envelopes catalogue (Lietuvos Respublikos nezenklinti pasto meniniai vokai. Katalogas) / Jonas Naciunas
Review in: Phillit 2003 ; no. 32. - p. 26
[About: catalog, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Nauji licenciniai vokai (New licensed covers) / Ričardas Vainora
In: Phillit 2011 ; no. 56. - p. 16-18
[About: JSC and JSC -these companies buy gold ..- together with Lithuanian Post have issued special envelope: may be sent to the firms without payment, article in Lithuanian with short notice in English]
New prepaid parcel boxes (Naujos apmokėtų pašto siuntų dėžutės) / Ričardas Vainora
In: Phillit 2010 ; no. 54. - p. 13-17
[About: prepaid parcel boxes, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
(Officielle) Weihnachts-postsachen / Witold Fugalewitsch
In: Lituania 2001 ; nr. 15. - p. 937
[About: official Christmas-covers with special cancellation]
{P, H}
News from Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pasto zenklai)
In: Phillit 2001 ; no. 27. - p. 2-4
[About: three aerogramme and other issues 2001 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
News from Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pasto zenklai) : postal stationery cards (zenklinai atvirukai) Aerogrammes (Aerogramos)
In: Phillit 2002 ; no. 29. - p. 3
[About: new issues postal stationery cars and aerogramme 2002 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Ganzsache "Schützt den Wald" / Leonas Verzbolauskas
In: Lituania 2005 ; nr. 24. - p. 47
[About: postcard, postal stationery, issued 19 March 2005: 'protect the forest']
{P, H}
Zwei neue Aerogramme / Ricardas Vainora
In: Lituania 2002 ; nr. 18. - p. 1169
[About: two new aerograms]
{P, H}
Ganzsachen : neues Aerogramm der litauischen Post AG / Leonas Veržbolauskas
In: Lituania 2008 ; nr. 29/30. - p. 35
[About: new aerogramme, picture of hill of crosses]
{P, H}
Šiauliai post card (Šiaulių pašto atvirukas) / Ričardas Vainora
In: Phillit 2010 ; no. 54. - p. 19
[About: postcard produced exhibition of achievements in business Šiauliai 2010 with co-operation of Lithuanian post, it looks like an official issue, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Weihnachtsganzsachen der Litauischen Post AG / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2012 ; nr. 37. - p. 38-40
[About: Chrismas 2011: new postcards with imprinted stamp]
Two new postcards (Du nauji pašto atvirukai) / Ričardas Vainora
In: Phillit 2012 ; no. 59. - p. 15-16
[About: two new postcards issued biy the post, but without stamp, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
News from the Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pašto ženklai)
In: Phillit 2012 ; no. 60. - p. 2-4
[About: issues 2012 and stamped postcards 2011 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Ganzsachen mit Weihnachtsmotiv 2012 / Bernard Fels
In: Lituania 2013 ; nr. 39. - p. 39-41
[About: Lithuanian new issues with topic Christmas 2012]
{P, H}
Weihnachtsganzsachen 2013/ Bernard Fels
In: Lituania 2014; nr. 41- p. 26-28
[About: Lithuanian new issues with topic Christmas 2013]
{P, H}
Umschlag mit Weihnachtsmotiv / Sigita Čiuladaitė
In: Lituania 2014; nr. 41- p. 28
[About: cover with topic Christmas for the employees of Lithuanian post]
{P, H}
Belege zu Weinachten 2014 / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 1915 ; nr. 43. - p. 35
[About: postal stationery Christmas 2014]
New covers: privately issued
Lithuanian non-stamped envelopes catalogue (Lietuvos Respublikos nezenklinti pasto meniniai vokai. Katalogas) / Jonas Naciunas
Review in: Phillit 2003 ; no. 32. - p. 26
[About: catalog, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Private covers (Privatus vokai) / J. Variakojis
In: LPS 1997 ; no. 1 & 2 (223). - p. 75-76
[About: special envelopes 1996-1997, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
Private covers (Privatus vokai) / J. Variakojis
In: LPS 1998 ; no. 1 (223). - p. 42-44
[About: special envelopes 1997-1998, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
Private covers (Privatus vokai) / J. Variakojis
In: LPS 1998 ; no. 2 (224). - p. 63-65
[About: special envelopes 1998, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
Cachets by A. Jankauskas showing monuments of Darius and Girenas (Dail. A. Jankausko Dariaus ir Gireno paminklu vokai)
In: LPS 1998 ; no. 2 (224). - p. 66-67
[About: special envelopes designed by Antanas Jankauskas, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
Privately issued covers (Privaciai isleisti vokai) / J. Variakojis
In: LPS 1999 ; no. 1 (225). - p. 82-83
[About: special envelopes 1999, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
Privately issued covers (Privaciai isleisti vokai) / J. Variakojis
In: LPS 1999 ; no. 2 (226). - p. 38-39
[About: special envelopes 1999-2000, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
Sports postcards (Sporto zaidyniu atvirukai) / J. Variakojis
In: LPS 1995 ; no. 2 (220). - p. 54-55
[About: special envelopes -World Lithuanian Sports games 1995 - designed by Antanas Jankauskas, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
Privately issued covers (Privaciai isleisti vokai) / J. Variakojis
In: LPS 2000 ; no. 1-2 (227). - p. 80-81
[About: special envelopes 2000, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
(Private) Weinachts-postsachen / Witold Fugalewitsch
In: Lituania 2001 ; nr. 15. - p. 936
[About: private Christmas-covers with special cancelletion]
{P, H}
Privately issued covers (Privaciai isleisti vokai) / J. Variakojis
In: LPS 2001 ; no. 1 (228). - p. 61-63
[About: special envelopes 2001, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
Privately issued covers (Privaciai isleisti vokai) / J. Variakojis
In: LPS 2001 ; no. 2 (229). - p. 56
[About: special envelopes 2001, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
Privately issued covers (Privaciai isleisti vokai) / J. Variakojis
In: LPS 2002 ; no. 1 (230). - p. 63
[About: special envelopes 2002, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
Privately issued covers (Privaciai isleisti vokai) / J. Variakojis
In: LPS 2002 ; no. 2 (231). - p. 42
[About: special envelopes 2002-2003, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
Cachets of easter and Christmas postal envelopes in 2002 (2002 Metais isleistu velykiniu ir kalediniu pasto voku piesiniai)
In: LPS 2002 ; no. 2 (231). - p. 41
[About: special cachets, not FDC, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
Cachets of easter and Christmas postal envelopes issued in 2003 (2003 Metais isleistu velykiniu ir kalediniu pasto voku piesiniai)
In: LPS 2003 ; no. 1 & 2 (232). - p. 53-54
[About: special cachets, not FDC, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
Privately issued covers (Privaciai isleisti vokai) / J. Variakojis
In: LPS 2003 ; no. 1 & 2 (232). - p. 56
[About: special envelopes 2003-2004, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
Privately issued covers (Privaciai isleisti vokai) / J. Variakojis
In: LPS 2004 ; no. 1 & 2 (233). - p. 41-43
[About: special envelopes 2004-2005, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
"Air Policing" und "Persistent Presence" - Schirm und Schutz im Baltikum / Thomas Löbbering
In: Baltikum 2017 ; 3. - p. 28-30
[About: special covers (with additional cachets) of German army-units -NATO air policing- in the Baltic countries]
New issues
Postage stamps of the independendent Republic of Lithuania / by Andrew Kapochunas
Part III. - In: BLPSNY 1991 ; 161. - p. 9116
Part IV. - In: BLPSNY 1991 ; 162. - p. 9136
Part V. - In: BLPSNY 1992 ; 164. - p. 9168-9173
Part VI. - In: BLPSNY 1992 ; 165. - p. 9187-9195
Part VII. - In: BLPSNY 1992 ; 166. - p. 9206-9209
New postage stamps of Lithuania / by Andrew Kapochunas
Part VIII. - In: BLPSNY 1993 ; 167. - p. 9229-9232
Part IX. - In: BLPSNY 1994 ; 168. - p. 9247-9252
Part X. - In: BLPSNY 1994 ; 169. - p. 9276-9279
Part XI. - In: BLPSNY 1994 ; 170. - p. 9285-9288
Part XII. - In: BLPSNY 1995 ; 172. - p. 9326-9331
Part XIII. - In: BLPSNY 1995 ; 174. - p. 9365-9371
Part XIV. - In: BLPSNY 1996 ; 175. - p. 9385-9390
Part XV. - In: BLPSNY 1996 ; 176. - p. 9408
Part XVI. - In: BLPSNY 1996 ; 177. - p. 9433-9438
Part XVII. - In: BLPSNY 1997 ; 178. - p. 9457-9466
Geplande uitgaven Litouwen 1994/1995
In: HBG 1994 ; 25. - p. 39
[About: planned issues 1994/1995]
Litauische Neuheiten-Ausgaben (1994) / zusammengestellt von Pranas Kazlauskas
In: Lituania 1994 ; nr. 1. - p. 5
[About: new issues of Lithuania 1994]
Lietuviskos filatelines veiklos apzvalga / [Jonas Variakojis]
In: LPS 1995 ; no. 1 (219). - p. 3-6
[About: issues 1995, article in Lithuanian]
Lietuviskos filatelines veiklos apzvalga / Jonas Variakojis
In: LPS 1995 ; no. 2 (220). - p. 5-7
[About: issues 1995, article in Lithuanian]
New issues (Paskutiniuoju metu Lietuvoje isleisti vokai, pasto zenklai ir antspaudai) / Jonas Variakojis
In: LPS 1996 ; no. 1& 2 (221). - p. 52-61
[About: issues 1995-1996, postal envelopes and special cancels, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
Briefmarken - Neuheiten / Pranas Kazlauskas
In: Lituania 1996 ; nr. 6. - p. 304-308
Briefmarken - Neuheiten (1996-1997) / Pranas Kazlauskas
In: Lituania 1997 ; nr. 7. - p. 376-377
Recent postage stamp issues of Lithuania, continued from bulletin #221 (Pastaruoju metu Lietuvoje isleisti pasto zenklai) / J. Variakojis
In: LPS 1997 ; no. 1& 2 (222). - p. 57-62
[About: issues 1996-1997, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
Voraussichtliche Neuheiten-Ausgaben 1997
In: Lituania 1996 ; nr. 6. - p. 309
Briefmarken - Neuheiten (1997) / Pranas Kazlauskas
In: Lituania 1997 ; nr. 8. - p. 454-458
Briefmarken - Neuheiten (1997) / zusammengestellt von Witold Fugalewitsch
In: Lituania 1998 ; nr. 9. - p. 519
[About: stamps, new issues 1997]
Briefmarken - Neuheiten (1997-1998) / Witold Fugalewitsch
In: Lituania 1998 ; nr. 10. - p. 589-591
[About: stamps, new issues 1997-1998]
Recent postage stamp issues of Lithuania, continued from bulletin 222 (Pastaruoju metu Lietuvoje isleisti pasto zenklai) / J. Variakojis
In: LPS 1998 ; no. 1 (223). - p. 28-30
[About: issues 1997-1998, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
News from Baltic countries (Baltijos saliu naujienos)
In: Phillit 1998 ; no. 17. - p. 2-5
[About: issues 1998 of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
News from Baltic countries (Baltijos saliu naujienos)
In: Phillit 1998 ; no. 18. - p. 2-4
[About: issues 1998 of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Recent postage stamp issues of Lithuania, continued from journal 223 (Pastaruoju metu Lietuvoje isleisti pasto zenklai) / J. Variakojis
In: LPS 1998 ; no. 2 (224). - p. 46-49
[About: issues 1998, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
Briefmarken - Neuheiten (1998-1999) / Witold Fugalewitsch
In: Lituania 1999 ; nr. 11. - p. 664-666
[About: stamps, new issues 1998-1999]
Briefmarken - Neuheiten (1998-1999) / Witold Fugalewitsch
In: Lituania 1999 ; nr. 12. - p. 727-729
[About: stamps, new issues 1998-1999]
News from Baltic countries (Baltijos saliu naujienos)
In: Phillit 1999 ; no. 19. - p. 2-4
[About: issues 1998-1999 of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Briefmarken - Neuheiten (1999) / Witold Fugalewitsch
In: Lituania 2000 ; nr. 13. - p. 794-797
[About: stamps, new issues 1999]
News from Baltic countries (Baltijos saliu naujienos)
In: Phillit 1999 ; no. 20. - p. 2-5
[About: issues 1999 of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
News from Baltic countries (Baltijos saliu naujienos)
In: Phillit 1999 ; no. 21. - p. 12-14
[About: issues 1999 of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Recent postage stamp issues of Lithuania, continued from journal 224 (Pastaruoju metu Lietuvoje isleisti pasto zenklai) / J. Variakojis
In: LPS 1999 ; no. 1 (225). - p. 68-72
[About: issues 1999, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
Lithuanian post plan for 2000 (Lietuvos pasto planas 2000)
In: Phillit 1999 ; no. 21. - p. 10
[About: issues 2000, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
News from Lithuania (Naujienos is Lietuvos)
In: Phillit 2000 ; no. 22. - p. 16
[About: issues 1999-2000 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Recent postage stamp issues of Lithuania, continued from journal 225 (Pastaruoju metu Lietuvoje isleisti pasto zenklai) / J. Variakojis
In: LPS 1999 ; no. 2 (226). - p. 32-33
[About: issues 1999-2000, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
Automatenmarken / Ricardas Vainora
In: Lituania 2000 ; nr. 13. - p. 799
[About: automaton-stamps]
News from Lithuanian post office (Lietuvos nauji pasto zenklai)
In: Phillit 2000 ; no. 23. - p. 1-2
[About: issues 2000 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
News from Lithuanian post office (Lietuvos nauji pasto zenklai)
In: Phillit 2000 ; no. 24. - p. 2-3
[About: issues 2000 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Neuheiten auf FDC / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2000 ; nr. 14. - p. 861-864
[About: Lithuanian new issues and FDC and First-Day-cancellations]
Recent postage stamp issues of Lithuania, continued from journal 226 (Pastaruoju metu Lietuvoje isleisti pasto zenklai) / J. Variakojis
In: LPS 2000 ; no. 1-2 (227). - p. 68-72
[About: issues 2000, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
Papildant informacija apie 2000 metu zenklus (Supplemental information about 2000 stamps) / Ricardas Vainora
In: LPS 2000 ; no. 1-2 (227). - p. 42-43
[About: re-issue 10c and 20 c. of 3 january 2000, and vending machine stamps of january 1 2000, article in Lithuanian with short English summary]
Neuheiten auf FDC : 2000-2001 / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2001 ; nr. 15. - p. 930-934
[About: Lithuanian new issues and FDC and First-Day-cancellations]
{P, H}
News from Lithuanian post office (Lietuvos nauji pasto zenklai)
In: Phillit 2001 ; no. 25. - p. 2
[About: issues 2000-2001 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
News from Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pasto zenklai)
In: Phillit 2001 ; no. 26. - p. 2-3
[About: issues 2001 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Neuheiten auf FDC (2001) / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2001 ; nr. 16. - p. 1017-1020
[About: Lithuanian new issues and FDC and First-Day-cancellations]
{P, H}
Recent postage stamp issues of Lithuania, continued from journal 227 (Pastaruoju metu Lietuvoje isleisti pasto zenklai) / J. Variakojis
In: LPS 2001 ; no. 1 (228). - p. 52-54
[About: issues 2001, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
Recent postage stamp issues of Lithuania, continued from journal 228 (Pastaruoju metu Lietuvoje isleisti pasto zenklai) / J. Variakojis
In: LPS 2001 ; no. 2 (229). - p. 48-49
[About: issues 2001, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
News from Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pasto zenklai)
In: Phillit 2001 ; no. 27. - p. 2-4
[About: issues 2001 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Neuheiten auf FDC (2001) / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2002 ; nr. 17. - p. 1096-1100
[About: Lithuanian new issues and FDC and First-Day-cancellations2001-2002]
{P, H}
Werbeblatt zum 750. Gründungsjahr von Memel / Ricardas Vainora
In: Lituania 2002 ; nr. 18. - p. 1163
[About: special issue 750 year Memel and special cancellation]
{P, H}
Commemorative issues of Lithuanian planned for 2002 (2002 M. Meniniu pasto zenklu leidybos planas)
In: Phillit 2001 ; no. 26. - p. 3
[About: issues 2002 planned, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
News from Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pasto zenklai)
In: Phillit 2002 ; no. 28. - p. 2-3
[About: issues 2002 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
News from Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pasto zenklai)
In: Phillit 2002 ; no. 29. - p. 2-3
[About: issues 2002 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
News from Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pasto zenklai)
In: Phillit 2002 ; no. 30. - p. 2
[About: issues 2002 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Recent postage stamp issues of Lithuania, continued from journal 229 (Pastaruoju metu Lietuvoje isleisti pasto zenklai) / J. Variakojis
In: LPS 2002 ; no. 1 (230). - p. 52-55
[About: issues 2002, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
Neuheiten auf FDC (2002/2003) / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2003 ; nr. 19. - p. 1237-1242
[About: Lithuanian new issues and FDC and First-Day-cancellations2002-2003]
{P, H}
Recent postage stamp issues of Lithuania, continued from journal 230 (Pastaruoju metu Lietuvoje isleisti pasto zenklai) / J. Variakojis
In: LPS 2002 ; no. 2 (231). - p. 35-36
[About: issues 2002-2003, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
Commemorative issues planned for 2003 (2003 M. Meniniu pasto zenklu leidybos planas)
In: Phillit 2002 ; no. 29. - p. 4
[About: issues 2003 planned, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Voraussichtliche Neuheiten - Ausgaben 2003 / Ricardas Vainora
In: Lituania 2003 ; nr. 19. - p. 1245
[About: planned issues 2003]
{P, H}
Neuheiten auf FDC (2003) / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2003 ; nr. 20. - p. 1307-1310
[About: Lithuanian new issues and FDC and First-Day-cancellations 2003]
{P, H}
Europapark / Witold Fugalewitsch
In: Lituania 2004 ; nr. 21. - p. 1389
[About: postal stationery postcard 'Europapark' , issued 29-11-2003]
{P, H}
Recent postage stamp issues of Lithuania, continued from journal 231 (Pastaruoju metu Lietuvoje isleisti pasto zenklai) / J. Variakojis
In: LPS 2003 ; no. 1 & 2 (232). - p. 41-44
[About: issues 2003, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
News from Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pasto zenklai)
In: Phillit 2003 ; no. 31. - p. 2-3
[About: issues 2003 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
News from Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pasto zenklai)
In: Phillit 2003 ; no. 32. - p. 2-3
[About: issues 2003 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
News from Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pasto zenklai)
In: Phillit 2003 ; no. 33. - p. 2-3
[About: issues 2003 of Lithuania, stamps and a postal stationery card, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Neuheiten - Ausgaben 2004
In: Lituania 2003 ; nr. 20. - p. 1311
[About: planned issues 2004]
{P, H}
Commemorative issues planned for 2004 (2004 M. Meniniu pasto zenklu leidybos planas)
In: Phillit 2003 ; no. 33. - p. 6
[About: issues 2004 planned, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Neuheiten auf FDC (2003/2004) / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2004 ; nr. 21. - p. 1385-1388
[About: Lithuanian new issues and FDC and First-Day-cancellations 2003-2004]
{P, H}
News from Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pasto zenklai)
In: Phillit 2004 ; no. 34. - p. 2-3
[About: issues 2004 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
News from Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pasto zenklai)
In: Phillit 2004 ; no. 35. - p. 2-3
[About: issues 2004 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
News from Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pasto zenklai)
In: Phillit 2004 ; no. 36. - p. 2-4
[About: issues 2004 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Neuheiten auf FDC (2004) / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2004 ; nr. 22. - p. 1466-1472
[About: Lithuanian new issues and FDC and First-Day-cancellations 2004]
{P, H}
Neuheiten auf FDC 2004 : 2. Teil / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2005 ; nr. 23. - p. 2-3
[About: Lithuanian new issues and FDC and First-Day-cancellations 2004]
{P, H}
Recent postage stamp issues of Lithuania, continued from journal 232 (Pastaruoju metu Lietuvoje isleisti pasto zenklai) / J. Variakojis
In: LPS 2004 ; no. 1 & 2 (233). - p. 25-30
[About: issues 2004-2005, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
New issues 2005-.....
Recent postage stamp issues of Lithuania, continued from journal 233 (Pastaruoju metu Lietuvoje isleisti pasto zenklai) / J. Variakojis
In: LPS 2005 ; no. 1 & 2 (234). - p. 64-67
[About: issues 2005, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
Neuheiten - Ausgaben 2005
In: Lituania 2004 ; nr. 22. - p. 1473
[About: planned issues 2005]
{P, H}
Neuheiten auf FDC 2005 1. Halbjahr / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2005 ; nr. 24. - p. 43-45
[About: Lithuanian new issues and FDC and First-Day-cancellations 2005]
{P, H}
Markenheftchen mit selbstklebenden Briefmarken / Leonas Verzbolauskas
In: Lituania 2005 ; nr. 24. - p. 46
[About: Mi. 866-867: self-adhesive]
{P, H}
Commemorative issues planned for 2005 (2005 M. Meniniu pasto zenklu leidybos planas)
In: Phillit 2004 ; no. 35. - p. 4
[About: issues 2005 planned, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
News from Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pasto zenklai)
In: Phillit 2005 ; no. 37. - p. 2-3
[About: issues 2005 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
News from Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pasto zenklai)
In: Phillit 2005 ; no. 38. - p. 2-3
[About: issues 2005 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
News from Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pasto zenklai)
In: Phillit 2005 ; no. 39. - p. 2
[About: issues 2005 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Neuheiten auf FDC 2005 2. / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2006 ; nr. 25. - p. 32-36
[About: Lithuanian new issues and FDC and First-Day-cancellations 2005, part 2]
{P, H}
News from Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pasto zenklai)
In: Phillit 2006 ; no. 40. - p. 2-4
[About: issues 2006 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
News from Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pasto zenklai)
In: Phillit 2006 ; no. 41. - p. 2-4
[About: issues 2006 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Neuausgaben auf FDC 2006 1. Halbjahr / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2006 ; nr. 26. - p. 45-48
[About: Lithuanian new issues and FDC and First-Day-cancellations 2006, part 1]
{P, H}
News from Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pasto zenklai)
In: Phillit 2006 ; no. 42. - p. 2-3
[About: issues 2006 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Recent postage stamp issues of Lithuania, continued from journal 234 (Pastaruoju metu Lietuvoje isleisti pasto zenklai) / J. Variakojis
In: LPS 2006-2007 ; no. 1 & 2 (235). - p. 19-24
[About: issues 2006=2007, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
Commemorative issues planned for 2006 (2006 M. Meniniu pasto zenklu leidybos planas)
In: Phillit 2005 ; no. 37. - p. 4
[About: issues 2006 planned, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Ausgabeprogramm der litauischen Postverwaltung 2006 ( )
In: Lituania 2005 ; nr. 24. - p. 49
[About: issues 2006 planned]
{P, H}
Neuausgaben auf FDC 2006 2. Halbjahr / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2007 ; nr. 27. - p. 41-43
[About: Lithuanian new issues and FDC and First-Day-cancellations 2006, part 2]
{P, H}
Ausgabeprogramm der litauischen Postverwaltung 2007 ( )
In: Lituania 2006 ; nr. 25. - p. 39
[About: issues 2007 planned]
{P, H}
Commemorative issues planned for 2007 (2007 M. Meniniu pasto zenklu leidybos planas)
In: Phillit 2006 ; no. 41. - p. 25
[About: issues 2007 planned, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Recent postage stamp issues of Lithuania, continued from journal 235 (Pastaruoju metu Lietuvoje išleisti pašto ženklai) / J. Variakojis
In: LPS 2007 ; no. 236. - p. 27-28
[About: issues 2007, article bilingual English-Lithuanian]
Neuausgaben auf FDC 2007 1. Halbjahr / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2007 ; nr. 28. - p. 43-45
[About: Lithuanian new issues and FDC and First-Day-cancellations 2007, part 1]
{P, H}
News from Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pasto zenklai)
In: Phillit 2007 ; no. 43. - p. 2-5
[About: issues 2007 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
News from Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pasto zenklai)
In: Phillit 2007 ; no. 44. - p. 2-3
[About: issues 2007 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
News from Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pasto zenklai)
In: Phillit 2007 ; no. 45. - p. 2-4
[About: issues 2007 of Lithuania and chrismas 2006, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Neuausgaben auf FDC 2007 2. Halbjahr / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2008 ; nr. 29/30. - p. 38-42
[About: Lithuanian new issues and FDC and First-Day-cancellations 2007, part 2]
{P, H}
Die schࡢnste Briefmarke 2007 / Raminta Kerpiskytė
In: Lituania 2009 ; nr. 31. - p. 24-25
[About: most beautiful postage stamp of 2007]
{P, H}
Issue plan for 2008 (2008 metu pasto zenklu leidybos planas
In: Phillit 2007 ; no. 45. - p. 26
[About: issue plan 2008, bilingual article in Lithuanian-English]
News from Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pasto zenklai)
In: Phillit 2008 ; no. 46. - p. 2-4
[About: issues 2007-2008 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Litauische Post AG - Ausgabeprogramm 2008 / Jūrate Samuitytė
In: Lituania 2007 ; nr. 28. - p. 49
[About: issues 2008 planned]
{P, H}
Neue Dauerserie / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2008 ; nr. 29/30. - p. 36-37
[About: new franking postage stamps, with wooden churches of Lithuania]
{P, H}
Neuausgaben auf FDC 2008 / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2009 ; nr. 31. - p. 26-40
[About: Lithuanian new issues and FDC and First-Day-cancellations 2008]
{P, H}
News from Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pasto zenklai)
In: Phillit 2008 ; no. 47. - p. 2-7
[About: issues 2008 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
News from Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pasto zenklai)
In: Phillit 2008 ; no. 48. - p. 2-4
[About: issues 2008 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Lietuvoje išleisti 2008 metų pašto ženklai (2008 postage stamp issues of Lithuania / J. Variakojis
In: LPS 2008-2009 ; no. 237. - p. 94-99
[About: new issues 2008, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Neuheiten auf FDC 2009 1. Halbjahr / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2009 ; nr. 32. - p. 30-33
Beschreibung der Neuheiten 2009 1. Halbjahr. - p. 34-41
[About: Lithuanian new issues and FDC and First-Day-cancellations 2009, part 1]
{P, H}
Neuheiten auf FDC 2009 2. Halbjahr / Viktoras Kirilovas
In: Lituania 2010 ; nr. 33. - p. 44-47
Beschreibung der Neuheiten 2009 2. Halbjahr. - p. 47-51
[About: Lithuanian new issues and FDC and First-Day-cancellations 2009, part 2]
{P, H}
News from Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pasto zenklai)
In: Phillit 2009 ; no. 49. - p. 2-6
[About: issues 2009 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
News from Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pasto zenklai)
In: Phillit 2009 ; no. 50. - p. 2-5
[About: issues 2009 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
News from Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pasto zenklai)
In: Phillit 2009 ; no. 51. - p. 2-4
[About: issues 2009 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
New issues 2010-.....
Planned issues 2010 (2010 metu planas)
In: Phillit 2009 ; no. 50. - p. 21-22
[About: planned issues 2010, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Ausgabeprogramm 2010 / Raminta Kerpiškytė
In: Lituania 2009 ; nr. 32. - p. 48
[About: planned issues 2010]
{P, H}
News from the Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pašto ženklai)
In: Phillit 2010 ; no. 52. - p. 2-4
Additional information: p. 4-5
[About: issues 2010 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
News from the Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pašto ženklai)
In: Phillit 2010 ; no. 53. - p. 2-4
Additional information: p. 5-6
[About: issues 2010 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
News from the Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pašto ženklai)
In: Phillit 2010 ; no. 54. - p. 2-3
Additional information: p. 3-4
[About: issues 2010 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Neuheiten auf FDC 2010 1. Halbjahr / Bernhard Fels, Viktoras Kirilovas
In: Lituania 2010 ; nr. 34. - p. 34-38
Beschreibung der Neuheiten 2010 1. Halbjahr. - p. 38-45
[About: Lithuanian new issues and FDC and First-Day-cancellations 2010, part 1]
{P, H}
Neuausgaben auf FDC 2. Halbjahr 2010 / Bernhard Fels, Viktoras Kirilovas
In: Lituania 2011 ; nr. 35/36. - p. 39-48
Beschreibung der Neuheiten 2010 1. Halbjahr. - p. 38-45
[About: Lithuanian new issues and FDC and First-Day-cancellations 2010, part 2]
{P, H}
News from the Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pašto ženklai)
In: Phillit 2011 ; no. 55. - p. 2-4
Additional information: p. 4
[About: issues 2011 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
News from the Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pašto ženklai)
In: Phillit 2011 ; no. 56. - p. 2-4
Additional information: p. 4
[About: issues 2011 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Neue Ergänzungswerte der Dauerserien Sakrale Holzarchitektur und hölzerne Glockentürme / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2011 ; nr. 35/36. - p. 37-38
[About: additional issue - 8 January 2011- of permanent stamps: wooden churches]
{P, H}
Neuausgaben 2011 auf FDC / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2012 ; nr. 37. - p. 41-50
[About: Lithuanian new issues and FDC and First-Day-cancellations 2011]
{P, H}
News from the Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pašto ženklai)
In: Phillit 2011 ; no. 57. - p. 2-5
[About: issues 2011 of Lithuania, planned issues of 2012, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Ausgabeprogramm der Litauischen Post AG 2012 / Raminta Kerpiškytė
In: Lituania 2011 ; nr. 35/36. - p. 51
[About: planned issues 2012]
{P, H}
News from the Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pašto ženklai)
In: Phillit 2012 ; no. 58. - p. 2-4
[About: issues 2012 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Neuheiten auf FDC 1. Halbjahr 2012 / Viktoras Kirila
In: Lituania 2012 ; nr. 38. - p. 44-48
Beschreibung der Neuausgaben 2012 1. Halbjahr. - p. 49-53
[About: Lithuanian new issues and FDC and First-Day-cancellations 2012, part 1]
{P, H}
Neuheiten auf FDC 2012 2. Halbjahr / Viktoras Kirila
In: Lituania 2013 ; nr. 39. - p. 42-47
[About: Lithuanian new issues and FDC and First-Day-cancellations 2012, part 2]
{P, H}
Gemeinschaftausgabe - Eisenbahnbrücken / Bernard Fels
In: Lituania 2013 ; nr. 39. - p. 33-35
[About: common issue -2012- Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania: railway bridges, FDC's]
{P, H}
News from the Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pašto ženklai)
In: Phillit 2012 ; no. 59. - p. 2-3
[About: issues 2012 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
News from the Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pašto ženklai)
In: Phillit 2012 ; no. 60. - p. 2-4
[About: issues 2012 and stamped postcards 2011 of Lithuania, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
News from the Lithuanian post office (Nauji Lietuvos pašto ženklai)
In: Phillit 2013 ; no. 61. - p. 2
[About: 'speculative issue' May 27 2013 (a 'souvenir sheet') , not sold to Lithuanian philatelists: no longer information new issues in Phillit, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Booklet swindle (Bukletų afera) / Ričardas Vainora
In: Phillit 2013 ; no. 62. - p. 2-3
[About: 'speculative issue' May 27 2013 (a 'souvenir sheet') , not sold to Lithuanian philatelists: more details, article in Lithuanian]
2013 Metų paš ženkl........
In: Phillit 2012 ; no. 59. - p. 24
[About: planned issues 2013, bilingual Lithuanian-English]
Markenheftchen Europa-Ausgabe 2012 - Postautos / Bernard Fels
In: Lituania 2013 ; nr. 39. - p. 32
[About: Lithuanian new issue Europe 2013: sheet with stamps: post-cars]
{P, H}
Neuausgaben auf FDC 1. Halbjahr 2013 / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2013 ; nr. 40. - p. 35-47
[About: Lithuanian new issues and FDC and First-Day-cancellations 2013, part 1]
{P, H}
Neuausgaben auf FDC 2. Halbjahr 2013 / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2014 ; nr. 41. - p. 29-36
[About: Lithuanian new issues and FDC and First-Day-cancellations 2013, part 2]
{P, H}
Neuausgaben auf FDC 1. Halbjahr 2014 / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2014 ; nr. 42. - p. 22-35
[About: Lithuanian new issues and FDC and First-Day-cancellations 2014, part 1, maximum cards]
{P, H}
Ausgabeplan der Litauischen Post AG 2015 / [Bernhard Fels]
In: Lituania 2014 ; nr. 42. - p. 39-38
[About: planned issues 2015]
{P, H}
Neuausgaben 2. Halbjahr 2014 / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2015 ; nr. 43. - p. 36-39
[About: Lithuanian new issues and FDC and First-Day-cancellations 2014, part 2]
{P, H}
Naujausi Lietuvos Blokai (New miniature sheets) / Ričardas Vainora
In: LPS 2018 ; no. 247. - p. 22-24
[About: issues Blok 47, 55 and 61. Miniature sheets, perforation]
Designers 1990-.. Ontwerpers 1990-..
The artist Gedininas Pempe (Dailininkas Gediminas Pempe) / Vytis Vabalas, Leonas Veržbolauskas
In: Phillit 2007 ; no. 45. - p. 13-17
[About: stamp designer Pempe Gediminas (1921-2008), article in Lithuanian]
Forgeries 1990-..
Current events in the F.S.U. / Ivo Steyn
In: BJRP 1993 ; 74. - p. 23-34
[About: Kazachstan overview, Tartu perforated strips, forgeries of post-Soviet issues (also first LITHUANIAN stamps), coping with hyperinflation : postal stationery, coping with hyperinflation (?) : local issues, coping with hyperinflation (?) : revenge of the TRIDENTS, coping with hyperinflation : symbolic frankings]
Een moderne vervalsing / Jan Kaptein
In: HBG 2009 ; 54. - p. 53
[About: Mi. 701: forgeries]
Addition: Terugkomen op / Jan Kaptein. - In: HBG 2015 ; 67. - p. 45
Vervalsingen / Jan Kaptein
In: HBG 2009 ; 55. - p. 20-21
[About: Mi. 770 forgeries and Mi. 404 forgeries]
{P, H, B}
Postamt Prienai I - Stempelfälschung / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2014 ; nr. 42. - p. 20
[About: forgeries of postmark of post office Prienai I]
{P, H}
Postal rates 1990-..
Tariferhöhung der Litauischen Post für 2024 / Bernhard Fels
In: Baltikum 2024 ; 17. - p. 59-60
[About: postal rates: rate increase 2024]
Aktuelle Entwicklungen bei der litauischen Post: Aktivitäten - Postfilialen - neue Tarife - Stempelbesonderheiten / Bernhard Fels
In: Baltikum 2023 ; 16. - p. 58-64
[About: Current developments at the Lithuanian Post: Activities - Post Offices - New Tariffs - Postmark Features]
Een brief die niet kan / Sijtze Reurich
In: HBG 2009 ; 54. - p. 32-34
[About: issue of the first stamps, 7 october 1990, and the changing of postal rates on this day]
{P, H, B}
Gebührentarife / Ricardas Vainora / Viktoras Adomavicius
In: Lituania 1996 ; nr. 6. - p. 312-313
Pasto tarifai / Regina Maslauskiene, Pranas Kazukauskas
In: PFL 1993 ; 6. - p. 15-17
[About: postal rates 1991-1993, article in Lithuanian]
Neue Tarife der Litauischen Post AG / Bernhard Fels
In: Baltikum 2022 ; Nr. 14. - p. 52-54
[About: new postal rates 1 January 2022]
Posttarife (07.10.1990 - Dez. 1994) / zusammengestellt von Pranas Kazlauskas
In: Lituania 1994 ; nr. 2. - p. 62-75
[About: postal rates]
Neue Posttarife / [Zbignevas Steponavicius]
In: Lituania 1998 ; nr. 10. - p. 594-595
Neue Posttarife (gültig ab 01.01.2000) / [zugeschickt von Antanas Burkus]
In: Lituania 2000 ; nr. 13. - p. 800-801
[About: postage stamps and postage rates 2000]
Postzegels en posttarieven van Litouwen 1990-1993 / P. Kaslauskas
In: HBG 1993 ; 23. - p. 21-34
[About: postage stamps and postage rates 1990-1993]
New Lithuanian post tariffs (Nauji Lietuvos pasto tarifai)
In: Phillit 2000 ; no. 22. - p. 3
[About: new postal rates 1 january 2000, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Sammler fragen - Sammler antworten / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2002 ; nr. 17. - p. 1094-1095
[About: postal rates registered 2002, postmark money tranfer Soviet period]
{P, H}
Nauji lietuvos pasto tarifai (new tariffs)
In: Phillit 2007 ; no. 44. - p. 28-31
[About: new postal rates from 1 september 2007, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Neue Posttarife / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2007 ; nr. 28. - p. 37-40
[About: new postal rates 1 september 2007]
Einführung neuer Standards imBriefverkehr / Bernard Fels
In: Lituania 2014 ; nr. 41. - p. 42-43
[About: postal rates from 1 August 2014]
{P, H}
Postal stationery and formular cards (also overprinted Soviet)
Current events in the F.S.U. / Ivo Steyn
In: BJRP 1993 ; 74. - p. 23-34
[About: also Lithuania p. 27-28: forgeries of cover and first stamps]
{P, H}
EuroBasket 2011 / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2011 ; nr. 35/36. - p. 32
[About: Basketball European Championship in Lithuana: postcard-formular and special postmarks]
{P, H}
Internationale Antwortscheine (IAS) / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2009 ; nr. 31. - p. 22-23
[About: Coupon Response International]
{P, H}
Der Irrtum der UdSSR-Post / Pranas Kazlauskas
In: Lituania 1995 ; nr. 4. - p. 183
[About: postal rate in the transitional time-1990- : provisional stamp on postal stationary for foreign countries]
Ganzsachenumschläge für Briefwähler / Gernot Kaas
In: Lituania 1995 ; nr. 4. - p. 180-182
[About: postal stationary enveloppes for voters by letter]
Internationale Antwortscheine : Peking-Muster Typ 2 / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2006 ; nr. 26. - p. 42-44
[About: Postautomation: introduction 1 July 2006: new international reply coupon]
Lietuva - atgiminas - Angelas : Zenklintas vokas
In: PFL 2000 ; 48. - p. 64-68
[About: first Lithuanian postal stationery, article in Lithuanian]
Lithuania issues new envelope proclaiming its independence
In: LPS 1990 ; no. 2 (209). - p. 4. - Overprint from: Linn'stamps news
[About: first postal stationery]
A Lithuanian chronicle / assembled by Ivo Steyn
In: BJRP 1991 ; 70. - p. 58-68
[About: first cachets, postmark alterations, postal stationery, postage stamps]
Neue internationale Antwortscheine / Bernhard Fels
In: Lituania 2002 ; nr. 17. - p. 1101
[About: new international reply coupon]
{P, H}
Nieuwtjes uit Litouwen / Sijtze Reurich
In: HBG 1990 ; 16. - p. 46-48
[About: the first postmarks and issue (postal stationery) of the again independent Lithuania]
Nieuws uit Litouwen / AdB
In: HBG 1990 ; 17. - p. 23-30
[About: the first postmarks and issues (postal stationeries) of the again independent Lithuania]
Official, stamped postal stationery of the re-established Republic of Lithuania - Part III / by Andrew Kapochunas
In: BLPSNY 1992 ; 166. - p. 9214-9215
[About: survey]
Offizielle Schmuckumschläge (1990-1992) / (zusammengestellt von Pranas Kazlauskas)
In: Lituania 1996 ; nr. 5. - p. 229-232
[About: official decorated enveloppes]
Overprinted covers, 1990 (1990 M. kaune perkainoti vokai) / Ricardas Vainora
In: Phillit 2005 ; no. 37. - p. 5-6
[About: overprint Soviet postal stationeries, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Pirmasis pasto zenklas
In: FL 1990 ; 1(2). - p. 24
[About: first Lithuanian postal stationery, article in Lithuanian]
Postkarten - Ausstellung / Witold Fugalewitsch
In: Lituania 1999 ; nr. 12. - p. 741
[About: postcard-exhibition 1999, postcard with this theme]
Soviet postal stationery overprinted by Pašto ženklas, 1991-1992 Part 1 / by Andrew Kapochunas
In: BLPSNY 1994 ; 170. - p. 9295-9300
[About: survey]
Soviet postal stationery overprinted by Pašto ženklas, 1991-1992 Part II / by Andrew Kapochunas
In: BLPSNY 1995 ; 171. - p. 9306-9319
[About: survey, different types of overprints]
An update from Pasto Zenklas / by Andrew Kapochunas
In: BLPSNY 1992 ; 165. - p. 9199
[About: questions about the overprinted Soviet postal stationery: anwers of P. Rutkauskas, director of Pasto Zenklas]
Uzspaudas be nominalo / Ričardas Vainora
In: Phillit 2006 ; no. 42. - p. 28
[About: varieties of overprints 'Lietuvas pastas' on soviet stationery postcards, bilingual article Lithuanian-English]
Vokas "Kaunas. Laisves Paminklas" / Zbignevas Steponavicius
In: PFL 1996 ; 24. - p. 27-42
[About: the sovjet airmail postal stationery with picture of Kaunas Laisves Paminklas: overprint "Lietuvos respublikos nepriklausomybe..", article in Lithuanian]
Vorausbezahlte Päckchen / Ričardas Vainora
In: Lituania 2011 ; nr. 35/36. - p. 33-36
[About: 'postal stationaries': packages]
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